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495 · May 2018
Days of Tomorrow
Xilhouette May 2018
Look forward to a day
Where today is no longer yesterday

Yesterday was fear
Yesterdays of uncertainty
Of longing.
Of only pure liquid coursing through your veins

Oh the yesterday where rain is a blessing
When the heat
You feel is only sunlight
Ah a heat lacking lust

A dream

But look forward to today
A today where it is tomorrow

And imagine
That today is a blessing
Today is sunlight
Imagine that today there is warmth

Now after today
After today brings

Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow
A tomorrow of uncertainty
Another tomorrow of fear
And another
And another
And another

A tomorrow
Of dreaming of today
Back to yesterday and yesterday
486 · Jan 2016
An Odd Ambiance
Xilhouette Jan 2016
Greet me in my entrance,
oh darling France,

With your wit and your gaze, mystic;
with your facade, angelic

Dance with me, fine country
As to you, I sing deeply

While in absinthe we speak,
And our senses grow weak,

Come with me as to serve your pleasure
To points that no one can measure,

To a point of insanity if you leave,
and with it, melancholy I receive

But alas, no more are you there,
you leave my mind and soul bare,

Turning what was once a sweet ambiance,
into a bitter memory and grievance...

As such, I enter the familiar trance
of a bitter-sweet romance.
Oh what an odd ambiance!
To be without dear France
© 2013 Xilhouette

" A poem intended to have two meanings.  "
473 · Jan 2016
Xilhouette Jan 2016
Give me a sleepless night,
Headless horseman, evil knight
Let me regret closing my eyes
As everyone ceases to live and just dies

Drive me away from that ghastly face
Even let me end in the second place,
Because safety is ever so rare,
So much that this world becomes a nightmare
© 2011 Xilhouette
472 · Feb 2011
It's Morning!
Xilhouette Feb 2011
Wake up! It's morning!
See the clock at twelve and then,
Sleep now! It's morning!
Ughh. Imma be sleeping now.
Xilhouette © 2011
471 · Jun 2010
Do I?
Xilhouette Jun 2010
I think I miss her.
Maybe, just maybe I do
And then I shuddered.
Xilhouette © 2010
468 · Jan 2016
Bounded Diving
Xilhouette Jan 2016
The pitter-patter of rain on the roof
Is slowly creeping down the walls
Steadily approaching to where I'm bound:
It's fine. it's nothing

Now from the floor I see
The wall bleeding water from below
Slowly. Steadily. Rising.
It's fine. It's barely something

Faster and faster the water goes
Stronger and stronger the current flows
Here I am sitting knee deep
It's fine. It's fine.

Now it reaches toward my waist
Then to my chest and back
The flood embraces me.
I do not panic. It's fine

The room has been filled
Of sapphire blue
Of emerald moss
And there is a light
Right across my face
I do not reach toward it
I stay where I am.
I'm fine. I'm okay. I have drowned.
© 2016 Xilhouette
429 · Jan 2016
Xilhouette Jan 2016
En garde...

At the ready
at the command
unsheathe your blade
prepare where you stand

ahead of you is no man
ahead is fear, anxiety
impatience, dread
but play it right, ahead is victory

Etes-vous prets?

Now the blade is in view
its owner waiting for the foray
its steel waiting for your neck
its danger awaiting the melee

You feel the sweat on your brow,
Tension now reaching your nape
Your arms twitching and shaking
They are aggravated for their escape


First there is quiet...
Then your arms bolt!
Your legs dart!
A clash of steel... and now the halt

Again at the ready
En garde...

Threatening the enemy
with your edge like gunpoint...
A step... You pounce!
Connect... Point!
© 2016 Xilhouette
427 · Jan 2016
In Front of the Crossroads
Xilhouette Jan 2016
Oh shining lights; you who clear my misty vision
Clear also the fog ahead of my weary feet
Let me follow you to the right path; the right road
Turning the grit in my boots to the grit in me
© 2016 Xilhouette
Xilhouette Jan 2016
Words go on and on
Seemingly endless chatter
It's just so tiring

So I accept it
Don't stop. Just do as you wish
Just keep on going
© 2016 Xilhouette
419 · Dec 2014
A Neon-Lit Midnight
Xilhouette Dec 2014
The night is here and mine:
It's subtle and divine
Laced with shimmering stars
And neon wrappers of candy bars
The night is destined to shine

The night seems to cloak the moon
At just the right time; not so soon
This young poet is out to greet
A woman whom he'd love to meet
And the moon is simply in tune

But destined to be in night's way
The poet should just obey.
For the night is already subtle and divine,
And forever destined to shine;
The poet should just greet her: happy birthday
© 2011 Xilhouette
416 · Dec 2014
Dealing With the Devil
Xilhouette Dec 2014
Would you like a leisurely stroll?
And while you're at it,
May I take your soul?
Just to acquit?

