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Yolanda Smith Jun 2013
Oh freddled gruntbuggly
thy micturations are to me

As plurdled gabbleblotchits
on a lurgid bee.
Groop I implore thee
my foonting turlingdromes
And hooptiously drangle me
with crinkly bindlewurdles,
Or I will rend thee in the gobberwarts
with my blurglecruncheon,

see if I don't

Compliments of Douglas Adams' Hitchhiker's Guide to Galaxy & Wiki
1.5k · Apr 2013
My Last Days at Ass & Goat
Yolanda Smith Apr 2013
I popped a sprocket on the wheel.
And now their voices fill my head,
With songs and cruel & unusual
What in hell did I Do to deserve this?

I was blessed to have resolve to withstand,
Until they started to manoever me towards the gallows
Had to hold fast and tightly to my belief in peace
To listen for the whispers saying wait for me.

Marched right into my head, and
Started giving orders like they owned it.
Employee monitoring was state of the art.
I warn you, don't make me

Individuals and flibbertygibbets
need their privacy.
You think I'm all fun and games,
But I have a serious dark side.

You say your life is an open book.
We don't thynk you'll ever pass muster.
So let's just rifle thru her head
then dust her.
Their song list Brown Sugar by DeAngelo & Let's Get Married played over and over. Run, jump, do some crack.
Tags:  3rd Quadrant Revisited, mental distortion, techniques, metaphysical spam stories, gelly surf & turf dust, employee monitoring, silly spells, buck bait
©2013 YJWS. All Rights Reserved.
1.3k · Oct 2013
Would You Let Me?
Yolanda Smith Oct 2013
Would you let me?
Have a thousand years
to make ponderously slow love to you?

I'd just rather we hurry up and get on with it

Why not let me charm you
and make proper woo
to sweeten your heart to my liking?

I told you before, don't get weird or I'm charging you double

I'd like to search the bittersweet corners
of your mind and rewrite them so you realize how much i dearly love you

Whatever you like but I'm not wearing the image of your dead wife for less than a thousand

Would you let me stick a mike up your *** so I hear the throes of your passion
wh think o
*Understand it's not you, I'll be *thinking of

You should have used just a little more rouge and a tad less foundation here let me fix it
Oh dear the image fell apart, it seems that you are not the girl I came here to find

 Less foundation? Brick or grant?
You're not allowed back.  

Much love,

Madame's X's
1.3k · Oct 2013
Maupane Auguries I
Yolanda Smith Oct 2013
A sonnet of moonbeam,
a moonie for a son.
Hey Salkind and Salt, too!

Once young peeple gathered
we magicked the world
to shape a future out of the Cold

We demand no more curtains
No poppets, no straw men, no g-men
Mother nature's calling

She cries out daily
for her children
the moon, her star -the Sun

Earth magic and wishes alone
can no longer fill the breach
of promises too long forgotten

Let her rip,
like a lioness
Roaring at the injustice of her first ****
First draft from Peeps Lounge 1994/2014

Do you hear the lioness crying, lan?
Someone broke my heart.
Another took it and mended it.
The rest came and went.
One stayed but a way,
three on the tree returned,
they floundered, faltered,
fostered a founder,
Sun City subsidy turned her out.
Strutting strumpetry of virtual reality
for cost plus.

YJS 2004.  All Rights Reserved.
1.2k · Jul 2013
Cleaning House
Yolanda Smith Jul 2013
Breeze works it's way
under the hairs on my skin
your touch limns
like a bit of current
to my bones.

It's time to decide
how to continue
for everyone to be
where they belong
with whom they belong.

We weave the tapestry of us.
Check in with your wisdom.
It might feel a bit foolish.
Fools we are.

It's time to for pride and joy to be
where it belongs
for the next turn of the wheel.
Let the eyes have it.

Hear me now in measured verse not.
Bread of Demeter's hearth leads you
to find your way to life's nectar
before I forget how to dance

The angry scent of a cast off woman
is an assault to the senses.

So hurry, love.
995 · May 2013
Subli-Mate Her
Yolanda Smith May 2013
He only advised how better
to cut my own throat
Was in my head,
taking liberties in my sleep,
was humiliated.
Says he's gettin it
Talked to priest.
Says break. Seek help to avoid harm others.
Advised no rage of own,
afraid of abnormal carnal behavior with no trigger
He said pull that trigger
and it runs down my legs

The songs start *** & go with me
Let's get married
Then later Jamie's got a bug
Later still when the saints go marchin in
Things you should know
Memories swirling around **** king
Silver foxes, nasty needle games
to make a Blood Queen
2nd & 3rd Quadrant Revisited; mindgames, gelly surf identity thieves, mental ****, coercion
961 · Oct 2013
A Lock Step in Time
Yolanda Smith Oct 2013
Small changed,
Ball changed,
muppets dancing,
They're doing the ***!
This was once perceived as an order to ****.  
In my head, it's simply muppets dancing.
There's a polaroid photo, the filtre leaked.
And we were all dead.
The Vise Princess left for Dead.
Just another callous amusement.
The illusionist *speaks* through young women,
with broken hearts, fractured minds, and sutred wombs.
These words waltz to a rhythm older than ice.

                              The Mancius Wobbly Girls, 1986

Original drafting of this poem can be found in the Dallas Times Herald Archives under Yolanda Smith & M. Elizabeth Bond
913 · Jun 2013
Your Ms. Understood
Yolanda Smith Jun 2013
Small things dispensed with a shrug that make most people cry and rock.
Groping around at each other mentally,

Hold me lightly,
hold me tightly
random minutes of total understanding,

as we  plead mendigas,
Things unexpected
from the people the world know.

