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 Dec 2012 Z
L Smida
With Drew
 Dec 2012 Z
L Smida
I felt like nobody else in the world mattered
We could've been in the most crowded places
And in my mind it would only be me and her
My mind wouldn't stray away
She held it so well
Our happiness together defeated everything around us
When I was with her I was purely happy
I felt something that I didn't even know existed
Everything was so equal
Same mutual feelings
Same desires
And I can't help but wonder
Will I ever find that again?
Break ups are usually never mutual tho, there's always the one person who wants to make everything work out. (Me)
 Dec 2012 Z
Never Ending Tangle
I wonder if you want me to hate you.
If that was your plan all along.
If you made me feel close to you,
Only to pull the rug out from beneath my feet.

If you told me secrets, you said you’ve never told anyone
So that I would feel special.
If you laughed, when you saw the butterflies explode from my stomach,
Every time you smiled at me or held my hand.

Did you mean it when you called me beautiful?
Or was the blush on my face just another ego booster for you?
When you ran your finger down my cheek
Were you trying to make me weak in the knees?

Was that your plan all along?
To make me weak,
To make me feel like I needed you.
Make me think you needed me too.

Do you look back now and laugh at my foolishness?
My naivety?
At the possible thought that we would ever last
That one day you would love me.

You say you’ve felt pain.
You know I have too.
You said you can’t compare our pains,
But I know you do.

I know you think your pain is worse than mine.
That I will never understand.
But when I tried to help you,
You shut me out.

I think you understand pain,
But you don’t seem to understand compassion.
To you, needing help means you’re weak.
To me, it means you’re strong enough to realize you can’t go through life alone.

That seems to be your problem though.
You can never be alone, be single.
No one remembers a time where you didn’t have a girlfriend.
Inside you believe only a girl can make you happy.

I tried to make you happy.
Not merely as your girlfriend but as your friend.
I still want to be your friend,
But only if you allow me to be.

You can confide in me like you did in the past.
I may not be the person you are in love with,
Who you can trust your heart with.
But I can be the person you can trust with your soul.
 Dec 2012 Z
 Dec 2012 Z
SoCo on a monday night,
Alabama song playing lightly,
Tickle fights and cigarettes.
Feeling electric and wild,
blissful and free.
There may be other people,
but for now it's you and me.
 Dec 2012 Z
Never Ending Tangle
That's what I need.
Just a friend to be there for me.
Someone to listen to me as I cry,
But then cracks a joke,
And we laugh until we die.