Start off through a forest:
Jaded leaves and sapphired seas
Paradise at it's best?
Oh just you wait for the breeze.

Now how about a valley?
Small, quaint and serene
Also free of anarchy.
But then again, what stops it from being obscene?

Onwards now, to an oasis
Shall you now quench your thirst?
Oh sweet bliss?
But did I mention, it's cursed?

Oh you lowly fool
You've made a deal with a ghoul
Someone who'll use you as a tool
No matter how cruel

So you say you want out?
All right then
But I'm sure you lout
That you'll come back again and again

So you didn't like that stroll?
So while I'm at it,
Why don't I give back your soul.
At least while you quit
© 2011 Xilhouette
413 · Dec 2014
The Death of Lewis
Xilhouette Dec 2014
Death! Death! Oh you Death!
Let me borrow your sweet breath!
Let these people weep!
As I proceed to reap!

You there child!
Why are you exiled?
Did you take what is not yours?
Or have you had too much downpours?

Ergo state your name!
Don't bother showing shame
For it is here you shall depart!
For I shall take your heart

Oh you child named Lewis!
Get ready to lose your aegis!
Die Lewis! Die! Die! Die!
Look at these people. They don't cry

Death! Death! Oh you Death!
Thank you for your sweetest breath!
Die! Lewis Die!
But why is it I cry?
© 2011 Xilhouette
405 · Jan 2016
Xilhouette Jan 2016
Fissures in the wall
And protruding splinters

Ruptured foundations
A falling roof

A little child runs inside
and cowers in fear

He tries to lose himself
but he's just there

Then the cracks give in,
as the fissures do
Does he live?
Or does he die?
© 2011 Xilhouette
399 · Jan 2016
Love a Girl who Sings
Xilhouette Jan 2016
Date a girl who sings,
Who can give you a halo and wings,
Take you on a cruise
Without suffering a bruise

Give her a song as a gift,
And in turn, happiness is swift
Quicker even; on a star
Serenading her with your guitar

She may be gentle up or down
Not wanting both of you to frown
So sweet, simple, mellow and tender
I bet you'll give in and surrender

Just love a girl who'll accept a duet
And lastly before I forget
Love a girl who can carry a tune
For it's just like sitting on the moon
© 2011 Xilhouette
398 · Jan 2016
Just Taking My Time
Xilhouette Jan 2016
I watch people suffer day until night
As I watch them scream and shout, I just write
Sometimes I sing songs for the pale moon light
As the other people rally and fight

They look at me with such envy and disgust
So I wonder why the do what they must.
Nevertheless I've seem to lose their trust
still, it's too trivial: they'll end up as dust

So I say to them: Why not take your time?
Be a priest, be an actor, be a mime!

Just trust what I say; sit back, just relax
So you can enjoy your life to the max
© 2011 Xilhouette
395 · Jan 2016
A Candle
Xilhouette Jan 2016
Little stick, candle stick, give me light
One to warm me in this unknown night
Little stick, come, and I'll make you learn
How to make this ******* night burn
© 2011 Xilhouette
387 · May 2018
Found and Lost
Xilhouette May 2018
I the onlooker
Looks on the tender sweetness
Of the bond between
Man and woman
Woman and man
Man to man and
Woman to woman

A blissful repose
Is what a yearn for
When the scent of colorful daisies
Or the chime of tiny bells
Becomes only an apparition;
An idea at the back of my mind

In front of that one person
My mind would be blank,
If not of the thought of my love
The one's whose light does not shine through my darkness
But of the light that casts a further spark into whats left of my smoldering fervor

I the onlooker
looks on tender sadness
Caused by love not being able to find me,
Of what was found once but what was lost

Oh a bitter-sweet sensation this epiphany
Love cannot find me now
However I the onlooker;
Still looks on
We still look on
385 · Apr 2010
The Singing Fool
Xilhouette Apr 2010
The fool who spoke with a magic tongue
The fool who sat and sung
Is Shut still and away,
He has nothing left to say