I can't remember a word
you spoke to me that first year
Except that you loved me

I remember telling you
you never spoke to me.

You laced your way
around the delicate fabric
of time to give me
this period of leavening
as we travelled different directions,
your gift of ages.

A love so large and hope as thin as a filament.
A broken heart is no small thing.

As I try to shrug.
2nd Quadrant Revisited; mental mingles transcendence poetry, exploration & tactics; gelly surfer dust stories; silly spells; buck bait
896 · Apr 2013
Broken Wing Not
Yolanda Smith Apr 2013
Someone keeps shaking my tree
And rocking my world.
Lief, trunk, limbs full of unfinished work
I am barking mad with it.

Baring teeth, snarling and howling,
Still they keep ******* back.
I call their game Diamondback, Python,
Buck and let the cameras roll on.

*******, ******* for peeking our Game
You're playing against Queen Roo,
I dispatched the Conqueroo
They made sauce of you.

I showed you how this game is played
We don't entertain snakes.
Hop, shuffle, step, fa lap, step, stomp
You had set the wheel in motion.

You're merely a time step to take back.
Tags:  3rd Quadrant Revisited, mental distortion, techniques, metaphysical spam stories, gelly surf & turf dust, queen roo, diamondback, python, conqueroo, silly spells, buck bait
©YJWS 2013. All Rights Reserved.
854 · Apr 2013
Sin Caprichos
Yolanda Smith Apr 2013
Cuando estas  muerto,
quiero su alma para mio.
Su alma es como el sol
Sin caprichos

Quiero saber que tu alma es para mi
Quiero que me asustes con
Lo radiente y lo bello de tu ceguera

This poem is a collaboration. Second couplet was assisted by Atalanta Undigested & Edourdo Siller
I know you
wanted a haiku.
Will this do?

Tags:  2nd Quadrant; engagement presents; Hopewell Diaries; spanish haiku by Daniel Smith and Yolanda; all aboard; I miss you; transcendental poetry; crack
©YJS 2013. All Rights Reserved.
846 · Feb 2014
How Long Have I Known You?
Yolanda Smith Feb 2014
Just fleeting event,
A minute to be young
and committing reckless acts
of faith in each other

A mossy rosk in a romantic's wasteland
in the cave of thought and spring rain
backs turned to the world
and nothing but the sweetness
each other between us

Dauphine knows now.
He see of simple knot
with the compassion of one
who knows love

Now we dance this circle of us
with all the care and beauty
we can muster.
This was added to the recut of the S.E. Hinton film the Outsiders under the name Yolanda Williams or Caro Polhamus, but was actually quoted or written by my friend, Brian Williams.  We were talking about having a Rejection Awareness Day after a Valentine's Day dumping.

It's often attributed to Robert Frost, but was actually added to volumes printed after his death date.
782 · Jun 2013
You Have to Share
Yolanda Smith Jun 2013
You should share, more
We must learn from your experiences
You are an example
Share, ******!

We like you.  See?
We use your words.
Imitate your dress & style
Learn all your songs.

Give us more
Show me how to think like you?
Be my guru
*I'll be right back
Tags:  Moogly Song, jitterbug parfait, sibling hero worship, parenting, shunning, shaming
©YJWS 2013.  All Rights Reserved.
772 · May 2013
Yolanda Smith May 2013
I know not where I'm going
My destiny is to find you
usually the road I take is dark
therefore I'm blinded
All I need in life
is a messenger to help me get there
Cause I've got so many options & paths
I grind, it's hard to get there.

by Dietrich from Westend
Saturday, May 25th, 2013
On hearing word of Lauren Hill's imminent prison stint, a guy gave me this poem off the cuff
I tell you I don't know what I'll say, call it Life.
posted in hopes that both he and Lauren will soon be hitting on all six cylinders

Tags: 4th Quadrant Revisited; mental distortion exploration & tactics; gelly surf & turf dust stories; silly spells; African American Poets; dietrich; bespoke
741 · May 2013
Assimilar Destinations
Yolanda Smith May 2013
Stating the Obvious
He rarely smiled.
He does not listen to me when I talk.
He thinks I'm being vapid when I tell him about my day,
When I just wanted someone to share it with. Anyone at all.

He does not make time for me,
unless I have money to spend
He insists I'm hurting his feelings.
He's always saying goodbye to me,
And calling me emotional,
When I complain.

He looks me in the eye for ten years,
yet I din't know the color of his eyes
He avoids my gaze.
I flinch at his touch.
He becomes irritated at my questions,
When I just want to know him.
That is all.

It is because,
He likes someone.
Who is not me.

So don't ask me,
Why I don't say hi when I get home.
Why I refuse to answer your questions.
Why I didn't greet you on your birthday.

It is because,
I like someone.
Who is not you.
He treats me like I'm an ugly girl.

Inspired by Rlavr's Stating the Obvious

Tags:  3rd Quadrant Revisited; mental distortion exploration & tactics; gelly surf & turf dust stories; silly spells; buck bait; jethro years
©YJS 2013. All Rights Reserved.
665 · Jun 2013
How to Take A Blow
Yolanda Smith Jun 2013
Keep your eye on the line of it
As it comes toward your face

Relax before it connects
Inhale as it hits

your brain
Jarred in it's pan

Breathe in
And aim for their ribs
©YJWS 2013.  All Rights Reserved.
Tags: Skipper Mullins; blow; karate; 3rd Quadrant Revisited; mental distortion exploration & tactics; gelly surf & turf dust stories; buck bait; jethro years

— The End —