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Z Dec 2012
Her daddy once told her that just trying her best was enough,
She shook her head and said, "Everything is just so tough."

Her momma once told her she could be anything she dreamed.
She rolled her eyes and said, "That world is make-believe."

Her best friend once told her she was the greatest companion she had.
She scoffed and said, "If that's true, it's pretty bad."

A boy once told her she was the prettiest girl he ever saw.
She smiled and blushed, but said, "That's not true at all."

She didn't see it - all her potential.
All she saw were eyes that were fearful.
She didn't see it - all the love they had for her.
All she saw was a mental sickness with no cure.
She didn't see it - all the life she still had to live.
So across her wrist, that shiny blade slid.

Red, sticky red,
It laced through her fingers,
staining her t-shirt,
but not releasing her demons.

Red, sticky red,
It let her down,
dripping onto the tile,
but no release was found.

After realizing the mistake she just made,
she bandaged up her wrist and got on with the day.
Her daddy and momma, they asked no questions,
oblivious of their sweet little girl's deadly intentions.
Z Feb 2014
You might send me flowers,
I might let them die.
This is not a poem,
Valentines day,
Z Dec 2012
I want to be



far away



Far from the barns and bumble bees.
Far from the cornfields and cows.
Far from the dirt roads and ducks.

I love all these things.
But I want to run very

far away.

It’s never been more difficult to breath the country air.
It’s never been more difficult to forget the speed of passing time.
It’s never been more difficult to… exist.

I cherish this place.
I will hold it in my heart,
When I disappear to somewhere very

far away.
Z Jan 2013
I am not better when I am with you,
Just a better version of myself,
different, and whole.
You pull my secrets from my lungs,
and suffocate my fears.
I don't know who I am on my own now,
and that is okay,
but sometimes I feel that
I am not better when I am with you,
just different.
And I wish I could be who I really am,
and broken,
waiting to be fixed,
Z Dec 2012
What I've got:

An urge to
until I am
So, maybe then,
I can
Z Dec 2012
They all said it would end.
A thick, dark blanket would cover us.
Blind us.
Suffocate us.
And that would be

I couldn't believe it was true,
Until tonight.

As the rain falls and the winds blow,
Thunder reminds my soul,

We are not invincible.

We will end.

not tonight,
we will
Z Dec 2012
What do you do when you're left alone?
Do you sit quietly in your room,
and phone your mom at home?

What do you do when your friends go away?
Do you make up imaginary ones,
and will them to stay?

What do you do when no one is there?
Do you talk to yourself about your worries,
and wonder if anyone would care?

What do you do when when nothing makes sense?
Do you coat uncertainty in a handsome man,
and let him take off your dress?

What do you do when you've lost control?
Do you drown in *****,
and take that special pill to roll?

What do you do when you're so **** frustrated?
Do you roll a fatty,
and get hella faded?

How do you deal with it all?
What do you do?
If you figure it out, please give me a call.
Z Feb 2013
I have a family back home,
and they don't even know
that I'm planning to go far away.

I know they're really great,
but I'm sick of this state
and I'm planning to go far away.

I hope they understand when I tell them the news,
but I'm sure they'll feel like they're going to lose
me when I go far away.

I could never replace where I grew up,
because it taught me about everything, especially love,
so I'll take it with me when I go far away.

So, Mom and Dad, just know,
you will always be home,
even after I go far away.
Z Dec 2012
You left "I love you" in my lungs,
so I chain smoked cigarettes to fill them with nicotine.

You left butterflies in my stomach,
so I guzzled *** to make them drown.

You left hope in my soul,
so I popped some pills to make it numb.

You left passion in my body,
so I expired my meals to make it disappear.

You left me with memories,
so I gave myself scars.
I wrote this in 2009. I cannot believe how things have changed since then...

— The End —