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 Dec 2012 Yavanna
Omier Vortex
If these walls could talk,
you'd know my body is dead,
my mind has been taken over,
that's why I am so scared,
I can't control it,
anger is making me blind,
I've been left here on my own
chained to a hate of some kind.
If these walls could talk.

If these walls could talk,
you'd know about my fears,
about all those nights I screamed for help,
about all my fallen tears.
You'd know about the demons
haunting me at night,
you'd be able to help me
keep my fire alight,
if these walls could talk.

If these walls could talk
they would say that it's all right,
God sends His angels
to look over me at night.
They'd encourage me,
say though I am alone
it doesn't mean I?m on my own.
He watches me, from above
and showers me with all His love,
if only these walls could talk.
 Dec 2012 Yavanna
The bronze of a ringed finger
And the gold of God's heart
The silver of Poseidon's eyes
And the red of torn apart
It was made in the cave of a mountain
Foraged from the heart of star
The angels were playing a game
And I suppose they could throw them quite far
An Irishman found the celestial rock
And took home to give to his wife
But on the way o'er the moor he tripped with the star
And fell on a stone like a knife
The star slipped from his grasp and rolled away
Exactly where no man is quite sure
But a hundered and sixty two years after that
It was found by a woman quite pure
She loved how it twinkled and glittered and shined
But her young daughter loved it and whined and whined
So one day the woman, though still pure of heart
Took her young daughter and tore her apart
Arrested and biter the woman was taken
The star underneath her pillow lay shaken
The poor little thing had lost quite a sweet home
Then the poor thing heard a long, lonely drone
Something was coming, something quite frightening
So the little thing rolled away kicking and biting
But stars, the poor things, are quite without eyes
So the star rolled off a cliff, sure of its grim demise
But then it was held softly, by something quite bland
It had been caught, been caught by a hand
The hand took it in to meet its homely face
The face belonged to a young girl of eight
She smiled at the lump of celestial rock
And ran home to the mountain, with only one sock
She gave it to her mother, who worked with polished metal
She cut the rock in half and carved one half into a petal
The other she saved for something quite new
First she took her stone axe and cut down a tall yew
She fastened a clock out of metal and zest
And she shoved the clock right into her young sons chest
It sputtered and spit until his eyes opened wide
And suddenly he stood up and right out he cried
Mother, a new heart, how am I to thank you?
She smiled, took his hand, and wiped tears for her eyes blue
He nodded and began straight to pack up his bags
He piled it on his back and his shoulders did sag
He kissed his mother and sister and began his long trek
Towards the black vast beyond
Toward the world, towards the wreck
He walked for six weeks before he came on a village
He was a kind boy, he had no thought to pillage
He called out quiet loud for everyone's ears
Hello! The boy with the clockwork heart is here!
No one came out, save a beautiful young girl
She looked at him quietly, and she made his head whirl
She asked him if she could feel his heart at work
He nodded and she placed her hand with a smirk
She gasped and she shuddered, her eyes like warm butter
Then she laughed and he let out a chuckle
He kissed her warm lips with his hands on her hips
But then suddenly something made his knees buckle
What's wrong? The girl asked him, a frown on her face
Still with hair soft like wings of a dove
He smiled sadly and laughed again, holding her hands
Dear it's silly, but the clockwork boy has finally found love
 Dec 2012 Yavanna
Georg Trakl
The black snow runs down from the rooftops;
A red finger dips into your brow;
Blue snow flakes sink into the empty room,
They are a lovers’ dying mirrors.
Heavy and torn to pieces the mind muses,
Follows the shadow in the mirror of blue snow flakes,
The cold smile of a deceased harlot.
The evening’s wind weeps in the scent of carnations.
 Dec 2012 Yavanna
"They" try to impose a dream.
Wait...."They" don't try anything
"Their" plan is working fine.
At the expense of yours and mine.

wake up and see
 Dec 2012 Yavanna
William Blake
Awake, awake my little Boy!
Thou wast thy Mother’s only joy:
Why dost thou weep in thy gentle sleep?
Awake! thy Father does thee keep.

“O, what land is the Land of Dreams?
What are its mountains, and what are its streams?
O Father, I saw my Mother there,
Among the lillies by waters fair.

Among the lambs clothed in white
She walked with her Thomas in sweet delight.
I wept for joy, like a dove I mourn—
O when shall I return again?”

Dear child, I also by pleasant streams
Have wandered all night in the Land of Dreams;
But though calm and warm the waters wide,
I could not get to the other side.

“Father, O Father, what do we here,
In this land of unbelief and fear?
The Land of Dreams is better far
Above the light of the Morning Star.”
 Dec 2012 Yavanna
Jeremy Duff
I'm one pack of cigarettes away from being broke.
Color me broke.
Color me smoking.
 Oct 2012 Yavanna
Nora Agha
 Oct 2012 Yavanna
Nora Agha
High and mighty
Jaws well defined
High brow
and high cheekbones.
Sharp like your tongue
when you mean to be mean.
A face well befitting
Your cold-
Your cruel streak.
The incline of your chin
Your smirk on thin lips

You think you intimidate?

Maybe if I didn't look
beyond your angles.
Maybe I'd be hurt.

But your eyes.
Round, shining, bright eyes.
No angles there.

No matter how hard you try
to darken your makeup
to sharpen your gaze.
You still have the eyes you had as a child.

Before you sharpened your angles

You think you can hold a steely gaze?
You think you intimidate?

When I look past your angles
the fear falls away.
And in your brown eyes I see you naked
stripped down to the barest form of your rage:

 Oct 2012 Yavanna
 Oct 2012 Yavanna
to search for clues beneath the soil;
perhaps it hides inside the talking trees
absorbed into the longing, thirsty roots
is true and beauteous given by the sun.
 Oct 2012 Yavanna
Alexis Martin
it hasn't even been a day
since I got out of the cave
and I can already see my demons
emerging from their hiding places
hello anxiety,
no I did not miss you
I see you there, razor blade
you can't hide from me
******, you sly devil
how did you get out of your bottle?
Since you all are here,
why don't you take a seat
and I'll brew us a *** of tea
For I have some bad news for you
and some good news for me
You have overstayed your welcome
I am cordially asking you to leave
and to never, ever return.
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