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xoirene Mar 2014
Monsters are real, ghost are real too.
      They live inside us,
                And sometimes
They win.
xoirene Mar 2014
Dark day, dark mind, I'm trying to hide the pain,

Dark love, dark road, I'm craving him, but he's away.

I'm losing myself on this dark road, in this dark day,

I'm a creation of a dark love, I have a dark mind.
xoirene Mar 2014
We crave
Lust for
     * Affection.
and deny
xoirene Mar 2014
We bleed just to know we’re a live,
We get hurt for the ones we love.
With our heads in our dreams,
Will never know what’s real.
Tired of the words that hang above our heads,
Which all just create scars in our heads.
  Mar 2014 xoirene
When I was little,
I was afraid to be alone.
I thought the demons
Would come to get me.
But now I'm older.
I know the truth.
There are no demons
Except loneliness.
xoirene Mar 2014
Taking over one breath at a time
I’m losing control, I’m losing myself.
I look in the mirror but everything still looks the same
Maybe it’s not the demons, it’s just the real me!

— The End —