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The grass is greener
On the hill of a graveyard
Feeding off the dead
The air is cleaner
In a ****** city of smog
Getting choked to death
She felt more alive
When She was trying to die
Than when She could walk
The path is clearer
Highlighted by smoke and dreams
Fresh to be beaten
He found life's meaning
When His hands were in the dust
Fingernails *****
She saw that His World
Would soon be blown far away
Off to greener grass
They died together
She, acknowledging the truth.
He, stabbing at lies.
A collection of Haiku. Each can be read separately, but together, it is something entirely different.
in a dream, you were a nuclear bomb and i was a village
and you blew me all to shreds
i mean complete obliteration

in that same dream, i was waiting for the Man
and i was at the bus stop
i mean i don't actually ride the bus

in a dream, you were a grown woman and i was a man crying
and you held me in your hands
i mean we had rough *** for hours

in that same dream, i was lying through my teeth
and i was a trigger happy ***** cop
i mean i didn't actually take the money
Nós ossos que aqui estamos pelos vossos esperamos*

I found you waiting for me
Under the hazy moon's glow
I felt your fingers on my back
Cold and wet as melted snow

I saw that your eyes smiled
Though your mouth, I could not see
Your hands raced against the clock
******* my ambiguity

With fire in your eyes
Your tongue shaped earthly whims
Drawing pentagrams on my bare stomach
Beautiful and grim

Ecstasy in primal hate
Beauty in the pain
Pleasuring me with my own blood
Introducing me to Cain

But then, the dark had ended
And dawn broke open  the night
I saw the blood on my pillow
And laughed in satanic delight
I saw you in my reflection today, Your
hands reached out to me and I touched you but, It
was just my hands and I was quite
surprised at the fact of how old and
pruned they had become with
time ticking the clock beats
down on me like the chime of a death march
drum sentencing me to a fiery death on a wood
pole dancing in the moonlight, my *** glowing brighter than the
moon reflecting on the lake, almost giving ripples on the water from its sheer
power hungry CEO's telling me, the measly mail clerk, to give them the ******* morning
paper scattered around my room, crumpled in corners of each letter I never
sent screaming down hallways that day, my teacher didn't
understand how the moon works love? Look at the spell it
on her arm, I feel guilt but cannot put my tongue around the cause of
it could have been you holding me tonight, but instead I will **** a
in the mirror, who could it be? If it isn't me and it isn't
thought you could get away with this, didn't you? Well look at me
now: I am the one that is
sane and you are the one that is all
****** and trapped in a mirror with a knife in your hand.
YES you are the
After the ice in your eyes melted, I
Bathed in the crystal waters.

When the glaciers moved out from inside me, Sending
Waves that threw themselves down tributaries, Like
Laurels in the ocean-
Arms extended like Christ,
Welcomed each slap of the sea.

By either the gentle flow of your celestial waters, Or my
Flensing tidal waves that engulfed you,
We purified each other- Our
Naked bodies clinging tight, pressing and feeling for some sort of magnetic force. I felt
Your tears on my breast, And watched
You emerge
-holy and pure-
Your face bearing the virtue of what it is like to feel (for once)
Rediscovering the undeniable truths you had once forgotten,
(tucked away in a matchbox under your bed).

I wanted to touch you, And press
Every ounce of love I had into you, with
Just my fingertips. I
Wanted you to know that in a city of science,
Miracles could still happen. They
Could still feel as clean as they once felt when
We were children- faces
glowing pink and bright
Marveling at a white blanket in the morning.
I was trying to cylindrical rhythm in this one, but with a wobble in it, like a cylinder that isn't perfectly even. (sculptors: think of the wheel)
let  's                                                      place
                                    these                                                                                  magnets
                    where                                                                   ever                                                  we
         please                            and                                                              make
                                                                             sentences                                                                                          that
                                                                                                                                 we                                          don 't  
                                          really                                                       mean
because                                                                 in                                                            reality
                          all                                                                  this                                                                    food
                                                         is                                                                going
to                                                                             spoil
your scent
frees my skin
from the sweat
of a never ending
and the rancid
odor of when
it all catches
up to me
      ­                 your
                                                 ­    while
                                                           ­         your
                                                   ­                      hand
                                                                ­                     slid
                                                            ­                                     d
                                                               ­                                          o
                                                               ­                                                               w
­                                                                 ­                                                                 ­                            n
I hate to see you hurting:
it digs its nails into my
throat and rips
my vocal
and makes
me screech in
pain as I feel as
if I am helpless to
your misery and as
much as I want to hold
you and tell you that
everything is going
to be fine; I cannot
for my feet are
planted firm
in the soil
and I am

Please forgive me if it seems like I don't care
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