The man who had a heart of gold,
Now sitting in the winter cold
Clutching memories; new and old
Which only he, can forever hold
Xilhouette © 2010
376 · Feb 2011
With Myself
Xilhouette Feb 2011
Eating with myself;
Not the best thing to do huh?
I'd beg to differ.
The spell of "alone" always gets me, and I like it; whether it hurts me or not. Xilhouette © 2011
375 · Oct 2016
You are a rose
Xilhouette Oct 2016
You were a bud
Hiding beauty inside yourself

A bud waiting to bloom
And bloomed beautifully you did

Now a rose you shown your color
A dazzling red growing from green

Hid inside a glass dome you wait
People thinking youd never break

You were a rose hidden inside a shell
Yet You had fallen from the skies and your petals fell
You will return to the sky where you belong
Among the roses and your thorns

My dear you were a fallen rose
But my dear; to everyone
   you are still a rose
374 · Jan 2016
An Atheist's Prayer
Xilhouette Jan 2016
Not tomorrow, not today,
No light shall shine my way
To those demons who sent me to pray,
Come at me! For there you shall lay

Never the sun, nor the night
Shall take away my flight
For I shall drive you out of my sight
And send you in an eternal blight

And to those who are blind,
they; whom with I've so foolishly dined,
I shall send you and your kind,
To nothingness! Where I have signed
© 2012 Xilhouette
373 · Jan 2016
Waiting for a Bus
Xilhouette Jan 2016
I stand under the sun,
Waiting for a bus
As I watch people have fun
As I watch them in a fuss

I stand under the heat of summer
Waiting for a ride
As the other people sunder,
And lose their pride

Suddenly there came rain
and the bus is nowhere in sight
the other people left, being insane
from the dark clouds of night

Yet I stood there waiting for my ride
Believing it wouldn't be a shame
If i continued my stride...
Suddenly a flash of light! It's here, it came
© 2011 Xilhouette
Xilhouette Jan 2016
In the morning when you wake,
You smile, then you take
A deep breath, for courage to come
And take a shot of something like ***
Giving yourself to I,
Using all your power not to ask why.
I remember why I love you.
Look me in the eye as I'll imbue
A feeling that you once knew
Run toward me and I'll make clear the hue

I love it when you become weak,
Like the lamb so innocent, so meek
On another note, there's your voice
Vibrating in my ear, making me rejoice.
Everything you do, I definitely love
Yet sometimes I forget, that I'm ashamed of...
Oh but don't you ever grieve for I am
Unable to leave, for I too am a lamb
© 2012 Xilhouette

" For this very wonderful girl that I fell in love with. I'm sorry that I'm not perfect. But for you, I'll make myself perfect "
365 · Dec 2014
A Hymn Bathed in Red
Xilhouette Dec 2014
I see a dazzling flame
Taking it's claim
I can see it swallow
The mightiest chariot of Apollo
I see it becoming a blazing wing,
As the sky started to sing
Hymns of burning spite
Forever under the sunlight
© 2011 Xilhouette
346 · Jan 2016
A Messed Up Quatrain
Xilhouette Jan 2016
I mess things up quite well,
But hey, if I keep this up, I might end up in hell
Not that there isn't any difference but,
I'm guessing there, I can keep my mouth shut.
© 2011 Xilhouette
339 · Jan 2016
Xilhouette Jan 2016
Over the ocean,
Through the sky,
See that blue bird,
Once again fly

Dancing with the wind,
together with his spouse;
A beautiful dove,
Forever in arouse

Then, spinning with the clouds,
A tornado brews!
Will they separate?
Will they lose?

Now out of the sea and sky,
Finding an escape,
Like being lost in a flame,
The two disappear, they lose their shape

Through the forests,
to a tree,
They seem trapped...
But they are free
© 2011 Xilhouette
337 · Jan 2016
Sweet Dreams
Xilhouette Jan 2016
The magician sleeps
His assistant; she'll follow
Bidding him sweet dreams
Good night

© 2016 Xilhouette
336 · Jan 2016
I See You
Xilhouette Jan 2016
My sight was hazy, but I saw you
I saw you as a faded hue

You were behind the others,
Just some person in another verse

You weren't a jewel to me,
that I didn't see

Yet now you are tinged in a new light
A light colored by blinding white

Shining brightly by your hair,
and for that reason I stare

And now I once again see you
in a different color: angelic blue...

Now I can clearly see you
and all I ask is of you is to see me anew
but so we might not argue,
Please at least see me too
© 2013 Xilhouette
Xilhouette Dec 2014
May I request a portrait of you?
Maybe dressed in cocktail blue?
How about in a cherry red?
Oh I'm sorry, am I too much of a dread?