I've never been one to keep good friends.
They leave me or I lose them
Again and again.
But this time it's different,
I can feel it in my soul.
Quality over quantity are my friends,
And I'm never letting go.
 Dec 2012 Z
L Smida
If I were a guy
Would it make life easier?
I often wonder..
More people would accept me
That's for sure
Because I wouldn't be a sin in people's eyes
I'd be able to flirt with any girl
Not just the gay ones
Because girls date guys
That's the normal thing as the majority goes
I could wear my baggy jeans
And cut off all my hair
And no one would stare at me
It would be normal
I would be normal
I'd fit in
If I were a guy
I wouldn't have to worry about the things I worry about now
I could get married
And have kids
I could just relax
More opportunities would open up
If I were a guy
All the stupid ******* would disappear
No more whispers going by
"Was that a boy or girl?"
And all I can think is
"***.. I'm human. Does my gender really matter that much to you?"
And why?!
Why should it even matter
You should treat me the same regardless
I'm a good person
Just because I'm a girl that dates girls
Doesn't mean you have the right to get up all in my business
So my heads ****** up
Deal with it
Just be glad it isn't happening to you
I mean,
Don't get me wrong
I'm proud to be gay
But some times it's hard
Like when ignorant people say we cant get married because we're the same ***
Now that bothers me
It doesn't make sense whatsoever
Love is love
That's the simple part
Why the hell are there even laws about the same *** not being able to get married in the first place
What's that have to do with anything
Who cares?
Like why is it a big deal
I've never figured it out
The government has much much more important things to do
Why do they waste their time making rules about what gays can and can't do?
People say God is the reason
But **** that
You go and cuss up storms
And say that God is the reason gays can't get married
You go and judge the **** out of every person that walks by
And you say that God is the reason gays can't get married
You go and cheat on your wives or husbands
And say God is the reason gays can't get married
You go and drink till you puke and get angry and beat on people
And you say God is the reason gays can't get married
You go and make all these mistakes
And you say God is the reason gays can't get married.
Like if you're gonna stick with God about that then stick with him for everything else
Don't be a **** and a hypocrite
Seriously, quit making up excuses
Let people live and quit worrying about everyone else
Because honestly you should be more worried about yourself
Who doesn't find girls attractive?
Come on
In all honesty
I don't want to be a guy though
Because that would be contradicting
It might make life easier
But it only leaves me wondering
How different it would be
Better or worse?
My head would probably still be ****** up
And I don't like wieners
And if I had a wiener
I'm not sure how I would feel about it
I'd probably want to have surgery to be a girl
So in all actuality
I don't really have a gender
I don't like being a girl
And I don't want to be a guy
What else is there
God probably didn't know what to make me
So he just went eeny meeny miny moe
And girl is what happened
You should see the differences in how people treat me
I've tested it
I'll dress girly one day
With make up on
And go walk around the mall
Smiling faces look but don't stare
People are nice to me
They say thanks and excuse me
People open doors for me
Or hold them open for me
But heaven for bid
Someone open a door for me when I have baggy jeans and a hoodie on
All hell would break loose
People don't smile at me
People stare with confused eyes
You can't see my cleavage so you're going to be a ****
Just straight up rude
I do not understand
I don't like how this world works
There are too many stupid rules
There are too many people who **** things up
There are too many things that could be so simple
But too many people make everything more difficult than it should be
I wish things could be more relaxed
Everything is too up tight
Please don't comment.

When people ask me if I'm a boy or girl
I'm just going to start answering "IDK"
 Dec 2012 Z
L Smida
Here I go again
Causing trouble everywhere I go
She wants to kiss me
She even told me so

I don't know what it is
The way she smiles lights my heart
I'll walk around searching each isle
Because she works at Walmart

I'll go just to say hi
Because its so worth her hugs
The elephant she stole for me
I use it to **** bugs

In a weird way she protects me
From all the scary things
Her way of accepting me
Confidence it brings

I have this feeling
That we could be really great
But I still have these doubts
I have a fear in fate

But then again I think
Why not try and have fun
See where it goes
But she does have a son

That worries me a little
Because he probably won't like me
I'm different than all the others
So it would be harder times three (x3)

I'd say that I'm okay with kids
Because I act like one still
I'm really easy to play with
Because I might have some skill

Name any sport
And I'll play you a game
I will make it fun
So don't worry about shame

That's all it's about
Having a good time
Leave the tempers out
That's what makes it prime

Let me get back on track here
I kinda lost my mind
Oh yea! she's really great
But please let me rewind

The first time I saw her
I wasn't sure at all
But now I'm sure
And I can't help but fall

I'm not sure where I'm falling
Or if its me she's aiming to catch
Hopefully I won't hit the ground
Cause that'll leave an ugly scratch

So I'm preparing myself for either way
I'm debating whether I'll end up on top
She seems really into me
But there's always that chance her heart will drop

It's not like I'm the only one trying
And I'm not one for competing
It's either you want me or not
But It's your heart that needs completing

It's all up to you
And I hope you wisely choose
If that choice is me
Then I'll instantly be enthused
I wrote this a while ago. I found it in my notes
 Dec 2012 Z
L Smida
This is my theory
When I was in the womb
What ever genes
Work together to
Decide on your gender
Got all ****** up
In other words
God didn't know
Whether to make me
A boy or a girl
He must've flipped a coin
Because ****
I came out a girl
But I have a brain of a boy
I guess it's his
Way of playing games
He creates different situations
And watches down below at them
As they struggle along
But this is my theory
On a bunch of things
My wires are just crossed
That's all
And this creates some problems
But I don't think they're major
Not anymore
He just likes to sit up there
And watch us all
I wonder what he's doing up there as he watches what he made
Does he have a sickening smile on his lips
Or does he shake his head at how dramatic we humans are
I didn't want to post this.. But here it is
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