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7.4k · May 2013
Zac C May 2013
I consider it
rather optimistic
to view myself
as a small spec
in this large swimming pool
of a universe
it only encourages me
to be
2.0k · Mar 2013
Zac C Mar 2013
My brain is tied
to a string on
your finger

I know you know
to pull the string
on your finger

All of my heart
is at your

Move my skin
because it feels good
Your touch is all of me
Zac C Apr 2013
I find that when
I'm covered in soap,
my mind wonders the most.

.   .   .   .

Racing down my face
is a streak of blood,
a betrayal of my body,
it longs to feel air
because it's jealous of my skin.

.   .   .   .

He hands me a cigarette,
a gesture of friendship
which I respectfully decline
because time can heal wounds,
but it takes more than
a few seconds of silence
to rekindle a friendship.

.   .   .   .

The wind clings
the blood to my face
a reminder of your betrayal
and I wish it would go away
but It can't, can it?

.   .   .   .

And the soap washes the
red off my face, down the drain
shaping my aspirations of flying away.

A little scuff with an old pal
1.6k · Mar 2013
Zac C Mar 2013
The sun shines
across her hair
on her skin
and in her eyes

Across her hair
my mind dances
and in her eyes
the world awaits

My mind dances
on her skin
the world awaits
The sun shines
1.1k · Mar 2014
Zac C Mar 2014
You see me, but never through me

I am refracted by your light,
my intensity dimmed by your words
and my glow radiates alone.

You see me, but never through me

For physics nuts like me :o)
1.1k · Apr 2013
Zac C Apr 2013
Step around
left before right,
right before left,
skipping through
this field of daisies.
But watch child,
there is darkness in your heart,
evil in your eyes.
You must be careful of the void,
my dark gates
are always open
for a dark soul.
But in my gates,
this void in my chest,
you will find hell.
The hell that fills
this void
that you choose to
dance around.
because you.
my love,
you are evil.
You are the hell in me.
You will forever
live in my void.
1.0k · May 2013
A Crappy School Poem
Zac C May 2013
Life is like
a can opener;
only if you use it
to it's full extent
can you truly enjoy it.

If it's left on the shelf,
it's experience is minute.
However, in a world of
Campbell oceans and corn mountains,
the world needs explorers.

There is diversity in the world
of canned creatures.
But without a can opener,
the baby can breathe no air,
feel no warmth.

Without a can opener,
we have no life,
no blowin' leaves in the wind,
no gazing into a lover's eyes,
no moonlight to dance in your mind
I'm really sorry for this one...
1.0k · Nov 2014
I Want You
Zac C Nov 2014
I want all of you.
I want your eyes
and the memories
that hold their hand,
and shushes it so that,
though it's presence is
known and acknowledged,
it is silenced and calm.
I want your smile
that shines the walkway
down your throat,
past your lungs,
and straight to your core.
I want your skin
and the paintings on them,
paintings of days with no sunlight
and straight lines of red.
I want your love.
Every moment of joy and pain
and sorrow and guilt, I want.
I want every goodmorning,
after a night's worth of goodnight.
I want the fear of saying goodbye to you;
knowing that at any moment,
the pit would find it's way back
home in my stomach,
as you're gasping for your last taste
of sweet, sweet air.
I want your love.

Session 2
1.0k · Aug 2013
Skin Suit
Zac C Aug 2013
Drilling your fingers
in and under my skin,
you use me as a suit
to claim what is mine.

And I am under the impression
that love is patient,
and love is kind,
that your touch is pure
and your methods defined.

But you convince me otherwise,
dragging your hands through mine
So it is my finger being pointed.

Drilling your fingers
in and under my skin,
you use me as a suit
to claim what is mine.

Flowing through my veins
is your presence,
a warming reminder of
your intentions

and I'm left helpless,
a suit to be worn and torn,
used to mask a wolf
hunting his next  meal

Drilling your fingers
in and under my skin,
you use me as a suit
to claim what is mine.

