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We all Know how Valued your Calls protect
Which explains your Shield of Fermented Oil bought
Of Silicon's Text ****** your Phone object
Then spare another at-Risk by one's Fraud
Provided they dive deep into your Core
Since every Personal you Advertise
A-wait your Answers within your own Fore
As expect your Desire to Televise
Happenstance then, should such Device still work
Then submerge beneath their Kisses evade
Yet pursue the Chase as Wanted Dames do Lurk
And soon view the Secret of your Display.
Come out now. They withdrew with Smiles intact.....
WHOAH! Look! The Pool's Hands caught your Boyhood's Fact.

‪#‎tomdaley1994‬ ‪#‎tomdaleytv
Yet the Great Best Thing to Learn about you
That despite this Silver lining your Board
To keep your Heart's Felt and Mind in Review
And survive Drops of Mercury on Hoard
And Horde - stubborn Noun pawn this sworn Beast,
Forges his Teeth to Consume our Praise
By Visions our Senses constrict at least
Forgetting the Truth of our Swollen Race
Yet Equations be Raw on your Bespoke
Of Questions our Party would correspond
Based on this, this Prime and Pertinent Bloke
Shimmer his Lightweights for Prospects abscond.
At best his Risk, offer the Crowd's compound
For Future Spares his Brighter Life resound.

‪#‎tomdaley1994‬ ‪#‎tomdaleytv
Will The Lord of the Apes un-blend his Tan
Then apply his Conscience for Vines approve
To collect more Dames with his Knife in plan
Though Twelve Pistolled Lords amount their Disprove
It's been this Way since: Open for the Hunt
Such as Testosterone is wont to do
That among Bonobos his Gift for the Mount,
Waves his Carrot at them and Wins their Soft Plume
So Soft, that which caused to wiggle his Ferns
And Spread his Wings for his Flavours to Fly
Be it Shake or Spout such Passion still Burns
As the Pen his Lord's Author yells out a Sigh:
"I Cry," he Writes. "For Youth lost in this Tale,
Forsake his Courses for a Film's Lost Vale!"

‪#‎tomdaley1994‬ ‪#‎tomdaleytv
So many Facts, yet with Tales interpret
Infect this Cause on what we should Believe
The Rector's Bells; Or the Psalmist's Perspect
Preach to Define the Aspartamine's relieve
That this World-on-Swirl base our Morals gauge
And deny the Worthy the Gifts they Deserve
Since Paint their Walls green; Then pause their Smiles fade
To sour the Jellies by their Conserve
At least for your Grace: Breathe your Milestones well
Knowing such Skin beneath a Youthful Orb
Of Smoking Clouds or Rowdy Skies befell
Reap Divine Benefits by your Absorb.
This Speech too Blown - too Televised release
If Words un-reviewed provoke War or Peace.

‪#‎tomdaley1994‬ ‪#‎tomdaleytv
Sympathisers breed then seek for Revenge
Due to these Hassles which caused some to Fear
Of this Price my own break my Deeds renege
For my Passions burn their Punishments sear
Should these Rumours prove else leave you in Peace
Or bite these Days still your Business go numb
Such Energy managed yet out of your Fleece
Painless, Soothing then Decay my Thoughts dumb
Thus the Harper: The Sum of his Portrait
Urgently prescribed for a Fresher Life
To skip Addiction; Else hook a Finer Bait
One whose Wheels spin naughtier than his Strife.
Dramatic, this Bug - soon stomped by one's Shoe
Till he Bleeds more Sense than the Avid Flu.

‪#‎tomdaley1994‬ ‪#‎tomdaleytv
Dear Child of the Flesh your Sacrifice pure
All for your Push to this High-End Pursuit
Numb your Aware its Ending Line demure
Purge all these Benefits from your Wanted Fruit
Though of Age, still Raw your Seeds germinate
Whilst Roasting the Lamb these Hawks fly to bite
When the Dharmapala's Warnings come too late
Then disrupt his Program for Full Life despite
Still by this Wish for Superstition's Core
Your Full-Circled Tale many still Subscribe
That by Virtue in Truth your Life accord
Such Plombs do seep as True Friendship imbibe.
Courage at least, your Preteen Age devise
As these Merchants still Exploit your Advise.

