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October Feb 2014
tangerine skies exist as beautiful,
astonishing light
but only, first after blossoming from
the darkness of night
October Feb 2014
In the cold air of night,
there lingers a warmth of sun

in the darkness of fright
there lingers a sense of hope,
a sense of light
October Dec 2013
I just want to cut myself open

to see if I bleed

to see if I am real

to exhaust all of these exhausting feelings that I feel
October Nov 2013
you're a breath of fresh air
& i just cant help it
standing alone in this dark pit

your dark eyes
your brilliant soul
rescues my pathetic stranded soul
i just want you to text me, touch me, hold me

i am:  aware
                that something is slightly off

but i just can't muster a care
because this deep, fresh breath of air
has become something so painfully rare...

when trapped in hell

i am a hollow shell
to your charming, warm, amber spell
October Nov 2013
door mats:
they come in different shapes
but are usually all the same measly size,
barely noticed

they come in all different shapes and sizes
but usually the same shape,
trusted regular shape
they do not hide who they are
& they'll hit you in the face if you're not paying attention
when walking in and out of their presence

which  are  you?
i'm a door
October Nov 2013
and so all of them remain
written with in a five minute time span
because poetry is a liquid bed of emotion
not to be rewritten
or changed
it remains in the moment of your disdain
or love
or fear
these words are liquid emotions
for the brain to hear
October Nov 2013
the truth is i'm lonely
my heart caught in unsure roaming
a need of connection
my heart has been led in so many wrong directions
hollow ready to be filled
this heart remains unhealed
unhealed from previous encounters
"be careful around her",
so they may say
my heart a motionless, yet open bay
rapture this heart crimson
and lay with me throughout my longing days
because this loneliness has to be an ending maze
a passing, meager haze
a hollow, inept phase
with the promise of fulfillment
the promise of a rose and golden resilience
the promise of the longing words "erase it" (this phase)
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