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Zack Turner Jan 2012
I walk in to a room
I sit in a chair
I look around the room
It's empty
I stand up
I leave

I walk in to a room
I sit in a chair
I look around the room
It's filled
I stand up
I leave

I walk in to a room
I sit in a chair
I look around the room
It's empty
I stay seated
I smile
I wrote this with a thought of mine in mind, and that is that, "everything isn't anything if nothing isn't something." It's always helpful to realize what the good in everything is
Zack Turner Jan 2012
It seems that life is filled with
Multiple measures of inexplicable gloom
One more plunge will bring
This long awaited doom

Diving fast
Head first
With no thoughts of regret

Bones are shaking
Heart is aching
Drops of sweat pierce my brow
As my eyes see the cement
That soon will be making
A prayer, a wish, and an escape
Become reality

No last thoughts
Please hurry this last fall
I want no new beginning
Don't leave me here to crawl
I'm tired of all of this
I want no part of it at all

So forget me fast
Like a week old sneeze
And let my soul dance away
In this lovely summer breeze
I wrote this when I was depressed after my senior year of highschool. Such a strange time of emotions. I'm much happier now.
Zack Turner Jan 2012
Wet pavement
Gray clouds
Speeding cars
Talking loud
Green light
Cars go
The crosswalk says no
Tennis ***** being smacked
Families begin to pack
Others walk upon the boards
Kids rebelling from their chores
Waves crash
Upon the sand
The gambler gets
His final hand
Gusts of wind
Consistently blow
Until the day
Of the first snow
It's far away
But I'm here now
Was home at once
Was home at now
Zack Turner Jan 2012
All that encompasses my survival of time
Are gloomy gray quiet nights
In this reoccurring winter of mine

As I fall upon the once trees
I relapse as I see
The solitary state of my life as I slowly freeze

Shivers slash my system as swords did once ago
While this quiet evening storm continues to grow

As I forget about my apathy
And the vacancy of tang in my life
Culmination is conceived
By the fine edge of this knife
Zack Turner Jan 2012
Wander wide, far, from few
Release thy armaments
The world is welcoming
Zack Turner Jan 2012
Turn the page, and let it fall
As though there were nothing to stop it
Which is true, it's only
Needs to be convinced
That once your fingers release their grasp
The weight of the page
Will cause it fall like the ones before
Zack Turner Jan 2012
So bittersweet is this nectar
Dripping from your eyes or lips
Cascading down upon my own
Making a full eclipse

It moves just as it breathes
Vacillating in all respects
So shiny and dull, the screaming, a lull
How well it does reflect

The time it seems to take to see
Is half of what its worth
To live again, so precious yes
The knowledge is the birth
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