‪#‎tomdaley1994‬ ‪#‎tomdaleytv
Jul 2013 · 818
To where Beauty's Plans by Faeries reborn
You, First-Named Maiden, inherit Dad's Cast
Which is by Good a foremost sense bylorn
Renew your Best Face from Time's Honoured Past
I meant this well; If for Forest's reveal
The Box called Identity I beg to know
Perhaps by then should my Letters proseal
And release this Magic upon your brow
Now, when the Moon does shaunt its Thirsty Head
And begs for a Sip from the Fluid's Sun
Shall we take this Pram; And skip Dots instead
Then turn to Savour these Tidbits for fun.
I know. These Words - frilly my Thoughts do Play
Just to lend your Plomb and Promote your Day.

Jul 2013 · 1.1k
This Saint whose Letters bear Prime in Youth
Like that such my Verses appreciate
And Hand by Clock's Divination sprays Truth
Prevent my own Good Deeds depreciate
How Frequent be your Sprinkles for Good Praise
Which by Volumes soon Tampered for Debate
Yet as Pure Models breed Tolerance raise
Urge me in Trust extend your Honour's sate
Father from the Miles; By then your Heart plombs
What other Morsels must my Bowl offer?
Stoppered at that - Tongues inflamed by their Combs
Still Burst your Berries by Love, dear Elder.
It seems by now that First Names make Sense
Though Birth-Year's Stamp your Longevity hence.

Delirious, this Satin and Paper Cot
Should these Agents once Past permit your Chore
Even to attempt a Link on your Lot
Was but a Mistake from your Fortune's lore
Though Un-Respond, such your Sun-Chariot spells
As Saturated Stars are wont to do
Those Gods from Olympus shake Mortal's Bells
Then encase their Voices enlisting You
From most Causes be yours in-Demand,
Primmed or Pronged Endorsements as they become
Only your Decide allow this Remand
Well your Talents sustain; But Visage done.
Which by Essentials would it Matter, O Prince
Though Wax steers your Morals be ever since.

‪#‎tomdaley1994‬ ‪#‎tomdaleytv
When Shrivelling Hands be too Far to Beg,
Those very Guardians point to Gauge your Fame
Stars as Frozen Mentors rely on Peg
That once Removed will never be the Same
Yet by Faith both Sires press your Engage
Merely your Gifts that for Greatness promote
Not by Profits; But the Lord's Hand arrange
Admit Recreation your Time devote
Though not all, bid some Temptation advise
On his Solicitor we Understand
Whose Faces will Sell; Or Rumours incite
To plomb most Well-Wishes on their Demand.
Be this Fourth Commandment: Well we take Heed
Such Wind we Ride on a Dangerous Steed.

‪#‎tomdaley1994‬ ‪#‎tomdaleytv
Dearly Black Annis your Mercy please Spare
So shibble me Eyes by your Flesh glow Blue
A Bairn like me lack much Coat on your Wear
Barely enough to Warm your Shingles few
For as the Cave our peeping fancies fly
Risk your Favours through else spawn our regret
Plunder with your Nails; Then blow-out or Sigh
For reasons our Valiance misinterpret
If the Light room harness for Virtue's floor
To seep out your Forever Doomed Assign
A Task at hand cringe Concepts at the moor
T'was Songs for Shells allow me to Resign.
For Children still plead and Pledge to Behave
Else the Cornerdoor's **** rapes even the Brave.
Now for Iberia the Goat trips the Swan
To expound his Potentials his Win compete
His Wing - now Healed - placed Earnings on his Fawn
And ensure his Feet leave Imprints complete
Though needed it be keep Sweets in his Box
To open once his Strategy proclaim
That by Politic break Legs with the Fox
And sap one's Owl of its Senses declaim
Sport or Savoury either Ties relay -
May your Holiday Cheers by Random bless
Sustain Tomorrow; Else promote Today
The Road to the Gold your Instincts progress.
Should Hands for Wine toast; Cheer for Moment's come
Will my Handles flip; Transmute Wine into Rhum.

