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 Jan 2014 y i k e s
Isaiah Herpes
I love you,
I wanna spread my goo,
all over you,
I feel like a fool until you say "its fine"
One day I hope to make you mine
You came to me when we first met
It seemed Gods' plan was set

You've been lied to all your life
Filled with heartache and strife
God loves you more then I ever could
People say things they never should.

I've told you and i'll tell you always
God loving you is not a phase.

The games we play
The words we say
You know me better than most
Some day I'll make you french toast (lol)

Maybe i'm too much for you
Too good to be true
But I think the same thing
not just another fling.

You think there is another
Should I even bother?
I really want you happy, help
I just want you for myself.

What do I have to do
To show that I'm for you?
You are my best friend
And I'll be here until the end.

Is this whats in store
Or is there more?
 Jan 2014 y i k e s
Marissa Burts
People were created to be loved
Things were created to be used
The reason why the world is in chaos
Is because things are being loved
And people are being used

*I do not take credit for this----I do not know where or when this was said, but I felt it needed to be said.
 Jan 2014 y i k e s
you sarcastic, short, cutiepie
when I say this I do not lie
I love ya more then stars in the the sky
or money spent so Hib can get high
all I have to say now is goodbye
 Jan 2014 y i k e s
blank space
like my
blank face
shows no trace
of feeling outta place
its crazy
how dazed
I feel
is this real?
guess I don't
wanna know
I'd rather sit back
and watch the show.
 Jan 2014 y i k e s
Heather Myers
Peace is all being the nicest
not the one that gives out all the crisis
Don't shoot a gun,
you might hurt someone.
Peace is about being nice.
Not the one to let out the mice
just so they can run around the dice
I wrote this poem when i was in kindergarten or first grade. I don't remember specifically. I don't know why, but I never threw it away. I recently showed it to a friend who is very into poetry, and he says he really likes it... And I guess in a way it show's the innocence of a child's mind... It makes me think now about how war affects a kid.
 Jan 2014 y i k e s
Emery Jamison
I got black out drunk at a party and woke up in a room with my pants off and my ex-boyfriend's friend standing over me. I deny ever having recollection of that night to everyone who has confronted me about it. Even to my ex-boyfriend.

I steal pills from my mother who actually needs them. These pills were usually sleeping pills or Xanax. I would take large amounts of them and even chase them with alcohol in hopes of numbing all feelings from my body and hoping I never wake up.

I lie so much to strangers, friends, and family, that my I have convinced myself that my lies are the truth and that these lies will make me a better person in their eyes. In reality, I have no one but myself. And I hate myself.

I stalk my ex-boyfriend on a daily basis. I check his Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter religiously. I also drive 30 minutes to his house just to drive by it and see if his car is parked on the drive way.

I promised my mother that I would never commit suicide. I think about killing myself on a daily basis and secretly hope that someone will just do it for me so I can keep that promise to her.

It takes me an hour to put on makeup because I find myself so repulsive to look at in the mirror that I have to take breaks so I don’t have an anxiety attack and start crying uncontrollably. However, I never leave my room without pounds of make up on my face.

I am failing pretty much all of my college classes and when my father asks me how my grades are, I lie and say that they are fine. He thinks that I am actually trying in the classes, when in reality, I am just trying to survive.

Sometimes I wake up in the morning and feel like I can take on the world. I can go the whole day and convince myself that I am as happy as the people around me. But then I go home to my room at night and fall into a deep depression where I feel like my heart is decaying inside of my chest. I then proceed to hit myself or scratch myself until the pain stops. It does not stop.

I leave my room for long periods of time so my roommate thinks I actually have a life and friends. But I really just take my sisters car and drive it to a mountain and sit there and cry.

One day a random boy who followed me on Instagram and then messaged me on Facebook and we started talking. I did not know him and he lived 45 minutes from me. One day I drove on the highway for my first time ever and went to his house to meet him. We had *** the same day. This continued for about 9 months. I came up with so many excuses of why I was not home so I could see him. We then became boyfriend and girlfriend. I fell in love with this boy. But no one knew about him except a couple of my close friends and sister. We were together for a year and a half. He left me. But I have to hide the fact that I’m broken from my parents because if they know why, I will lose all of their trust since I lied to them and kept him from them for so long. I wish he met them. He was the one secret I never should have kept.
 Jan 2014 y i k e s
you ever just get
so happy
so happy you wanna cry
if that isn't the best feeling.

I am here.

I am alive.

It is great.
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