It will be the best in my collection;
Along with my wonderful selection
Of candies and other sketches
That will tease my utmost senses

May I request you here?
I promise I won't hold you dear
Maybe if we'd just go out and eat,
My day will end up pretty neat

How about it?
Are you willing to submit?
For I want this friendship to renew.
So how about it? May I request a portrait of you?
© 2011 Xilhouette
328 · Jan 2016
My Promise
Xilhouette Jan 2016
I am yours and you are mine,
Come with me and we'll see the stars shine

We'll sail through seemingly endless dark
As we follow the song of the lark

You'll fly me there to the moon
As I sing for you; your favorite tune

We'll go through a day and then a night
Though we might pick up a petty fight

Then I'll go and start blaming you
And we'll think it's the end of us two...

But even so or even then
Our love is mightier than a pen
For I am yours and you are mine
Let our love be perfect and divine
© 2012 Xilhouette
327 · Jan 2016
Stories from a Leaf
Xilhouette Jan 2016
Today the wind brought me
A leaf undoubtedly gloomy

I could tell that it had gone through many
For I seem to hear more than one story

It came off a grand oak,
Flew down the river for a soak

Flowing into the sea from the river;
From there the leaf started to shiver

Then a great wave started to amass,
Delivering the leaf to what seemed impasse

The wind swooped in and set him free:
His fate: to be burned slowly

The wind finally escaped
And eventually came to me misshaped

But even though his story was terrifying,
To the point where one would feel like dying,
I felt like taking the skies and flying
Just to avoid everyone's sighing
© 2011 Xilhouette
325 · Jan 2016
Just a Few Numbers
Xilhouette Jan 2016
If you'd stop loving me,
I'd fall in love once more
Then another, then three,
Then perhaps another four

No matter how much we fight
No matter if we fight for an hour or two or ten,
I definitely won't lose light,
Instead I'll fall for you again and again and again.
© 2012 Xilhouette

" Happy Valentine's day for my love and everyone else looking for love and falling in love. 02-14-12 "
324 · Dec 2014
Night and Day
Xilhouette Dec 2014
Humble, Lovely
Dreaming, Lingering, Endearing
Stars, Lovers, Family, Sun
Striking, Blinding, Searing
Arrogant, Divine
© 2011 Xilhouette
322 · Mar 2019
When The World Ends
Xilhouette Mar 2019
Not when clouds turn grey
Nor when the wind ceases to howl

Not when the ground shakes
Nor the earth rumbles

Not even when mountains erupt
Or when the forest sunders

Only when

Souls tear apart
With a sound that makes even the mightiest ones shudder

When your mind breaks
And you give in to despair
Like pillars of cement
Coming down to the abyss

Only When

You seek solace in cigarettes
Or see a better life by the bottle

Does the world end
322 · Jan 2016
Xilhouette Jan 2016
My dear brown eyes,
So devoid of lies

Oh so white and pure
Seducing me with your allure

Sing, dance and sway,
Oh you take my breath away

Haunt me when you speak
Because for you: I am weak
And even if the following isn't true,
I'll still say it: I love you
© 2011 Xilhouette
315 · Jun 2018
My Heart is for Rent.
Xilhouette Jun 2018
My heart is for rent.
Holding a space for one.
And do not tell me that you can't

In here is home
Comfort and solace
Like tiny shells being washed by seafoam

It is a place for you
And you alone
The only acceptable who in this world of who's who

But maybe one is not enough
Oh my dear you are right
A space for another, no not a bluff

My heart is for rent.
It holds space now for two.
It holds one for you,
The other one for me.

Because it is cliche
How can you love another,
If you cannot love yourself.
312 · Jan 2016
Xilhouette Jan 2016
Serve it hot or cold:
It tells stories you've never told

Make it milk or dark
Oh I bet it'll start a spark

Try it with orange or any fruit
And you'll forget the right route

Taste it sweet and luscious ebony;
Perhaps something sweeter than honey
It may be less sweet than candy,
But it proves to be just as dandy

It's something you can't hate I bet
After all, nothing can beat good chocolate
© 2011 Xilhouette
308 · Jan 2016
Dining With Time
Xilhouette Jan 2016
Grandfather! Grandfather! Oh watch and clock!
Watch me tick! Watch me tock! Without a lock!
Lucifer! Lucifer! Go forth and rhyme!
As I dine with melancholy! And time...
© 2011 Xilhouette
305 · Jan 2016
Little Star
Xilhouette Jan 2016
Little star, little star
You shine so well tonight
Twinkling calm and sweet
Oh such fine light

Little star, little star
Don't you ever sleep
Forever you should stay,
By my side, with wounds so deep