‪#‎tomdaley1994‬ ‪#‎tomdaleytv
You keep the Ashes; I hold the Portrait
Then among his Stamps split well with you Three
To which the Cosmos blend Time with our Fate
Then ply Heresy permit to be Free
So these Carnations still Weep for his Loss
Thinking the Earth-Blanket deceived them since
When Heart by Gold's Plated Purpose because
Greet his Sterling Silver upon his Prince
Which must be Enough before I's do swell
And Wickedly Gross such Sanction become
May for your Penance do Forgive and Tell
Abhor the Many; Then take Notes by Some.
Conscience your Brow. Else its own Mouth speaks Lies
To Honour the Dad; By Blood's Trip despise.

‪#‎tomdaley1994‬ ‪#‎tomdaleytv
Jul 2013 · 852
One wonders why in this Lonely Heart's Wake
Walks one Sore Moment by his Thoughts relieve
And that one Sip their Tea's Fusion did make
Forge this Growing Beverage many will believe
Such by this Night - the Moon flaunts at the Rain
Then change all Emotion by that same Sip
Families smile; Youth jumps their Play's insane
Anxious for another Cool-Flavoured Dip
So Pearls and Jellies do induce the Spice
Which could sum this Key Recipe unique
I'd come for more; If their Smiles suffice
And place Mint Experience upon their Peak.
Plomb your Employees; Earned their Best Salute
Service so Simple; Yet so Resolute.

And thus it shall Be what it has to Be:
That through Visions my Encumbers resign
Though seemingly Common such Bonds percieve
The False Consensus our Species design
Even if Lines, recycled Past Films wear
Was once which our Former States approved
Now this Film - Unique in its own Themes bear
Had my Foul Viewings with Pleasure removed
That to see Her with you; Such Cheque makes Writ
Which haply Hopeful Qualified Dames cash
Then Sense and Realise just Bit-by-Bit
Your own Individual must Grow at last.
To be Mortal - Human - Flesh-Fingered and all
Be our Courage infuse to Rise from the Fall.
‪#‎tomdaley1994‬ ‪#‎tomdaleytv
These same Bells, thunder my Tame Mind's Design
Upon your Fortress knowing your Demand
Could lead to Confession; That which Clouds feign,
A Ruse much too daunted to Understand
Such Meme even the Ripley's Head would scratch
And ask Mental Surveys for him to choose
As why the Belligerent Leech would latch
Even if his Fish shakes her Kisses blue
So would these Bells wiggle your Drums allow
Then baste Solemnity another Shake
As to Theatres burst with Laughter and Bow
Throw Bleeding Roses my Heart goes to Wake.
As what it seems, the Human by Love's install
Programmed to Affect; Wired for Life's All.

‪#‎tomdaley1994‬ ‪#‎tomdaleytv
Then this Potent Dragon my Dredglings fear,
One which Expected me in all Surprise:
That your File as Prince and Lord revere,
Already Pre-Owned and Locked in her Prize
When Tears cry Blood, and Blood their Ties disown
So to these Stinging Bells your News persist
Which your Smile bait Worms by Jelly reknown
Suffice even the Enlightened to resist
Thus the Siege, which dear Siddhartha did warn,
Offered the Goddess of Mercy such View:
To Breathe and Blow free my Charmings consarn
And hold to the Heart of mine own self True.
These Fourteen-Lined Girls cried your Muse repeat
Of casting my Levels versus your Feat.

‪#‎tomdaley1994‬ ‪#‎tomdaleytv
These Circles, that they be Linked or Exchanged
Harness the Janitor in me maintain
Though Depressed be my Blinding Mind deranged
Help to Embalm this Un-Relenting Pain
These Sages through Time by their Words endow
And cause Wisdom one's Joy through Skin avoid
To force my Soul its Inborn Blessings enrouse -
Shake your Sugars from this fail-tripped Colloid
That's Milk to you. If your Matters be Sweet
Then carry your Mornings free from my Sense
As such would I, rake the Roots off your feet
And pledge my Sharp Evenings to recompense.
Funny how Loss, its Cross mint Cool Relief
Upon the Monk's Throne absolved your Belief.