A bit odd, but what evs
918 · Apr 2013
A Green Thumb for Love
Zac C Apr 2013
Please don't plant this seed
with no intentions to grow
a large and beautiful tree,

For you, my thumb is green,
ready to water this tree
to help it grow strong,
flowering it with

You have a habit
of leaving trees
small, fragile, weak,
Defenseless & without

But I will not plant this seed
and watch it die without
917 · Mar 2013
Poetry Jizz
Zac C Mar 2013
“Just end it.”

They scream, as if

their blast to my eardrums weren't enough

when whispered.

“Just end it.”
878 · Mar 2014
9.81 m/s²
Zac C Mar 2014
is it poetic justice
to call you the earth?
to call me the moon?

your pull is just as strong
as your
854 · Jun 2013
Zac C Jun 2013
seems to be
the only thing
holding us back
from touching the
840 · Mar 2013
Zac C Mar 2013
The lingering last of

your lungs in my lungs

leaves me loathing

the life I left.

See what I did there? ;)
822 · Mar 2013
Zac C Mar 2013
Live before you breathe

Breathe before you die.

Die before you Regret

Regret before you live.
821 · Apr 2013
Zac C Apr 2013
You can dance
this twisted dance
But before you
intertwine yourself
in this web of
common motion
that once you
are under my spell
this world of
black and white
will breath
and pulsate
to the rhythm
of this enchanting
We shall pursue.
750 · Apr 2013
Pounds and Ounces
Zac C Apr 2013
There is no way
to measure
the weight of a
mother's heart.
Be it the training wheels
you play in my life,
or the assistance
you aid me with,
It's safe to say
I owe you everything.
Because there is no
on a grateful
son's heart.
Undated oldie

For my mother
Zac C Aug 2013
Come on now,
I thought you were better than that...

Well, you know,
times are hard.
But why shouldn't I?

I have to say,
out of all your attempts
at chasing death,
this has to be your dumbest one to date

Hey man, *******
what do I have to prove to you?
It's not like you ever stuck around for me.
You never taught me right from wrong,
you only told me what was wrong
when it was too late.

It's about her,
isn't it?

isn't it?

Listen man,

It always was

I know what you're thinking but

But I'm right

Yes, okay yes
you're ******* right.
Happy? Is this
what you wanted to hear?

You know,
smoking twenty packs a day
couldn't help you

And your point is?

I can

Listen man,
I'm no charity case
and you know that

I know you miss her

I know you stare at her pictures
when you know nobody is around
and I know you choke back the tears.
I know you never wanted to let her go,


But I know you did

What was I thinking?

You were thinking you could live with out her
that some day, you'd stop thinking about her.
Now, let me ask
How's that working for you?


Why do you have to kick me while I'm down?

If not me, than who?

as far as I'm concerned,
you can sit around and whine and whine
whine and whine
But when it comes down to it,
it's just me and you,
you and me.
But I'm telling you now,
it doesn't have to be like this.
It can be you and her.

Can it?

Only if you want it to be

A slight decent into madness.

Me, *Conscience*

takes place in the future (sort of)
And hopefully will serve as inspiration and a kick in the *** to myself.
720 · Mar 2013
Zac C Mar 2013
The green and blue.

It’s all I ever see, haunting me, continuously.

Crawling down my throat, and out my pours.

A constant flow of energy, of the Oxycontin

Maybe a sign I cry, before my face

crashes down, concrete and all.

Oh, don’t judge me.

708 · Apr 2013
Zac C Apr 2013
Two poets who couldn't agree
Decided that they'd make three.
They went downtown  
Clowned around
But awoke just to flee.

Goofy :o)
662 · Jun 2013
A Paradox
Zac C Jun 2013
The smartest people
in life
are those who live
to intelligence
652 · Sep 2013
Zac C Sep 2013
When you find yourself
with your toes
hanging over the side
of your 7 story apartment,
the breeze whistling between
your toes, inching closer to the edge,
Who do you call?

When you find yourself
Staring at your reflection
in the bottom of the bottle,
tears sliding down the side of
your cheeks, inching closer to the edge,
Who do you call?

When you find yourself
screaming at the phone
the words you feel,
slipping out of the hidden place of
your heart, inching closer to edge,
Who do you call?

Call me.

When love doesn't carry
the same weight,
the same weight that
presses against your lips,
and gentle pushes your head
against my pillow,
I will promise that I will stay.
I will promise to stay the same.

