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Xilhouette Jan 2016
The night is at it's ripest,
And the poet at his highest

The time of night where for a while,
His lyrics are filled with guile

The time when shadows are divine,
And the stars and the moon greatly shine

But the moon starts to dissipate,
For it has ceased to wait,
And gave in to it's weight...
I guess I should leave, it's getting late
© 2011 Xilhouette
Xilhouette Jan 2016
Little stick, candle stick, give me light
One to warm me in this unknown night
Little stick, come, and I'll make you learn
How to make this ******* night burn
© 2011 Xilhouette
Xilhouette Jul 2011
I've once seen people go in and out
of that beautiful gallery throughout

Awed with it's glittering splendor,
their eyes in a deep surrender

There stood a magnificent picture,
As if it was bathed in golden glitter
They'd always stop by to give it a praise
They would stand in front of it for days

For it was a painting wonderfully made,
Fine strokes of brush with marvelous shade

There it spoke only one language:
Perfection; an old dialect and adage

The people presented were curiously happy.
A child, an adult, fighting over candy
As the others just watched and laughed
Their joyously gay craft

The artist never thought of a glimpse of sorrow
Heck, the worst thing there was an unearthly wallow

And of course everything was accompanied by an aesthetic hue,
Colors that somehow don't know the word: adieu

But somehow I never seem to be amazed
of that painting people always crazed
For only I can see what it really is:
A picture no less than ****

They see fine strokes
When I see it in smokes

They see a marvelous shade
While I see a boring cascade

I beg them to give the gallery reprieve
But they never listen, they never leave

For I can see the colors dying
Yet why won't they start crying?
But I can't blame them for what they say,
Only I can see that picture fading away...
© 2011 Xilhouette
Xilhouette Jan 2016
I wish I were the phoenix
Die and burn to live again
Fly up the sky
and repeat: times ten

I wish I were the dragon
Strong and resilient, but though
Havoc and no mercy...
So maybe just no

I wish I were the Pegasus
So grand and noble
Up high and mighty
but chained... terrible

I wish to be free
To fly high in the sky
To glide across the sea
To live and to die!

Again and again...
I wish I were the phoenix so I may die
to live again and again
So more I could rest and lie
© 2014 Xilhouette

" I'm tired... "
Xilhouette Dec 2014
I see a dazzling flame
Taking it's claim
I can see it swallow
The mightiest chariot of Apollo
I see it becoming a blazing wing,
As the sky started to sing
Hymns of burning spite
Forever under the sunlight
© 2011 Xilhouette
Xilhouette Jan 2016
I mess things up quite well,
But hey, if I keep this up, I might end up in hell
Not that there isn't any difference but,
I'm guessing there, I can keep my mouth shut.
© 2011 Xilhouette
Xilhouette Jan 2016
Not tomorrow, not today,
No light shall shine my way
To those demons who sent me to pray,
Come at me! For there you shall lay

Never the sun, nor the night
Shall take away my flight
For I shall drive you out of my sight
And send you in an eternal blight

And to those who are blind,
they; whom with I've so foolishly dined,
I shall send you and your kind,
To nothingness! Where I have signed
© 2012 Xilhouette
Xilhouette Dec 2014
The night is here and mine:
It's subtle and divine
Laced with shimmering stars
And neon wrappers of candy bars
The night is destined to shine

The night seems to cloak the moon
At just the right time; not so soon
This young poet is out to greet
A woman whom he'd love to meet
And the moon is simply in tune

But destined to be in night's way
The poet should just obey.
For the night is already subtle and divine,
And forever destined to shine;
The poet should just greet her: happy birthday
© 2011 Xilhouette
Xilhouette Jan 2016
Greet me in my entrance,
oh darling France,

With your wit and your gaze, mystic;
with your facade, angelic

Dance with me, fine country
As to you, I sing deeply

While in absinthe we speak,
And our senses grow weak,

Come with me as to serve your pleasure
To points that no one can measure,

To a point of insanity if you leave,
and with it, melancholy I receive

But alas, no more are you there,
you leave my mind and soul bare,

Turning what was once a sweet ambiance,
into a bitter memory and grievance...