‪#‎tomdaley1994‬ ‪#‎tomdaleytv
Thrice-Strung Judges, Thirty Pieces you Shout
Be that Iscariot or Ally you relay
How the Once-Loved Prince now the Blubbered Pout
Has sent me to Interest another Fey
So it seems a Pillow for the Sullen
Whom by Lines saw no End to this Debate -
Which Petal weans; Or scratches Tears fallen
Least charge one's Sanity before its too Late
The Wheel was Right. Through Change Strength will confer
And sign assurance Monopoly disown
For Saner Men; And Women leaves Fresher
Let each bare Happiness bid for Reknown.
How Wonderous be, this Marble whirls for Love,
Then Season the Troll; Then Sever the Dove.

‪#‎tomdaley1994‬ ‪#‎tomdaleytv
Be there Wrinkles at; Age by Time bestrew
And either Body will soon Decompose
Be that Prudence fit; Permit what you knew
Behind the Proverb to Reap what you Sow
That such Mind be the Player of this Game
As Father his Scythe's Traitor fell Conserve
To Lust for your Past; Then Future's insane
Once the Prince shows Signs of his own Disperse
That the Desert we plant our Mirages at
Then expect Turtle-Doves to Quench and Fly
Till they Return not by our Feeling's Spat
Then beg for the Truth which is all but a Lie.
Come. Prove me Wrong. Once your Stars polish Youth
Revive your Preppie's Face though such Un-Couth.

‪#‎tomdaley1994‬ ‪#‎tomdaleytv
By shutting my eyes recall your Ripe Old Smile
With the Dog and the Snake wrap Laurels on you
And your Sire's soul on Star's Light reside
Now join his Conquest on Adventure's Hue
Since your Wage took your Future on a Truck
And called Opportunity a Soda's Worth
Then found this Snakeling by the Mexican's Luck
And since that Event gave rise to your Birth
Merry how simply so Humble your Fame
Which no ****** Boss could ever disconnect
Like Circuits installed on your Valve and Frame
To Lengthen your Lessons by Time's introspect.
My only Regret bowed on your Tombstone's face
For my Heart cry LOVE whilst living in Grace.
Age my Grandmum kiss my Skin's Corner Love
That which her Smile and Spending Teacher praise
Of this Octopus light your Tentacles prove
Lived the Fresh Years your Career's conscience save
If not my Best Verse at least by Heart's Content
Take to Cherish those Spoken Deeds you blew
That through Years infused my Morals dispense
To mould me the Man which you Loved and Knew
And now the Road whose Rocks my Helled Feet walk
Chant Prayers for your breath sustain those Stars
And Photos abide within your Mind bestalk
Breathe or Pause? A Query to end those Wars.
Your Cake is served. Food and Mouths sing your Worth
One more Year's Blessing: The Best Mum on Earth.
Then again, your Trek for the World resume
Since Two Million Tweets placed your Scales on Top
For the Plym's Fine Arts deny their Bid consume
By Theories bid on your Commitments flop
Though demanding may be your Prime Support
Which most would Bellow your Extracted Youth
Would one Understand these Issues report
Beyond such Volumes of your Weaning Truth
After all, Tweens do tend to Toast the Shows
Then let Moralled Queries compound Debate
Since Youth the Adult's Pad much Air would blow
Then burst borne Viruses and Flies too late.
Such they Prevent - your Groupie's Quarantine
To Sand your Frame preserve Smooth and Pristine.

‪#‎tomdaley1994‬ ‪#‎tomdaleytv
Whilst your Limb empowered by Time to Heal
That which your Friend noted her Plans devote:
From Annam the Gaul's Ancient War reveal
To Isles by Men for Common Tongue connote
As Best her Experience with Flights relate,
Soothe her Pleasures as yours induced on Ice
Shall your Joints move; Then take to Sky's Rebate
To free Screaming Cages from your Respite
Now this - another Phase for Life's extoll
Which thus should Widen your Circumference
To infuse Cultures your Open Arms install
Then increase your Learning and Difference.
Pray tell, your Inner Friends their Best Tales share
Spread such Values for your Tolerance care.