Words needed to be spoken to myself, but there is nobody for me to call tonight
649 · Mar 2013
Zac C Mar 2013
Lines are just lines
until you give those lines
Give those lines
meaning, and you give
those lines life.
Lines with life tell
stories of worlds
within worlds and
dreams only obtained
in our youth.
Lines are a gateway
to the depths of our
Lines let your heart
breathe sweet air.
Lines will dream and
dream until the dream is
done and all is
Lines are life, if
you let lines live.

Supposed to be underlined... ohwell
647 · Mar 2013
Psychology of Zac
Zac C Mar 2013
Don’t leave me, to think. You know
I’ll throw my life away, maybe
just mentally, never fully physically.
Because I hate it,the solitude of my
mind, the constant torture of the
veins of my brain, the straining my
heart endures. But even though I
hate this way, the way my brain
controls my emotions, I like the way
it spawns new life. I like the
way it makes me feel. I like
the way it makes me fade.
It soothes my brain, this loathing
I posses. It makes me feel alive.
And all though I hide from that
feeling, it brews inside, shadowed
by the circumference of my world,
my chamber of thoughts, My
Kingdom, which, by all means, is my life.
I love you, as much as I love me,
which, despite legend, isn't a lot.
But at least now you know what
my brain is like. So don’t
question my sanity. I’m normal.
**Don’t question my sanity. I’m normal.
627 · Apr 2013
Thanks to the Angles
Zac C Apr 2013
Today, I see
the world's centerfold,
telling me
everyone's problems,
from the death of
a mother's first born,
to the loss of a small bill,
losing your midnight
snack privileges,
to losing your father
to God's mercy.
And staring at
this centerfold,
I can't help but
crack a little smile,
maybe lough a bit,
because I can't help but think
that through all my sorrow,
all my downsides
and negative thoughts,
I remember how
no matter how bad
my life can be,
all my ups and downs,
I will rise in the end
and I will be around
those who love me.
And to those people,
I thank you.

Nice to see my evolve
Zac C Oct 2014
The Sheppard strokes the sheep
assuring peace with every wave of his hand.
Weary to the Wolf’s eyes
as he gazes onward,
red his eyes will glow
with imagination.

In his mind he is
picking wool from his teeth;
a blood-filled smile as
the Sheppard weeps a
river of tears and
the Wolf chuckles to
himself, looming over the
mountains of carcasses.
He steps forward to the
Sheppard ~ now on his knees begging ~
and lays his paw on the man’s
head, laughing hysterically
at the Sheppard’s defeat, the
tears rolling down the Sheppard’s cheeks
as he holds the blood-soaked wool in
his hand, but
The Wolf spares no mercy.

The Sheppard sends the sheep
to their pen to sleep the night away.
Weary are the Wolf’s eyes
as his gaze is turned away.
Red his paws will drop,
He will return another day.

I took my poems off for a while, and now I'm rereleasing a bunch, enjoy!
621 · Mar 2013
The Artists' Plague
Zac C Mar 2013
The guiltiest part
of an artist's daily life
is looking at their work;
their creation, their emotional expression
of the world they see around them
with regret and fear
that the real world around them
will pillage the creative structures
they have built around their heart,
knocking down this creative wall
keeping them safe from said
Art Vikings.

But, young creator,
never fret,
for your walls are strong,
and willing to accept
those willing to accept you,
and with this newly found
artistic army
you can fight the Vikings off
and glue that chip back to your
Zac C Apr 2013
With time staring me in the face
I scan my surroundings for
a brief and subtle moment,
making it a point
not to let my presence be known
but I notice I am too late,
as you gaze at me
from across this fluttered room.
You ask me,
"would you like a drink?"
to which I provide no answer.
I sit up as if this action were my last,
drinking the fresh air
like a depressed drunk
with the same motive of escaping my situation.
I need to think
think man, think
Silence is painted across the room,
then slashed away.
"You know why you're here,
You glared at me,
red beams shooting from your eyes
and connecting with me.
I began to pace around my head
gathering any and all words that
didn't involve pleading for mercy and I said

"Then you know why I am doing this."

