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 Jan 2014 Yekaterina Ko
Aridea P
Palembang, Senin 4 Oktober 2010

Oh, Shane...
How beautiful voice you have!
I always want to hear it one more time
I admire you from the start

When you sing a love song
I feel you touch my heart inside
When you say word by word
You makes me adore you too much

I want to take a rest
I can't close my eyes
Cause I always thinking of you

What a lovely smile you have!
You're beautiful everytime I see
You are great the way you are
Don't know, will I forget you?
I hope not.
Cause I can't live without your voice.

(edited Thursday, January 2nd 2014)
Days feel longer still and the nights seem old,
My hand it touches glass that bars my way,
I sit and see the winter winds blow cold,
Dreaming now of a closer coming day.
Hands soft with need and want will lift the gloom,
The world is gone we're buried in this den,
I'll see your smile sing back into this room,
Nights young with lips and laughter once again.
My heart it beats so sweetly for your own,
To kiss me now would make me weaker still,
A weakness that forever I'll condone,
Those lips that flame my passion, aim to thrill.
'I love you so,' my thoughts forever sigh,
You are the star, my life an endless sky.

— The End —