‪#‎tomdaley1994‬ ‪#‎tomdaleytv
If Wisdom by Glasses your Wear enhance
Which strung by your Advise approves me then
Or Journals, kept for your long-term Romance
Spread to Chaser Friends your Messages send
Which I, nulled even for my Senses hear
To allow this Picture for my Desert's Gleam
Such Gleam called Delusions: And out of Fear
Rid my Words chaste to what it must have been
Yet for that Sentimental Phase called Friend
A Meaning which still my Reasons inquire
Which Standards apply; Or Materials spend
Rake our Attitudes to your Desire.
Now frilly these Rants. This Cake deserves your Taste
A Kind and Fast plomb let not go to Waste.
A Greeting across, Frost the Sweetest Cake,
An Offer for this Sentient to Heal
Dipped in Oil, then Light for your Merry-Make
Another Fresh Candle for Pure Heart's feel
And bring this Bide this Motherly Salute
With Prayers and Chants spring the Brighter Days
From Foregone Moments to Sharper Repute
With her the Daughter of Outstanding Ways
Plus Four more - and the Son of his Endow
Plomb himself your King for his Business fare
Though this Pill swallowed to remove such Doubt
Knowing your Thanks be mulled as I'm aware.
Still on still, Un-Condition pleads me by
Pray this Love I carry refuse to Die.

