To live in today's society is backwards.
Evil, materialistic, money, selfishness.
To have lived your life the way you wanted.
Devil tempting every step of the way.
Is living life really as we've been taught?
To have, accumulate, amass?
All of these things that distract us.
From our connection to ourselves.
To the people around us, to our family.
Keeping us from the ones we love.
And hiding our faces in the dirt.
To live is evil.
To have lived, is the devil tempting.
Doesn't mean we shouldn't be living.
It's how we choose to.
We have always had a choice.
To love, or to not.
We choose what to give our energy to.
Sometimes what makes us happy.
Isn't always the best choice.
They have us divided in thinking.
Economically, politically, spiritually and physically.
They don't want us working together.
The enemy relies on their deception.
That we all just need to live our lives.
And be happy with what they provide.
Movies, games, T.V., entertainment.
While they poison our essentials.
Water, food, air, adding all these chemicals.
Suppressing our minds and bodies.
Taking away our imaginations.
Mindless goats, how we've been taught.
When we should be loyal sheep.
Led by the Shepherd of light.
To serve eachother, unconditionally.
Like a dog, which is also viewed backwards
Teaching that they are all hounds.
When in reality, God loves unconditionally.
Regardless of anything, if you believe.
And you have the choice not to.
But we are all One with this Creator.
And we are meant to love in His name.
The universe is in our imaginations.
So is our perception of this world.
With hope and faith in love.
I know the truth will be shown.