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274 · Feb 2018
When Wings do No Good
Xilhouette Feb 2018
In ropes, little Sparrow attempts to fly
Feet tangled to the ground
But with wings ready to glide

The first burst of flight,
Sparrow struggles.
Sand and gravel getting in the way of
its lonely path

Then the next,
was none so different.
Winds howling;
Give it up its impossible
Your freedom is highly improbable

Shackles mocking Sparrow:
This is reality
The ground is your home
The sky is fantasy
There is no sun, no stars, no moon for you
What lies beyond is simply tragedy

Sparrow does not listen.
Wings beat against the shackles
Against the chains of reality
Sparrow gains a boost.
A last surge of adrenaline
The ropes seem to weaken;
Now courage seems to thicken

A gust of hope from beneath the wings.
One more.
Just one more.
And Sparrow is free.
Free from this dastardly reality...

And finally at long last.
The fetters have given.
The shackles have broke.
The rope has snapped.

For a moment. Just a moment.
Sparrow is free. Free to the edge.

To the cage of fantasy.

Sparrow realizes.
There is no freedom.
No ground
No rope
No shackle.
No not anymore.

There is but the fantasy
Of the sun the moon and the stars
The forests the skies the seas unending.

Oh lonely Sparrow
Sad little Sparrow
You were once fettered to the chains of reality
Only to be chained
and bound
by the horror of fantasy.

Oh sad little being
Once again you have returned
To the melancholy
You may or may not have earned.
Only a miracle can save me
255 · Jan 2016
A Wish
Xilhouette Jan 2016
Misty night,
A warm light

Sailing through the wind
Never having sinned

Stars are floating by
As I face the moon and lie
And as the birds pass I cry:
Oh how I wish I could fly
© 2011 Xilhouette
252 · Dec 2014
Xilhouette Dec 2014
Silently staring into space
Glancing at that cold face

A face so pale, so dead
Lips won't smile, eyes red

Glaring at me with such cold
As if his own soul was sold

He lazily waved as I did
Oh what a simple way of being rid

Silently, I gain awesome fear
And daylight won't save me: it isn't as near

With each and every one of his snicker,
My fear becomes bigger.
How can I be so scared of the glimmer,
of a simple mirror?
© 2011 Xilhouette
252 · Dec 2014
Even the Day is Mine
Xilhouette Dec 2014
It makes me blind,
It blows my mind,

It makes my soul bend,
It could even be God send

I bask in it's splendor
As if it was the sweet December.

I thought I only own the night's line
To think that I own something divine;
Something bathed in shine!
Who knew, that even the day is mine.
© 2011 Xilhouette
249 · Mar 2018
The Time to Get Out
Xilhouette Mar 2018
Shadows rain on this lonely evening
Netiher candles lit nor the street lights
Can break through this grasp of darkness

The leaves rustle through the wind
Cursing its cruel fate
Of hanging on in the darkness

Even the sweeter fruits take no mercy
And the fall and fall towards to the ground
To be trampled by the men who see only darkness

The branches on the trees however,
Are inviting; are inciting
Calling you up to their height
To hang by a rope in the darkness

And darkness tramples
Darkness mocks
Darkness dares
You to get out
Of its devilish grasp
Its fiendish grip

And the flickering candles
Beg you to go to the motion
No light can reach you: the candles say
There is nothing for you:
The mangled fruits say

And the shadows give ts embrace
It's time
Let's go away from this
Empty and lonely place
222 · Oct 2017
Ravager: the Muse. My muse.
Xilhouette Oct 2017
Not long ago you were dancing

To the tunes of Paris, the songs of France
and the hymns of underworlds below
A heat. One which you've bellowed inside of I
to flames stoking to the sky

Now left with smolders and ashes
Now left with charcoal and darkness

Next you flew out like a phoenix /a bird/ from death
then a flower in the spring
then a mirror on the wall
and so so so so much more

Where are you now?
         A phoenix - a fantasy
Where are you?
         Not spring, but winter
         The mirror. Is shattered

Today; and a few yesterdays ago
you return


I know you
You're no girl
  no woman
      no bird
         no bard
             no flower
                 no grave
                     no painting
                         no angel
                              no nothing

                                    no anything

You are /right now/
A spectre
    a ghost
        an apparition
Wailing through my very soul
            /a poltergeist/
Chilling my fractured person
My lost icon


You haunt me

And like the thirsty ***** in the bowels of every woman and man
I beg you to once again

ravage me...
218 · Jan 2016
Songs to Flying
Xilhouette Jan 2016
I used to make hymns
and sweet songs for you
Now; I take your whims
and by God, I flew
© 2011 Xilhouette
Xilhouette May 2018
It's ******
It's gore
It's death
It's destruction

It's pain
It's torment
It's torture
It's suffering

It's fear
It's uncertainty
It's weakness
It's every breakdown you could possibly think of

All for

A moment of peace
Maybe romance

All for one moment of happiness
192 · Apr 2018
Just for You
Xilhouette Apr 2018
The flowers are in bloom...
      and so are you
So much so the sky will open up...
      just for you
And angels will come rushing out...
      looking for you
For you have something they own...
      yes it is true

A smile so beautiful;
      painted with an angelic hue
A smile lovely enough,
      to make me chase after you...

But the angels will return empty-handed,
      will cry adieu!
            for no one can ever take
                  that sweet, angelic you
189 · May 2018
In My Eyes
Xilhouette May 2018
Of empty glasses,
And bottles. Only I am
None but emptier
Just another Haiku
173 · Feb 2018
Closer to Him
Xilhouette Feb 2018
Ev'ry puff of smoke
Ev'ry bottle down my throat:
A day near my death
170 · Mar 2018
A Sense of Clarity
Xilhouette Mar 2018
Its so funny
To love something
You used to hate
So much

Whiffs of smoke
Pints of gold

Now you drown
Now you burn

But now its not even sad.
It all makes sense.
For you to hide something you love so much,
And to ****** those that you hate
163 · Feb 2018
Xilhouette Feb 2018
Heathens may only wonder,
Ethereals stare and ponder
Righteously at whom is love
As he shudders: that ******* god above

— The End —