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 Nov 2013 y i k e s
Calli Kirra
Keep on with that makeup girl,
You always make the scene
And keep dancin
With that bottle girl
You're the ***** queen
Kiss all those mirrors girl,
You're a lost boy's dream
Tell me again how much you hate this world
I love it when you scream
And you're running away?
All you got is makeup and a pipe in that gray bag
 Nov 2013 y i k e s
Meagan Wise
 Nov 2013 y i k e s
Meagan Wise
You turned left away from me yesterday
And I realized that left is just sometimes better
Left alone
Left untouched
Left not to be drug on the battlefields, destroyed, and left, as a bad memory
But left sealed up as it was, in its greatest moments
So please
Just take your left darling
And eventually we'll both feel right about all of this
 Nov 2013 y i k e s
okay so *****,
fake tans and big butts,
getting it on in the craziest places,
disappointing looks on mom and dad's faces,
Boyfriend after boyfriend makes you feel so great,
on you, the rest of the girls start to hate,
you stole their man, but it makes you seem cool,
who cares how they feel? now you rule!
Master of that Gaping cavern,
that stretches to match your physical patterns,
How do you keep down that horrible stench,
wafting from multiple uses of your lady trench?
Is it pills, cream, or a deodorant spray,
that makes them keep asking for your legs to be splayed?
Oh're starting to twitch
is it a rash that's making you itch?
no worries though, you caught them all before,
warts, zits, and diseases, from being a *****,
but was it really worth getting that teacher arrested?
I don't think that's the way an improvement in grades is requested.
and how about losing your so called best friend,
just because her boyfriend pounded your loose end?
I guess you can be proud of the service you made,
giving every single person a chance to get laid,
yes, which you provide is quite generous,
too bad your existence is cancerous.
i dunno guys this is...this is just..perfect <3
 Nov 2013 y i k e s
 Nov 2013 y i k e s
Here's one thing
I'm having trouble

Why can't my
Story have a
Happier ending?
 Nov 2013 y i k e s
 Nov 2013 y i k e s
lights and smoke
covering the dance floor
showing a glimpse of
smiles and dancy feet

street lights and aircon
burning in my tired eyes
no ****** expression
burning inside

when the lips
that wouldn't let me go
suddenly can't speak a word
i no longer wish to be in this car

i wish to be in front of it
 Nov 2013 y i k e s
All Me
 Nov 2013 y i k e s
I'm not sure how to act
I can't hear music anymore
I can't see the bright side of things
and I can't feel anyone’s touch

All I hear
is the shallow lonely beating of my heart
along with my spiraling thoughts
that never seem to shut up

All I see
is myself, being trapped alone in the corner
in my own reflection
while my eyes stare endlessly at me

All I feel
is this consuming depression inside of me
taking over my mind and my tattered and frayed heart
and some very rare, occasional giggles...which fade...

All of my senses, fade inside of me
echoing repeatedly, reminding me
all i have to love and fear
is myself.

I want to feel you like I used to
I want to hear the music that set me free
I want to see your reassuring smile
and know that everything will be alright
 Nov 2013 y i k e s
Assaulted once again,
Betrayed by the ones she loved,
Consumed with utter sadness,
Dehumanized in every way.
Embarrassed by what they made her do,
Fearful that there's more to come,
Heartbroken and humiliated,
Inadequate in all she does.
****** around with such great force,
Kept quiet with threats of death,
Laughed at as she cries in pain,
Mistreated and manipulated
One broken heart left on display.
Pain they left within their wake,
Robbed of all her happiness,
Scared to trust again.
Trapped within their shadow,
Uncertain of my fate,
Victimized for the final time,
Worthless mindset overcome.
X'd out all the lies you told me,
Yearning for all that I deserve,
Zeroed out of my heart forever, as I take my final stand and finally leave today.
 Nov 2013 y i k e s
Hope Hiding
I found it in the glass cabinet.
The tequila, that is,
Not you.

Is nights like these,
The ones where your image is burned into my retinas,
Upside-down and backwards,
Upside-down and backwards,
You are burned upside-down and back wards.

And not even marathons of ****** crime TV shows and remove you from me.

These are the nights that in find my self in the glass cabinet.

But there are nights that I welcome you.
The nights where I smear charcoal across my face,
Across my page,
Upside-down and backwards
Upside-down and backwards
Seeking the blue that is your eyes.

You are a welcome guest those nights,
But I am not.

It’s funny to me that you loved Salinger so,
Seeing, as you are not as lucky as Holden.
But your borrowed the book anyways.

You are the reason that I can't wear belts,
Because I always picture you in a way that I shouldn't
It's your fault my pants sag.

And you made out with a senior and I was jealous
And you were screaming.

You knew didn’t you?
That you were going to leave me?

I cannot tell if I am angry.

You are gone.

I am upside-down and backwards
Upside down and backwards

And we are broken.
 Nov 2013 y i k e s
Isaiah Herpes
I have a third ******.
That doesn't mean I'm *******.
It's on the left side.
Some people think its weird like Jekyll and Hyde.
But there really actually wrong.
Because my ****** just makes me a lot more strong.
People either love it or they hate it.
Either way they wish they had one and usually throw a fit.
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