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Tonight, lanterns will swing freely like me, brassiere-less and glowing
Steam growing misty around my eyes,
My hair all pulled up, my bangs sticking to my forehead.

Lanterns will swing freely and the light will escape from them and create
Patterns on the glossy sidewalk
Plaster-white sidewalk with only a few pieces of black gum.

Lanterns will swing and patterns will dance and mirrors will tarnish
With time, green or brown, with cracks.
Until, perhaps, one day I shall not be able to see myself in them
My reflection might be murky and indistinguishable from that of a tree
Or a root
Or a dog
Or any other lonely person.

Tonight, the mirrors will crack and the glass will collect dust and piggy-banks will be left unshaken 
Their promises unfulfilled,
Leaving empty tummies and sunken-welled eyes.

Tonight, the lanterns may swing free but the lightbulbs inside will be trapped, 
Emaciated and skillfully looking for ways to break the glass.
Tonight, men will cry and mothers will mourn for themselves
And decisions will be decided
And switches will be flicked
And dancing will illuminate the gum
I am the bohemians
I am fern-covered lovers hushing their moans
I am the lull in the night, whispering, promising
I am the promise of new life
I am reflecting off the silver, wrapping myself around his fingers
I am her glazed-over eyes
I am the hazy fog sitting triumphantly on the reeds
I am painting lunar self-portraits in their hair
I am the misfits
I am the journey
I am going to save you
I am going to **** you
I am We
We are the bohemians
 Nov 2011 Zack Brown
Griffin Boyd
Loose ends.  You are all I ever am.

Jealousy squirts through my narrow veins.  
Effortless sickness plagues my every guess.  
And I wake up, look at my only Self
And dazedness fades hatred as each blanketed flaw thaws to visibility.  

All tasks ask for failure and preparation is an unprecedented burden.  
The hands that cradle the Earth are the same ones that feed me...
only later to shield my eyes from the resultant memories.  

It seems as if every relation from past, present, and futures bleed into each other.
So I stand behind a screen, wanting to look at everything
being kept out.  Too bad it's woven with holes.  Every circumstance bleeds and seeps
through to each other from these openings, seeing me as the middle-ground.  

Now I'm overwhelmed and under-appreciated.  I shall stand still- unsure- until I wash up on shore with everyone's repaid debts buried next to me in the wet sand.  It would be unintelligent to swim out into new territory until the waters calm.
When I am tired
Tired of everything
I sit
And let my mind             d                            r                                 i                             f                                   t
And think about the ways that
I could run away
Run away from everything

I could go with Him
Get lost in the world
We could blindly lead each other to heaven
Or I could go by myself
Keep my eyes low
And                          s                          i                               n
I could have gotten out of bed today
I swear, I was planning on it
No really, I wanted to and everything

Too bad the walls caved in and the floor gave out and
I am nailed to my bed now
Who is running through your mind right now/ While we look at each other on the reflection-concrete/ The sky, blinking for us/ Illustrating our broken thoughts
Who is lingering in your eyes/ when you stare in your face/on the ground/looking for a fragment of information leading to yourself/ a way to tell me/ a way to save me
My toes are wrinkled/ My socks ooze you/ Layer by layer, I strip my skin off/ And examine my naked body in the foggy windowpane
I have an un-popped-pimple/ And you are there again/ Locked into the creases of my eyes/ Sewn by an auroral dream
The light sends silver up my leg/ And near my belly-button/ Circling my chest/ Lighting up the hairs that stand up in attention/ Did you succeed?
I am so far from you now/ A whole year far/ So much has changed/but/ The weather is foggy and gray/ the ground still reflects the same boy I knew so long ago.
I bit my nails down to a nub
Am I a ghost? A long forgotten
Memory, eased into your backburner, well
Oiled with the sweat of my lust?

When may I emerge from the
Shadows and proclaim that my
Love may be silent, but
It screams so loud in my ears.

Hey, I am hurting here!
Can you put down your life for one
Moment and just sit and justfucking
Listento me?

Or perhaps the image of myself I held so dear is
Now a killer, destined for
Damnation along with all the other
Souls that murdered everything they touched.

I swear, I didn’t mean to.
But it all just crumpled in my
Hand like ashes and I tried to be delicate, but
I pressed too hard.

I wanted to know if it was alive.
I wanted to be sure that this
Love was real, and not just some
Plastic penny-box letter.

I cannot escape for you.
These bars bind me down and
These walls close me in No
Matter how much I runorrun
Or run into them they won’t
Please, just this once?
Maybe, this time if I am strong enough they will
And I will taste freedom

Please **** them
Every single one'a'em *******
I'm gunna shootemdead.
Gunna gunnemdown
We is gunna get ourselfs happy, fer once.
Issa great game, this "life" thing.
You left your coffee-stain on
My neck.
I rubbed my skin against the morning's water
Whispered through a forest's green
and hushed a running stream

I shot through the fog in a car
And danced with the core of the heat
lifting blankets and secrets and hopes and dreams

I told him to leave
Conceived in him the idea of perpetual insignificance
Taught him the truth behind meaning

I watched him with his toes curled over the edge
a graduation day
Seeing the glassy water and feeling like a
martyr, a saint
My hands coaxed him in, my cries scratched his ears
He left the land
choosing some notion of solitude
choosing to drift with the tides

I blew the winds fiercer on her
Sending new waves of shudders through her naked body
Flinching with each whip of my winds
She curled tighter up into herself
I beat the sun into her back
I cracked her skin and bled her thirst
I caked dirt into the wounds I left

Desert or Sea?
Burn or Freeze?
Which Hell is harsher?
Will pain make me free?

I ate her after she withered back to dust
I drank his diluted blood

They will die today
And it will mean nothing to tomorrow
I will keep on walking
and talking
and looking
straight ahead
though they whip me
smile at me
with eyes full of pity
and mouths full of glass
until my feet bleed and
the band snaps
and madness
becomes my

by the time those ******* catch up to me I will be long
long gone
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