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Zack Turner Jan 2012
Abandon them
To remain in a flux of their own cause
Standing still
Looking for the sign
A weakness
From which they will thrive and flourish

Let them die
To the rhythm of your intellect
Collapsing the pores from which they breathe
Reminding them
That they are not real
I wrote this in reference to how one's mind can take control over your ability to manage and rationalize thoughts, where the only way to get past the thoughts is to let them die, and to then move on.
Zack Turner Jan 2012
Sometimes there's nothing
To see, to feel, to hear
Which announces reality
Clear, asking only to exist
And it is this that perturbs the mind so
I wrote this after a day when nothing really seemed to feel right, and it was as though I was looking for something to fill a void of emotion, when really the only thing that would correct the situation would be for me to realize that there was nothing that I needed other than that which was already existing. Too often it seems that we humans look for something to create or guide our happiness/state of self, when the only thing that is needed is yourself, free of all things external.
Zack Turner Jan 2012
See what's real
Remember to smile
What's bad is created
So it can deconstruct

Leave the excess behind
Your mind is your sanctuary
Worship within as you do in public
Realize, refocus, recenter
Wrote this thinking about my actions during the day and how they could have been improved
Zack Turner Jan 2012
Misunderstood and unguided
Seems the path that words may take
By those who view through tilted eyes
The wrath of what is fate

Decide to move and act as one
Mix up nothing between
What's true and seen
Versus false and heard
No table there is to clean
Zack Turner Dec 2011
Looking at pictures from before
Reminds me how soon it will be
When something of such will not be of possibility

Past along like axles in assembly lines
Memories slip through my fingers
Dissolving like dew on grass at sunrise in May

Inanimate flashes of color establish my absence
As if I had planned this departure prior to arrival
I wrote this after looking at all of the pictures I took over a trip with my parents, realizing that all of them were of scenery and none contained me or my parents. This made me sad because I realized that it would never be the case again that I would be in that same place with my parents, in my same state of mind, and point in my life. Pictures are like time capsules, unleashing the moments in flashes, and I was sad to not have anybody in those moments.
Zack Turner Dec 2011
There you are
And there you went

Gone, distant from your initial posture

Words becoming yours alone
Like red flagged societies

They all fell soft
Like trickles of rain down a window pane
Leaving all to be forgotten

My clouded eyes failed to see the fog
That surrounded your talk
Hidden like persuasion in debates

Perhaps it’s luck, or rather mishap
That has blinded me such
Unable to see what’s true
With thoughts rendered purposeless
Zack Turner Dec 2011
I thought I knew you
But who could you really be?

Like a mystic floating
I’ve lost the desire to find you
Hidden beneath the leaves and grass
Like insects made novel

You became what I thought wouldn’t
Although, I guess it should have been predictable

Like movies played in inverse
You told me what I expected last
As if it were the beginning
That started with a goodbye

My eyes have seen the drought, your drought
That you have slain upon me
Amassing the herds in packs
Slurping the nectar from its core

Lost like maps forgotten
I’ve seen the path past its due
Detached from the purpose it began with
Until it no longer became a feasible entity

I smiled once
Some time ago, when you would do the same
As if it were impossible to replicate
In these modern times of your shield and sword

A block was made in timely fashion
Directing the future
To behave in accordance to the chalked outline
That guided your thoughts rationally

It were as if wilts became blooms
A retraction from the *** itself

Open disposal systems function as minutes follow seconds
Free to churn the timbers of thought
That cascade down upon yourself
Like compliments showering the undeserving

Could it be that once, a decision was made in reaction to
The plan of something ethereal
Instead of actions done for oneself
To be shed like coats unwanted
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