To let your Heart pour for Opinion's sake
Be that my Sore Own apply much Respect
And the way your Letter transformed your Make:
The Adamant Mum etched in Dad's Aspect
Which his Bright Shield, polished for his Survive
Cause his Deliverance for Angles serve
For his Efforts shown affixed his Love revive
And share his Dream of his own Plays deserve
Though Performance be his Method-of-Doubt
Such what Limping Thespians were prone to have
So to permit his Stripping Baskets have caught
Is to License the Giggolo he has.
Yet the Mum you are, all Rights reserved his Skin
By Instinct's Phase, uphold his Life so Thin.
‎#tomdaley1994 ‎#tomdaleytv
The Measure of None. Such Brisk Term persists
With such French Smile point heavily Define
For better Candidates this Room consists
Rebuke my Head his Sentiments consign
Though Red in Growth would my Adventures be
To catch one day his Heart-Fulfilling Flame
Burn Palms in Silver Trays he would concieve
Then Rebuke once more was ever the same
Or else if Dare to draft another Muse
One on Levelled Papers my Songs endorse
Would Models beware for Standards I choose
Then pay the Pauper by Mercy enforce.
To Open the Eyes such Cool Variants ply
Then Accept their Heavenly Patterns sigh.
‎#tomdaley1994 ‎#tomdaleytv
Compare these Models of their Chosen Mode
One the Harper of his Sun-Sparkled Prince;
The Other follows his Hermit-Bound Abode
As each does Smooth their Circles ever since
And since Habits etch their Persons unique
As Water for Oil a Challenge combine
Then with Morals coded place Values oblique
A Milestone too daunting to undermine
Yet to Magnify some Common Bond seen
That we Levelled Species are wont to do
As Lives contest like avid Bankers been -
Cheques made to myself yet subscribed to you.
That your Hub its Keys encode beyond my age
Of Millions you Party crowd my Screaming Page.
‎#tomdaley1994 ‎#tomdaleytv
Fame, whose Lion roars Colours, Soot and Ash
Beg one's Sanity to consume his Mane
If Senses apply; Then ***** Rainbows past
Soon bathe in Shades which dull his Time insane
As you dear Mentor let your Honours bare
As Powers denied his Wild Stones restrict
For his Best Interest; Though let his Spoiled Arms dare
Then waive such Counsel as Derelict
Though at Prime I once cringed at your Impress
Then later Opened my Eyes your Wisdom take
Affront Screaming Dames his Muscles digest
Which blur the Difference his Genious make.
And Genious indeed Spoil his Potent Gold
His Rock Star Plans set a Finer Behold.
Oh how these Strings wrap our Candied Dreams bear
When sordid Fantasies plead our Wishes real
Though caught by Intent from Good Sages hear
Submit to Heart his Childish Play reveal
Though evident Time and Geography states
And Primping Albums we'd like to Assume
These Spectral Lines think to earn our Best Rebates
Then soon Collapse his Investment subsume
For all his Campaigns ribboned his Image
Such his Craft only forced us to beknow
As Profits and Shares feed his Entourage
And only for Them his True Seedlings grow.
So why the Trap we swallow still Fancy
Restrict potent Friends - and salt Family?
#tomdaley1994 #tomdaleytv
Wait for the Dew, says your Later Bud-Mates
Then tap their Bells for a Ruby-Stone Drink
Though Jug's be met and Harness mug their Fates
Pour the River-Wine to Sweeten the *****...???
Is such your Desire to be Labelled that Name
And fawn Nerdy Morals for Tickets accept
Then late be to Cure this Cobblepot Game
Bake the World's Surprise for Excellence except
Yet neigh between us Two Tagged Tossers beat
Let alone your Lords pull your Strings sever
Till such Lord as your Prove master his Feat
And gag that Sentinel calling your Punter.
Though Girls would be Girls call your Flat incorrupt
Which Tag you own of True *** be enough.
#tomdaley1994 #tomdaleytv
Your Wreath, Un-Thrifting Essence, bears his Name
And Fine be your Acts soothe such Heavy Hand
Which Time boost as his Protector and Sage
Skimming the Dirt infect his Rising Sand
Though one would Wonder why such Blogger speak
Of Secrets known must bequeath to the Few
Though in your Boy's Best Fate subdue the Meek
Out of Best Concern his Wild Growth does stew
So persistent be our same Wonder at
Those Keys deserved should never be Endorsed
For his own Respect; As ours Mature that
Let the Gentleman go if his Plays be Forced.
My Loyalty, still, Un-Conditioned will be
Though Swords still stab on such Smile you Reprieve.
#tomdaley1994 #tomdaleytv #toniacouch
Still in my Plainest Sense should Comprehend
How Fortunate be my Base Apples were
Compared to yours; Such Royalty descend
Though Priced in Demand for Freedom defer
So Liberty - now the French-Filled Couillaise,
Took her Luxury to the Plym's Neighboured South
And so were our Hearts cry Supply your Embrace
Though Heads tagged least be Consumed in your Mouth
Was it not then for their Lot's Landlord come
To confirm which Leech be Best sip your Wounds
To Promote for Many; Yet Condensed by Some
Then Harness un-needed Points for your Rounds.
Great Souls still Applaud by the Clothes you wear
Which soaked in Sweat must your Proud Mornings bear.