As such, I enter the familiar trance
of a bitter-sweet romance.
Oh what an odd ambiance!
To be without dear France
© 2013 Xilhouette

" A poem intended to have two meanings.  "
Xilhouette Jan 2016
As of late, they're starting to show
What are they you say? I don't know
I see black horns and red wings
Like bats out of hell with loose strings
I say to myself that I can handle,
But I can't help it but to leave a candle
Oh please don't let them fly
So may I ask? Are there demons nearby?
© 2011 Xilhouette
Xilhouette Mar 2018
Its so funny
To love something
You used to hate
So much

Whiffs of smoke
Pints of gold

Now you drown
Now you burn

But now its not even sad.
It all makes sense.
For you to hide something you love so much,
And to ****** those that you hate
Xilhouette Dec 2014
Two strangers and one night
All cheerful with delight
A night of sing and dance: Oh my...
A night in entrance: I don't lie

A stranger saying hi,
to a stranger passing by
Two people whom neither one knew,
Seem to be getting along with this strange brew

The other stranger, saying: "I love you"
While other people say: "So it's those two"
But looking at the time they say:
"Oh I must go my own way"

And so they thought that fate would betray
But to their surprise, fate led them to stay
Oh these two stranger-born lovers,
Are about to get their answers

Two strangers to show their colors
Two strangers ending a great day with their next-day errors
Oh to be in love and stupid,
Oh to be no less than enchanted

Then the next day comes: It doesn't feel blessed
Yet it also doesn't feel messed.
Now two strangers out of sight
To be forgotten by the next moonlight...

Two strangers last night
Were once cheerful with delight
In what was once a night of sing and dance
Became something of a sad romance
© 2011 Xilhouette
Xilhouette Jan 2016
Misty night,
A warm light

Sailing through the wind
Never having sinned

Stars are floating by
As I face the moon and lie
And as the birds pass I cry:
Oh how I wish I could fly
© 2011 Xilhouette
Xilhouette Jan 2016
The pitter-patter of rain on the roof
Is slowly creeping down the walls
Steadily approaching to where I'm bound:
It's fine. it's nothing

Now from the floor I see
The wall bleeding water from below
Slowly. Steadily. Rising.
It's fine. It's barely something

Faster and faster the water goes
Stronger and stronger the current flows
Here I am sitting knee deep
It's fine. It's fine.

Now it reaches toward my waist
Then to my chest and back
The flood embraces me.
I do not panic. It's fine

The room has been filled
Of sapphire blue
Of emerald moss
And there is a light
Right across my face
I do not reach toward it
I stay where I am.
I'm fine. I'm okay. I have drowned.
© 2016 Xilhouette
Xilhouette Apr 2010
Here is something sweeter,
Like a glass of fine wine
Something never bitter
With a taste truly divine
Wrapped in sweet white;
A color of sparkling scarlet;
And a scent that brings excite
Presented only to my starlet

That is my sweetest addiction.
Something I will call dandy
Something I can say with conviction
Something that is called: candy.
Xilhouette © 2010
Xilhouette Sep 2010
The stage, the spotlight;
What a spectacle
An applause in the night:
A perfect evening;
What can I say?
I can do this everyday,
Even after I age;
I want to be on... Center stage

Finally, the night, the dream
Tears start running down
Then a solemn scream;
Lingering through the night.
Don't ask me why
For I too may cry:
"After the curtain will fall:
There it is... My curtain call"

But even so after I age,
Or even after the curtain will fall
I will still be on... Center Stage!
Never taking my curtain call
Xilhouette © 2010
Xilhouette Jan 2016
It's nearing midnight again
Oh its somewhere past ten
Here I go, lights out
Just wanting to scream and shout

But maybe I'll just go outside
Give myself and the shore a stride
And as the ocean cries,
Perhaps I'll go chase some fireflies

Oh these fireflies; sweet and splendid
Not minding that they're being fended
I touch their light, it gives me kiss
Oh what joy, what simple bliss

Though sometimes you may get burned,
It's usually worth it. At least you learned
For every time you have it on your hand,
I promise you, it won't be like sand

I realize then to deep regret,
It's time to sleep. I had my set
But again I remember that tomorrow,
Won't be governed by sorrow

For at night fall, there is the shore
Nothing I would wish no-less or no-more
Oh midnight please arise,
So I can start chasing some fireflies
© 2011 Xilhouette
Xilhouette Jan 2016
Serve it hot or cold:
It tells stories you've never told