Little star, little star
Oh won't you stay?
Don't say goodnight please,
I want you everyday...
© 2011 Xilhouette
297 · Jan 2016
Xilhouette Jan 2016
The night is at it's ripest,
And the poet at his highest

The time of night where for a while,
His lyrics are filled with guile

The time when shadows are divine,
And the stars and the moon greatly shine

But the moon starts to dissipate,
For it has ceased to wait,
And gave in to it's weight...
I guess I should leave, it's getting late
© 2011 Xilhouette
295 · Jan 2016
To Give
Xilhouette Jan 2016
Paint me a picture,
Dark or bright,
Give it color,
Divine or sublime

Sing me a song,
Music to my ears
Brilliance should luster,
Lyrical and deep

Show me its beauty
Let it bathe in silver
Let it sparkle in orange
Lest it would run dry

Show me nothing but grace
let serenity ooze  from its bowels
And give me the power
to adore everything around me
© 2011 Xilhouette
292 · Mar 2018
Xilhouette Mar 2018
Strange it really is
To call a place with people
That I just dont know,

Save a few bottles
And glasses with beer on tap,
Somewhere I call home.
Welcome to Spektral

291 · Jan 2016
Dining With Time Redux
Xilhouette Jan 2016
Madness! Madness! Oh wonderful madness!
Let's have a chat and lose all that gladness!
Come with me! Come with me! Here, have a seat!
As we wait for sadness before we eat.
© 2011 Xilhouette
290 · Dec 2014
May You?
Xilhouette Dec 2014
Might I die? May I leave?
Might you see, there is a need
You see it's pointless to grieve
So stop your tears; think of it as a deed

May I sleep, in your arms?
A final moment we'd be together
Might you kiss me? Don't be alarmed
your memory will last forever

How I'll miss you, how you'll miss me
This is the way it's supposed to be
Dating back to 2009... One of my very first tries in poetry.
289 · Jan 2016
Take Me
Xilhouette Jan 2016
Take my sight
for I wish not to see;
see no light;
nor sky; nor the sea

Take my touch
for I wish not to hold you
nothing real; as such
Nothing, nothing at all but rue

Take my taste
Making kisses ever bland
Denying love for it's a waste
Denying 'till I fail to stand

Take what I own,
What I breathe and believe
Leave me here, sitting alone
So no one may see me grieve
© 2011 Xilhouette
288 · Jan 2016
Xilhouette Jan 2016
How I love thee, thy Rain!
It takes away my toil and pain!

Woe be thy sun when there is rain,
For rain takes the sun's glowing sane
Woe be thy wind when stopping rain,
For it is not possible, it is in vain

How I love thee, thy rain!
Set me free from toil and pain!
© 2011 Xilhouette
280 · Jan 2016
I Miss You
Xilhouette Jan 2016
You know; I can't say
anything else but maybe
just this: I miss you.
© 2011 Xilhouette
278 · Oct 2010
For Nikki
Xilhouette Oct 2010
For you are my candy,
For you are my star,
For you make things "dandy"
Even if things don't get far

For you are my "sweetest thing"
For only you make me weak
For only you make me sing
"Lines of pure white" week after week

For only you make me smile
For you are always the only exception
For I made myself an exile
I wonder if you were a deception

Let me say I'm sorry
If you think this is weird
I just want you to tell you my story...
Even if after wards I may get seared

Now you may think I'm crazy
Now I think that you know
That my mind is growing hazy
So let me say something before I go:

Night time you smile at me
Infatuate me when you speak
Kindle thoughts here and there
Keeping me so weak
Indeed you amaze me, Nikki

I don't ask you to keep this
I don't mind if you give this back
But it will always be you who'll I miss
It's always you that keeps me intact

Once again I apologize
And also I shall rant:
"Finally, I can let go of my sighs
Without a single pant"

And do not be afraid to leave
Do not be afraid to reject
For I want you to conceive
that: This glorious poet shall always resurrect

So I've made my piece;
Now I will say this is not for me
Now this feeling shall never cease
Because this is for you, Nikki
Some of these lines aren't true anymore... Oh well, move on
Xilhouette © 2010
277 · Jan 2016
The Quatrain
Xilhouette Jan 2016
Sweet and simple four-liner:
Oh there is nothing finer
Let it even shine or rain
None can spoil a good quatrain
© 2011 Xilhouette
275 · Dec 2014
I wish I were Them
Xilhouette Dec 2014
The stars: are dying
They lived. So bright and, so high
I wish... I were... Them...
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