I stared down the barrel of this loaded gun,
and sent an open invitation to Time
like a lonely grandmother
clinging on to the comfort of
a family gathering,
but, like the lonely grandmother,
I am left alone.
I can feel his fingers tremble
on the trigger
as if begging me to give him a reason
to push it down.

I thought of my wife.
I thought of my wife alone,
being accompanied only by Time
trying to comfort her by
holding her hand,
while she cries
wishing she had more
to spend with me,
and I shed a tear.
Think man, think

"I'm sorry I have to do this,"
you said,
the gun lightly kissing my forehead.
I could feel the animosity of the moment
and I could hear it screaming in my face

"I'm sorry."


**.   .   .

It's been a while, huh?
617 · Apr 2013
Real Heathen
Zac C Apr 2013
I am not God
I am a conscious being

Creating and imposing
forcing my brain on the world

I am not God
I am he who
created God
617 · Jul 2013
Don't leave me
Zac C Jul 2013
I feel these words
crawling up my throat,
digging their jagged claws
deeper as they climb
to my mouth,

And I choke them back.

"Don't go."

610 · Mar 2013
Shem Dance
Zac C Mar 2013
Pen bleeds life
in a way undescribed
by words

An eloquent dance
of tongue never to
be spoken.

See me again,
Covered in glass armor
for cover.

I am weak
and tremble around your
glowing chastity.

So refined are
your enchanted words flowing
smoothly forward.

All it takes
is a simple "Hello"
to start a world of heartache.
606 · Apr 2013
Zac C Apr 2013
If I could whisper
more words
down this barrel,
Believe me,
I would.
But for now
I'll let the bullet
sing for me.
592 · Mar 2013
Zac C Mar 2013
After a long day of
and a long night of
a long week of
and a long year of
I'm over it.

Happy Easter!
576 · Apr 2013
Zac C Apr 2013
The air around you
is so much thicker,
like ice, melting;
dripping on my forehead.
Torturing me, you are
Your fashion of life,
I assume
and I listen,
as the words flow
from your mouth
and I die a little
after every syllable.

541 · Apr 2013
Zac C Apr 2013
Did you really think
you could dance
around my heart
like it's a ballroom,
with bodies floating around,
swaying to the steady thump
of my heart beat,
and just leave
like you did?
Why yes, you did,
didn't you?

533 · Apr 2013
Sweat Race
Zac C Apr 2013
I'm sorry for the sweat
that drips down my neck,
past the hairs of my chest,
races across my abdomens
like it's running from the
Native Americans with
arrows and bows in hand,
following the hair trail
to my skin cave,
down the passage way
speeding to the tip
to drop to my toes
then roll on the floor
to melt in the dirt.

Haha, skin cave
519 · Apr 2013
There are Those
Zac C Apr 2013
There are those who
Let the words slip past
there brain in an
attempt to sound

And then there is you

There are those who
Scale past provisions,
Guided only by sanctioned
Emotions mustering ways to
Mold by

Then there is you
518 · Apr 2013
The Devil's Shadow
Zac C Apr 2013
The devil's shadow
follows me,
reaching across the road.
It follows me,
hovering over my head
watching my legs stretch
faster with every stride.
He follows me,
hearing my breathe
increasing as I leave
my calmed state
in a flustered worry,
at the embrace of death.

I see the devil
in the mirror
and in my reflection.
I feel it slide through
my veins, and out
the pours of my skin.
I feel him in in every
empty portion of my being,
every lost thought,
every lack of life,
telling me to
embrace death
as if it were my last friend.
and, for all I know,
The devil is my only friend,
and in death,
I embrace.

516 · Apr 2013
A Thought
Zac C Apr 2013
If there was a way
to channel all of this pain
and transport it somewhere else,
like my arm or my spleen
so they could feel the pain
my heart feels
blistering more and more by the day.
Their envy would fade;
and respect would be gained
for all my heart's struggles
516 · Apr 2013
A Taste
Zac C Apr 2013
As you tempt me,
hanging barely from the tip of a branch,
barely inches from the tip of my fingers,
I hesitate, just for a brief,
but emotional moment;
time slowed around me
waiting at the edge of it's seat
for my decision
to explore the darkest depths
of the forbidden world of
forbidden fruits.