Make it milk or dark
Oh I bet it'll start a spark

Try it with orange or any fruit
And you'll forget the right route

Taste it sweet and luscious ebony;
Perhaps something sweeter than honey
It may be less sweet than candy,
But it proves to be just as dandy

It's something you can't hate I bet
After all, nothing can beat good chocolate
© 2011 Xilhouette
Xilhouette Feb 2018
Ev'ry puff of smoke
Ev'ry bottle down my throat:
A day near my death
Xilhouette Feb 2011
And though the stage has been set,
I feel nothing,
I remain a silhouette,
As it's crumbling
I guess I should stop. Xilhouette © 2011
Xilhouette Jun 2010
Things meant to be
Things only I can see
A stain of black
On a mellow white;
Things I lack
Are out of my sight
Curse be me
I can see that you agree

Curse the day that I met her!
I could not decline.
Curse the day that I met her!
I did not see the sign.
Curse the day that I met her!
I simply do not fit her design...

Curse yesterday, today, and everyday,
Curses to one and all; but
Blessed be that day I stepped inside that room
And blessed be that lesson that I will take to my tomb:

Life is this
We will all end up
Simply; in the abyss
Xilhouette © 2010
Xilhouette May 2018
Look forward to a day
Where today is no longer yesterday

Yesterday was fear
Yesterdays of uncertainty
Of longing.
Of only pure liquid coursing through your veins

Oh the yesterday where rain is a blessing
When the heat
You feel is only sunlight
Ah a heat lacking lust

A dream

But look forward to today
A today where it is tomorrow

And imagine
That today is a blessing
Today is sunlight
Imagine that today there is warmth

Now after today
After today brings

Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow
A tomorrow of uncertainty
Another tomorrow of fear
And another
And another
And another

A tomorrow
Of dreaming of today
Back to yesterday and yesterday
Xilhouette Dec 2014
Would you like a leisurely stroll?
And while you're at it,
May I take your soul?
Just to acquit?

Start off through a forest:
Jaded leaves and sapphired seas
Paradise at it's best?
Oh just you wait for the breeze.

Now how about a valley?
Small, quaint and serene
Also free of anarchy.
But then again, what stops it from being obscene?

Onwards now, to an oasis
Shall you now quench your thirst?
Oh sweet bliss?
But did I mention, it's cursed?

Oh you lowly fool
You've made a deal with a ghoul
Someone who'll use you as a tool
No matter how cruel

So you say you want out?
All right then
But I'm sure you lout
That you'll come back again and again

So you didn't like that stroll?
So while I'm at it,
Why don't I give back your soul.
At least while you quit
© 2011 Xilhouette
Xilhouette Jan 2016
Grandfather! Grandfather! Oh watch and clock!
Watch me tick! Watch me tock! Without a lock!
Lucifer! Lucifer! Go forth and rhyme!
As I dine with melancholy! And time...
© 2011 Xilhouette
Xilhouette Jan 2016
Madness! Madness! Oh wonderful madness!
Let's have a chat and lose all that gladness!
Come with me! Come with me! Here, have a seat!
As we wait for sadness before we eat.
© 2011 Xilhouette
Xilhouette Jun 2010
I think I miss her.
Maybe, just maybe I do
And then I shuddered.
Xilhouette © 2010
Xilhouette Jan 2011
Close your eyes
on that cold dark night
Where your heart, cold as ice
Will know he's not always right

Rest your head
on that warm pillow
And imagine her face turn red
And yours sadder than a willow

Go to your slumber
And try to believe
That when you dream of her
You; wont be as somber

But for now just sleep unfurled
And think of her beam
For there is no better world
Than what is called: dream
Xilhouette © 2011
Xilhouette Jun 2010
That's entertainment!
Ridiculously fun pain;
But at least worth while.
Xilhouette © 2010
Xilhouette Jan 2016
Enter, the night!
Exiting daylight,
giving such a fright

Enter, the night!
Such a beautiful sight,
Such wonderful might

Enter, the night!
Watch everything take flight,
Incuding that glorious light...

Oh glorious light,
You fail to put up a fight
And as you begin to alight,
come enter: the night!
© 2014 Xilhouette

" To the new year, I welcome you. But you are not alone for with you, come enter the night! "
Xilhouette Dec 2014
It makes me blind,
It blows my mind,

It makes my soul bend,
It could even be God send

I bask in it's splendor
As if it was the sweet December.