#tomdaley1994 #tomdaleytv
I would mistake the Larder from his Pen
If Ten Thousand Scribbles ***** my bruised Draw
Yet to Write for Heart's Writ be condescend
Was ever such Cloaked Definition I saw
And Cloaked I am since the Inquisitor's dare,
Judge my Motives by Inspiration based
That - when Tendered - roast my Tub-Steak's despair
Then slice my Treasured Incense disgraced
So to look at you by Nature un-caught
Then wring such Truth as Based Mortal am I
Repent, then Violate this Sacred Code sought
Proves Expression as Peppered Reporters sigh.
So Blessed you be feign my Scandalous Crew
Regardless of Veins which prove your Blood true.
#tomdaley1994 #tomdaleytv
When for the Muse shall I wrangle those Songs
And carry them Gently to your Heart's place
First my Errors make Pure; Then Right my Wrongs
To listen, dear Talent of Promising Grace
If such my Words be too Quipped for your Pick
Since I, abandoned the Once-Supporting Friend
Shall I bite Sincere; Then hear your Voice unique
By Faith my Cloudy Attitude amend
Then crank this Ampled Recorder to Like
Which by Prayers fast weave a Chuffled Tune
To capture those Drums; From Snails such Elves devise
And summon the Crowd to revere you soon.
That is my Wish; Though Hoodwinked I become
Blow Notes for your Pen; Such Pen your Gift's Sum.
Jun 2013 · 685
So this Lady-of-Themes infused with Beat,
Whose Soft-Flamed Hands smoothen the Letter's Edge,
Whose Process define what Matters on Heat -
Like Ripe Seeds scattered take Root on the Ledge
Then enrich such Themes my Country indeed
Which plomb this Moment I can take to Pride:
Another Beauty marked Genious-of-East
And Future the Written Maiden abide
If Blessings - un-poped - then endowed onto her
For Utmost Talent was beyond belief
Still her Tongue the Innocent bid confer
To sand these Edges from Rough World's relief.
And by such Hands, let our Mothers invoke:
Youth indeed does Spell; And Spells out our Hope.
Yes. The Motives. Which I will due Admit
Why these Trailing Virtues egg me to Write
That my Heart tugs back my Mind to permit
Then bill me later for Hypocrisy
Then assured I was given my Titles null
Beneath you beyond these Honours compare
Cast what Votes? Life be such Permanence dull
To Pour my Energies for you to Care
So goes with the Rest. Whom by their Frought Hands
Cry and Scream to even Notice their Names
Which, by Reason, as Reasonable as Sands
Blew away Dust then Pursue your own Games.
Happy such Moments, as Human you be
To catch how far their Humanity see.
#tomdaley1994 #tomdaleytv
Jun 2013 · 1.1k
That I shadowed your Invite, I admit
Though such Quip must be uttered in Reverse:
Me the Famed Star; You the Commoner's Wit
Was simply a Jest to see you Rehearse
Seriously, Hearts, be my Concept to Thank
Regardless if Certified your Profiles based
Then plomb this Gift; Appreciate be Frank
Like to the Learning of your own Good Faith
Until then, when your Avid Eyes digest
When Beauty's Kind be Beauty's Faith revealed
The Tongue-Tied Suitor; Glued to his Invest
As Roses sprinkled with his Puckers sealed.
Behold my Verses. Un-Worthy for your Name
Forgotten by Time; Though Loyalty sane.
Through the Glittering Seas brought your Survive
Which both your Good Ends managed to Perform
From my Views placed Honours to your Guide
And Pray that such will Sustain your Reform
Having much by Models and Sects thereof
With Voices astound then doomed to Interpret
Of all your Best Efforts labelled by Thought
Thrown to the Bin then Destroy your Effect
Such the Life of Stars. Which their Moons un-sate
Evenly known my Thickest Shields weather
Though your Entourage betray such Rebate,
Cancel Late Programs then find Another.
So Still Friendships be; By Modest acclaim,
The Simpler the Form; The Greater the Fame.
#kendalljenner #kyliejenner
Maiden. Lovely Humble displayed so far
And kept your ******-Cloth from Sharks despite
Witnessed his Meet - then Tweet his Time would Par
Hoping your Fine Reply would Glaze his Sight
Though in my Views by your Royalty known
From your Famed Elders mummed your Darling Head
Though many Tempters stake to have you Blown
Praised on your Decide for Common Life instead
Rather - the Keek - as Private Expressions flow
And caused your Degree of Healthy Fame renew
Snip-Videos swarm; Since caught his Eye behold,
If Open for your Sentiments be True.
Once more Un-Known my Pillared Hands can Spare
To Brand your Virtues if his Daring Hands fare.
Staring at Paper, await Words do Plead
Be Lyrics or Verses lend your Pure Voice
How oft your Prince kneel for her Heart indeed
Whenst all such time Light and Love be her Choice
You can hear her Giggles pepper the Air
Then beg the very Atmosphere you breathe
If take this Counsel of Time's Honest Fair
Your Breath fill her Months with Songs do repeat
Then your Metres run; Her Road kisses yours
Borne by the Well of that very same Draught
Though I think of Riches spent on your Course
Still the Valiance exhibit one you have Fought.
Still staring at Paper, plead my Muse come
Sipped my Ink dry with my Raisins un-done.
#tomdaley1994 #tomdaleytv
