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 Nov 2013 y i k e s
Paige Powell
“I love you,” you would say.
Sweetness in your eyes. Your heart didn’t sway.
When your hand held mine so tight,
you loved me then, with all your might.

My feelings still so strong and keen,
I’d like to believe that this was all unseen.
I’d tell myself, this isn’t real,
I’d say to you, “How do you feel?”

Your reply’s were so thought out,
to the point, you’d look away, and I would pout.
I knew what was happening, I did.
It was all too soon, of course you don’t kid.

This brought me down, way down deep.
I loved everything, it was you I wanted to keep.
It doesn’t really matter now.
You’re leaving me anyhow.

Far away, you will be.
Somewhere I can’t touch or see.
I’ll cry, I think, from this pain.
Like I said, these feelings aren’t tame.

Dearest, I love you still.
And, for sure, I know I always will.
You are my first,
and still, I thirst.

For your touch and smile.
I hope this distance will be for a little while.
But, I know that isn’t true.
Ever since, I said goodbye to you.

I want you here in my reach,
Sometimes in my dreams, I screech.
“Don’t go!” I beg and yell.
It’s all your fault, my heart has fell.

I’m not ready yet, please stay.
I love you dearly, come now, lay.
Let me kiss you, breathe you, touch you, see you.
Shouldn’t you want this too…

You loved me then, I still hope so.
You won’t ever say those words, you’ll be in silence, then you’ll just go.
So take my heart, take my body too.
Whatever it takes, just to get close to you.

I love you, I really do.
How you make me feel, it’s still so new.
You have changed, you loved me then.
We both have changed, I knew you then.
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 Nov 2013 y i k e s
 Nov 2013 y i k e s
i don't write poetry
what am i doing
i could say the same for my being
feeling at home neither here nor there -
skin cells scream

head against concrete
my actions personify,
and whisper in your ear to beat me ******
- you don't usually get the message
 Nov 2013 y i k e s
I'm tired.
Tired of this life,
Tired of this living,
But never really living.
Tired of walking around in a foggy haze
With a blindfold over my eyes
And cotton in my ears
I'm tired of people who look,
But never see,
Who listen,
But never hear.
I'm tired of being one of them
I'm tired of picking myself up off the ground
Only to be thrown back down.
I'm tired of pain,
Tired of tears,
Tired of all-consuming fears
But mostly,
I'm just tired of being
And I just want to go to sleep.
 Nov 2013 y i k e s
Carlos Nopo
Heartbroken from my past,
Tortured from this life.
It seems like no matter what I try to do,
I will never find happiness.
I've looked everywhere to just find it,
But it seems to never appear.
And I found out why I never found it,
Because it's not real.
Happiness isn't real,
This so called love isn't real,
Nothing is ever real these days.
I have been through so much,
Cried so much,
Loved so much,
And none of them had happiness in the end.
Life is so rough for me,
Life ***** for me,
Life is so ******* me.…
I don't know why I'm telling you this,
You will never understand.
 Nov 2013 y i k e s
Britt V
 Nov 2013 y i k e s
Britt V
When everything you believe, feels like a dream
When everything you know, is lost
When life is sending you shivers
Feeling unbearable
Your dreams are untouchable
Your goals unreachable
Happiness feels non-existent
Nothing goes your way
Your pillow covered in tears
Your pain hid by a smile
You’re left just running, running from everything
You're troubles, you're loved ones
Seeing no stop in sight
Having no fight left
It’s all been too long, too much
Feeling nothing but broken
Wishing for change
Wishing for a real smile
Wishing the blood would stop
Wishing the heart would burst
Wishing you were never here
Wishing your lungs never breathed
 Nov 2013 y i k e s
 Nov 2013 y i k e s
Lately it seems
my constants aren't so constant.

That good old feeling of stability
is becoming oh so distant.

And it looks like ignoring it
ain't doing the trick.

I'm sensing those familiar
downfall fires start to lick

the back of my neck
and its getting hard to breath

Nothings right again
I'm starting to seethe

Then I remember
this got me nowhere before

Now all I gotta do
is bust down that door.

Time to fly free
and just live for me
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