I thought I only own the night's line
To think that I own something divine;
Something bathed in shine!
Who knew, that even the day is mine.
© 2011 Xilhouette
Xilhouette Feb 2011
Oh fill my eyes with hate
Fill it, and see your fate

Oh remove joy from my eyes.
It gives me nothing but sighs

Bring back the memory of anger
So the other memories, I can shatter

As for the olden cheer
Leave it be, give it a jeer

So fill me with spite
And get out of my sight
Xilhouette Jan 2016
Fissures in the wall
And protruding splinters

Ruptured foundations
A falling roof

A little child runs inside
and cowers in fear

He tries to lose himself
but he's just there

Then the cracks give in,
as the fissures do
Does he live?
Or does he die?
© 2011 Xilhouette
Xilhouette Oct 2010
For you are my candy,
For you are my star,
For you make things "dandy"
Even if things don't get far

For you are my "sweetest thing"
For only you make me weak
For only you make me sing
"Lines of pure white" week after week

For only you make me smile
For you are always the only exception
For I made myself an exile
I wonder if you were a deception

Let me say I'm sorry
If you think this is weird
I just want you to tell you my story...
Even if after wards I may get seared

Now you may think I'm crazy
Now I think that you know
That my mind is growing hazy
So let me say something before I go:

Night time you smile at me
Infatuate me when you speak
Kindle thoughts here and there
Keeping me so weak
Indeed you amaze me, Nikki

I don't ask you to keep this
I don't mind if you give this back
But it will always be you who'll I miss
It's always you that keeps me intact

Once again I apologize
And also I shall rant:
"Finally, I can let go of my sighs
Without a single pant"

And do not be afraid to leave
Do not be afraid to reject
For I want you to conceive
that: This glorious poet shall always resurrect

So I've made my piece;
Now I will say this is not for me
Now this feeling shall never cease
Because this is for you, Nikki
Some of these lines aren't true anymore... Oh well, move on
Xilhouette © 2010
Xilhouette May 2018
I the onlooker
Looks on the tender sweetness
Of the bond between
Man and woman
Woman and man
Man to man and
Woman to woman

A blissful repose
Is what a yearn for
When the scent of colorful daisies
Or the chime of tiny bells
Becomes only an apparition;
An idea at the back of my mind

In front of that one person
My mind would be blank,
If not of the thought of my love
The one's whose light does not shine through my darkness
But of the light that casts a further spark into whats left of my smoldering fervor

I the onlooker
looks on tender sadness
Caused by love not being able to find me,
Of what was found once but what was lost

Oh a bitter-sweet sensation this epiphany
Love cannot find me now
However I the onlooker;
Still looks on
We still look on
Xilhouette Feb 2011
Have you met good 'ol Lewis?
He'll be the best person you'll meet
I swear and I promise

He may be a bit shy
So just treat him well
Then again, He'll just give you a sigh

This guy you see, will always smile
No matter what you do
Even if your sin goes for a mile

And have you  met his best friend yet?
Not to boast, but it's basically me
Though in the end, I'm just a silhouette

But lately, he's feeling a bit down
And I want to help him out
Lately he's like a king, losing his crown

Anyway, lets help good 'ol Lewis out
And I know just the way to do so
And that dear friends, is what you shouldn't doubt...
Xilhouette © 2011
Xilhouette Feb 2018
Heathens may only wonder,
Ethereals stare and ponder
Righteously at whom is love
As he shudders: that ******* god above
Xilhouette Nov 2010
Just let me finish this riff,
then pass that thing around
And give me a sniff
To hear better the sound

Dear God I love that vial
Okay now this time I won't lie
I just love my ******* smile
Oh and yes, I'm high
Please excuse the quality, I just made this in class 'cause I was bored.
Xilhouette © 2010
Xilhouette Nov 2010
How long has it been
Since I felt like this
I know it isn't a sin
To be in bliss
But this just too great
Just too endearing
And as of date
I've stop hearing
Hearing her call
I've closed my ears
For I have heard it all
And I grow weary of my tears.

