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I caught you in the dark.
The reeds bending with my footsteps,
the wet grass chilling my toes as my
breath hung thick- close to my face.
I reached with the glass jar that my parents  gave me and caught you.
And closed the lid.
I took you into my room
-the place I'd never let anyone go before-
where you lit up the dark
and made shadows dance on the ceiling.

I kept you safe a snug in that jar
watching your controlled beauty light up
my dresser,
then my bed,
then my jewelry box,
and showed you all the prettiest parts of my room-
they got even lovelier in your presence.

but then You got out of the jar

And flew around my room- rediscovering
my dresser,
then my bed,
then my jewelry box
with a celestial freedom and a fullness I didn't know was possible.
And it was beautiful.

But then you flew into my closet
and under my bed
and behind the doors I keep closed
and buzzed around my ***** laundry.
It was ugly.
But I couldn't control you, and I couldn't put you back into the jar again.

While you lit up my entire room, my shame grew larger than the night sky looming on the other side of the windowpane.

So I opened the window
and waited for you to fly away from my ugly
believing that you would join the stars
not really how I normally write. I like how simple it is though
If the wind is parch white
And the universe stops
And listens to the words
Shape and form on the tip of my tongue
Vultis nosse?
Vis sentiunt?

Could I chip away the walls that separate our bodies?
Medio claustra potui dirumpere animas?

It would seem foolish, huh?

Funny, how hurt is so heavy.
Funny, how desiderium clarius est quam amor aliquando

Chant these ancient hymns
And press your lips against the sound of eternity:
*et orate
et orate
Amo te
and I am not sure if I want it to stay that way or

Love means nothing to skin.
When the air is thick and soggy
And sticks to the roof of your mouth
Sweaty and salty like muggy peanut-butter

You feel  squished and squirmy
The ground ******* up your ankles
And with each step the mad-mans's chains reflect a dark and silent future
Where your hair sticks to your forehead like a psalm

What could have shaped up
to form something this sharp and quick
that can be lovingly::: mutilated?

Remember when you would dive into the pain that plagued you and come out gasping, with a huge smile stretched out on your skin
feeling more alive than you did on your deathbed.
Goes on and on and on
Achilles' heel
like it is some sort of ******* relic
of the Trojan war.
And no one seems to give
a flying ****
about the dude that killed Achilles.
But I am pretty
that Paris feels accomplished.
Keep me warm at night
I shall float like a frothy twig of kelp
my hair dancing slow and wild
in the burning salt.
I shall be naked in your arms
cradled in the crushing waves
Forever drowning as Jupiter's love child
How now, shall I balance
One doom                  with               another doom
keep them in check
and look my perdition in the face
Would that disturb the sacred balance?
Wilt I sway Hades to use my thread to
to sew the fates of time
and use every single part of me
to make a blanket to keep the lonely titans warm.

Which burden is heavier?
To be cut off or strung along
 Sep 2011 Zack Brown
Marie Rose
"Where are your gloves?"
A man with watery blue eyes,
And steaming black coffee asks me.
I almost cannot hear him over the brutal wind,
The city taken by storm.

He leans closer and whispers,
"They are giving some away,
Under the bridge."
As if I know exactly which bridge he is speaking of.

He continues past me on the street.
But fortunate in his kindness.
Copyright Marie Hess 2006
 Sep 2011 Zack Brown
Marsha Singh
I think of something I'd like to tell you
in my bedtime voice, from a shared pillow
into your warm ear, but can't – so

I hide our secrets inside verses and
I author universes where, despite love's
disappointments, you're still here.
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