Loony-Toothed Blogger, your Trussled Pen spite
Save to spike such Heart plombed by Heresy
That Heresy be Truth pin proves Delight
Come Trenching Escapades grip his Fantasy
Though permit his Trade be for Answers meet
And fill Sore Minds his Clients satisfy
Preach Hearts for Profits; His Code on the Street
Would squeeze such Scandal from his Salsify
Be there Room then for your ardent Refuge
For you as one seeks his Innards to Change
For Betterment's House shut Public's Confuse
And let your Person enjoy his own Range.
His Arrows be his choose his Portents bend
Though Blame blunt his Skies by Penance amend.
#tomdaley1994 #tomdaleytv
Would the Earthen Blanket it's Roots sustain
Saw this Morning take Courage with your Blaze
That Once-Living Oil; Now Lightened remain
The Enduring Driver his Token embrace
Fourty-Two Candles await your Life's Breath
Since the Sexton found your Tomb un-covered
Then looked askance where - the Ivory-Cloth
Robbed from Memory his Eyes discovered
And searched indeed be his awesome Reply
Tracking the Stone for his Answers apart
Till entered the Door by Permits subside
And found his Blessed Dust encased in your Heart.
The Sexton drew Breath; That same Grade as you:
#tomdaley1994 #tomdaleytv
You can't be in Love whom you do not Know
As to Lock a Heart which you do not Own
So these Sages tell to such Mind would blow
Then **** the Spirit his Labours reknown
Yet as Souls oft do these Teachings re-think
And bask the Summer of these Elder Days
What's Taught be Sought; Then stone June Harvest's sink,
Permit everyone's Telly to do the same
So be it. Fine. Let those Vagabonds speak
Thinking all too well their Cosmos composed
Be Wired to their Fines; Then proves them Weak
Do with all their Noses bleed then disposed.
And now the Smile - when Lady Charmer breeds
Gasps with all her Gust; Then sprinkles her Seeds.
#tomdaleytv #tomdaley1994
At least in Kind your Warming Smile resign
Whilst holding your Excellent Pig unique
Though some in sense note One's Finger design
Cause such subtle but dastardly Technique
And Rage you caused; Though the Baby's Tears buy
Breach whatever Spending Frame you present
That Image - think of Valhalla's Dames sigh
Let much of your ******* to grin your Assent
And knowing indeed how Innocence bears
Which by your Labours allowed in your Growth
Raise with Prudence; Then quench your Partner's Fears
To let Vestal Virgins sleep on your Worth.
It would have been Brilliant your Foul Stokes indeed
Than wear Cankered Masks to infect your Seed.
#tomdaleytv #tomdaley1994
Questions be Torture for this Starving Verse
As to why your Influence fails to recede
Like Volcanoes snuffed its Syrup disperse
And Imprint your Brand on such Sterling Deed
Faith until when you by Define announce
That your Flavours dissolve by Age or Kind
Even the Samples - such your Verbs pronounce
What truly confers your Fast-Inflaming Mind
Still those Virtues in you always Preserve
Though be a Member of the Russian's Skin
Pursued by his Trade; Though Funds you deserve
To place your Bounty on Prudence so thin.
You know your Hands; And by Hands will Mature
To scrape off your Soot; Thus your Blade be Pure.
#tomdaleytv #tomdaley1994
Lovely Sweet Caroline. In your Best Beige
Harness the Enduring Secret we should Know
Of your Fortitude cross-tied with his Gauge
Allowed most his Fancies to seep and grow
A-like, then, your Signed Lady become
Must by his Ring he forged to Interpret
Or forbid Translate; As Un-Bolted Doors some
Do keep the Honour of his Safe Concept
I bind this Ruse - thinking his Business owned
As far my Watcher's Eye opens to Threat
Would crumple Hearts en masse; Thus Speech be downed
And induce Promotion his Crumbs to forget.
Then let such Sizzling Smiles breed with you Two
Once all Storms subside and Red Skies turn Blue.
#tomdaleytv #tomdaley1994
Merry dear Dad his Inner Kevlar endure
And allow my Years to promote his Prove
For Right-Side's Heal let his Honour be Pure
And mirror the Big Hand in Sky's Glory
For if it be this Son, sullen by Age
Of Desert Years twice-score he should Wander
Would share his Bread; To patient Sky quench Rage
And emulate our Saviour's Mercy ponder
Yet you. Still you. Be my Foundation's Best
Apart from Powers I could Un-Concieve
That Feigned but Guiding Hand; With all Lime's Zest
Harness it ever from Sugars too Sweet.
And yes, dear Dad; The Five-Pronged Bot did die
Yet withered their Ghosts to greet your Day by.
That I may wean Calliope's Time recall
Which in your Motives prove a Great Invite
With Deadening Memes praise our Dying Fall
And permit to draft our Scriptures incite
Yet how must these Stars let our Sages be
Then spice Darling Life Base Men endeavour?
Such - the Crumpted Art - though Ages percieve
Mothered our Values most take to Fetter?
God's Fire does Mend; As Proofed Stories say
Though Mint Investments became a Lost Cause
Yet to Win Hearts; Then Transform Someone's day
Was that same Fuel made Souls to Un-Pause.
Star-Spangled Angler, if my Verse un-impress
The least I Tried my Support will digress.
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