But at last I now know
That I can leave you and I be
Thank you, for letting me go
Thank you I am free
Xilhouette © 2010
Xilhouette Jan 2011
On a tall glass
In quite a generous mass
Cold and fluffy,
Yet  somehow warm and puffy
Some praline, and nuts
With fresh banana cuts

Sensationally sweet,
Capable of a marvelous feat
of filling a stranger full
Otherwise, he won't be in a mull
Or in a daze
Just take a look at him in that sugared haze

Whether it's strawberry or mango
Or an orange doing the tango
I'd just like to add
That we like to go mad
Or we'd go for a scream
Over something cold, called: ice cream
Xilhouette © 2011
Xilhouette Mar 2011
I swear it was moonlit
When I felt like ****

I did something wrong,
Yet I tried to stay strong

It was under the stars,
That I bore these scars

I felt it started out nice,
But who knew that I'd be left in the cold ice?

A voice from flickering air,
It simply left me bare.

I said: "I like you,
I want to know you"

I waited. And finally the message came.
Immediately, I felt more pathetic than lame

Bullet-like words struck my heart
wonderfully like a brilliant piece of art.

So my life, it just stopped then.
It'd be a failure to count to ten.
So yet again, I'll just pick up my pen:
"I know I'll never see you again"
Xilhouette © 2011 . A continuation of "I Wish..."
Xilhouette Nov 2010
Watch a blue bird flutter
Watch it over the gutter
He'll fly to begin
Something we call: Imagine

Watch them sing and dance
Under a soft trance;
We like to call dream,
Under the moon's beam

For all his life he will fly
Believing that he won't die
Unless he neglects his flight
To the eternally bright light

Until one day he descends
To the earth's bitter ends
Giving his wings an inflammation.
Don't worry just keep in mind: This is imagination
Xilhouette © 2010
Xilhouette Jan 2016
You know; I can't say
anything else but maybe
just this: I miss you.
© 2011 Xilhouette
Xilhouette Jan 2016
Oh shining lights; you who clear my misty vision
Clear also the fog ahead of my weary feet
Let me follow you to the right path; the right road
Turning the grit in my boots to the grit in me
© 2016 Xilhouette
Xilhouette May 2018
Of empty glasses,
And bottles. Only I am
None but emptier
Just another Haiku
Xilhouette Feb 2011
Just last night
he gave himself a fright
A little blood on the floor
A silhouette across his door

Blood seeping out...
Out and about
His face is pale,
And his body: frail

Knife in hand
A smile on his face: grand
Good 'ol Lewis is dead
On his good 'ol soft bed

So see him lifeless
See his unorthodox happiness
As the silhouette exits
Out of those forsaken derelicts...

He left a note on the floor saying:
"For the record, this is no slaying.
This is merely the right way of helping him.
For it is not right to leave your best friend in  whim.

So just face the fact,
that he isn't coming back.
Good 'ol Lewis is dead
And be thankful, you weren't at his stead."
Xilhouette © 2011
Xilhouette Jan 2016
My sight was hazy, but I saw you
I saw you as a faded hue

You were behind the others,
Just some person in another verse

You weren't a jewel to me,
that I didn't see

Yet now you are tinged in a new light
A light colored by blinding white

Shining brightly by your hair,
and for that reason I stare

And now I once again see you
in a different color: angelic blue...

Now I can clearly see you
and all I ask is of you is to see me anew
but so we might not argue,
Please at least see me too
© 2013 Xilhouette
Xilhouette Nov 2010
Once again, I'm in bliss
A feeling that I miss
Once again I can smile
Now without denial
For now, you make my day
Because you can make me say:
"Back then, it wasn't you
Now, I think I love you"
Xilhouette © 2010
Xilhouette Feb 2011
Wake up! It's morning!
See the clock at twelve and then,
Sleep now! It's morning!
Ughh. Imma be sleeping now.
Xilhouette © 2011
Xilhouette Jan 2011
It was before sunset,
The day we met.

Time stopped I swear
I even forgot, I care

It was then after dark
When she left a mark

Who knew, that my night
Was set to ignite

It was then the next day
I thought I knew my way

Then a message arrived
My sadness then deprived

Finally it was bliss
Something worthy to reminisce

Again, time stopped and then
I picked up my pen,
I counted to ten:
"I wish I could see you again"
Xilhouette © 2011
Xilhouette Dec 2014
The stars: are dying
They lived. So bright and, so high
I wish... I were... Them...
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