My hand moves closer
by the second,
Fear begging for mercy,
a plead I ignore
as my fingers caress you,
scanning your shape,
squeezing, and feeling your juice
slide down my fingers
and down my wrist.
Your scent calls me in
with promises of wealth & love;
an offer my instinct screams for me
to ignore.

Tell my instinct I'm sorry.

Because you are my forbidden fruit
512 · Mar 2013
Twitch the Bitch
Zac C Mar 2013
Watch the moon
   glide away
           from the

A daze...
504 · May 2013
15 lines about....
Zac C May 2013
As you drop,
brigades marching
at the sky's command.

You are not rejected by the heavens,
rather chosen to act as a
prophet of wet whiteness.

And you coat me
a noble, but ignorant attempt
at giving me warmth,
a job my jacket did exceedingly
well at before
your arrival.

Dancing down with
gravity, the Earth asks
for a cool bath in you.

A poem for school. Can you guess what it's about? ;)
497 · Apr 2013
Zac C Apr 2013
The car speeds,
splashes past the
back of my head.
I feel a million mild
shakes that won't leave
the back of my eyes.
Thoughts of
Love, Death, and homicide,
Dreams that never seem to

493 · May 2013
Fuck You
Zac C May 2013

*******, *******, *******.




489 · Apr 2013
"Excuse me, sir..."
Zac C Apr 2013

call me "sir"
because I will not call you that.
I will not dignify you
with a title you do not deserve.
And I will not accept
glorification that I
did not earn.
I am no sir,
I am no child,
I am no gentleman,
I am no Heathen,
I am me
Zac C Oct 2014
I find that when
I'm covered in soap,
my mind wonders the most.

.   .   .   .

Racing down my face
is a streak of blood,
a betrayal of my body,
it longs to feel air
because it's jealous of my skin.

.   .   .   .

He hands me a cigarette,
a gesture of friendship
which I respectfully decline
because time can heal wounds,
but it takes more than
a few seconds of silence
to rekindle a friendship.

.   .   .   .

The wind clings
the blood to my face
a reminder of your betrayal
and I wish it would go away
but It can't, can it?

.   .   .   .

And the soap washes the
red off my face, down the drain
shaping my aspirations of flying away.

I'm back baby, this is one of many rereleases too come
462 · Apr 2013
Zac C Apr 2013
In an attempt to
explain myself,
I stutter always.

I am not nervous,
I am calm
but unsure.

As a brain with
feet prancing around
and dancing

*Slurring is my
way of
making art.

Because I have nothing to write about
461 · Mar 2013
In Conscience
Zac C Mar 2013
See me through these
colored lines.
I am man.
I am heathen.
My roar arises from
the dirt,
and brings trembling men
to their knees.
I am iron.
The raw stench of
creation at my fingers.
I am sore.
I am wasted.
My thought expels from
the earth,
and forces broken men
to their knees.
I am life. This world of yours is too
large for me.
I am strong.
I am guided.
My light shines over
the roof,
and brings weak men
to their knees.
I am
450 · Oct 2014
The Sun is Sleeping Today
Zac C Oct 2014
There is a dark cloud
floating over her shoulder,
but that is not rain
running down her face.

She is a tired soul
with ears that are bare
and sore from the Thunder
screaming word-like daggers.

Worn to the bone,
the wind rips away
her smooth skin shield
that she hid behind.

But the sun will kiss you yet again,
whipping the rain from your face
and covering your ears.
The Sun will be your shield
when he arises.

Another of many I'm rereleasing to the public
445 · Apr 2013
Morning Wars
Zac C Apr 2013
The water is racing towards the drain
like a horse chasing the path to victory
as the foam is getting shoved off my face.

The razor, a warrior, sets up his shield
as he prepares for war, a begins to yield.

The cities on my face stay at ease
Why the calmness in fear's place?
It must be satisfying, knowing you'll be replaced.

So the blade kissed the side of my head
ruins and rubble, ever so smooth.
As if Caesar returned to avenge himself
from a dastardly betrayal, many hairs remain
for I am feeling generous, as I stroke my mane.

Goofy :o)
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