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2.4k · May 2013
chels May 2013
My ears keep popping every time I swallow.
There are rolling green hills with tiny winding backroads,
Small houses dotting the land like the freckles on your face.
There is fog, slowly swimming through the trees.
The blue mountains on the horizon are calling my name.
I think I am home.
1.9k · May 2013
chels May 2013
You were like the waves,
grasping at everything in your reach.
Pushing and pulling, and
pushing and pulling;
shaping everything
until it was just how you wanted it.

And I was like the mountains -

You were the hot sand,
burning the bare feet of anyone brave enough
to try and step on you.

And I was every trail in the woods,
worn deep by people walking all over me.
1.9k · May 2013
chels May 2013
I chased my demons
as if I was a kid again
chasing my friends around the playground

but this time,
I just couldn't catch up.
1.7k · May 2013
chels May 2013
I am your favorite flavor of ice cream;

Sliding down your fingers,
Dripping down your palm;
I am your favorite flavor of ice cream,
In a chocolate dipped waffle cone.

Kissing every inch of your skin I can reach;
Please do not wipe me away before I dance on your wrists,
Because no one ever showed you that scars can be beautiful.

I long to kiss your wrists because I know that no one ever has.
1.7k · May 2013
chels May 2013
The flick of a lighter
brought us together
as something more
than friends.

We smoked because
we wanted a reason
to act stupid.
I wanted a reason
to text you,
telling you
how cute you looked,
and how much
I liked you.

I think you smoked
so that when
you deleted
all the text messages,
you would never
remember them.

We were sad,
so we became
stained with stale smoke.
We became
nervous quirks and
whenever we went to sleep
on our stomachs.
We became more
than just four people
in a small room with
bedsheets as walls -
We became much more
than water boiling on a
***** stove in a
dark kitchen
1.5k · May 2013
growing up
chels May 2013
i guess i got mad
when i looked at all the kids around me
and the huge learning gap
you were either ghetto or International Baccalaureate or somewhere in between
and being in the middle kind of ******

watching sketchy drug deals in thin hallways with white brick walls
and watching kids who have parents who buy them 2012 cars
and pay for their gas swerve around in the parking lot
kind of ******

i can't complain
because i didn't grow up in the streets
i grew up in a ranch house
in a neighborhood full of old white people
i can't complain
because i'm entering the 'real world' faster by having to buy my own car
and pay my way through college
and buy an apartment
it kind of *****
1.5k · Jun 2013
chels Jun 2013
This is the deception of your perception
A misconnection due to conception
Is this the wrong direction?
I hope not.
1.3k · Nov 2013
Beavis and Butthead
chels Nov 2013
I skipped the second half of school,
went home and grabbed a shovel.
As I was digging a hole big enough to bury my problems,
my friend texted me, said
Just watch two episodes of a show on Netflix,
then see how you feel afterwards.
Let me know if you feel any better.

I didn't text her back,
didn't tell her that 81 minutes of Beavis and Butthead
didn't quite do the job.
I didn't tell her that I googled "How to Love Yourself"
and I definitely didn't tell her that out of the 24 steps on WikiHow,
only one could save me.
Step number 5 was "Forgive yourself."
My first thought was,
How are you going to make that number 5?
23 other steps to being a passionate person who is truly grateful
do not compare to
forgiving yourself.
That's the hardest part.
My second thought was how.
How can I forgive myself,
when my dog greets me every morning
with bright eyes and puppy kisses
and I tell him to go away
and I push him off my lap
because he's taking up too much time?
How can I forgive myself
when step number 3 suggests keeping a diary,
and my first reaction is to look down at my legs because
my thighs are enough of a diary as it is.
These scars tell people more sad stories about me than they’d ever need to know.

Beavis and Butthead didn't do the job because there is no job
there's only volunteer work and benefits to claim.
1.3k · Aug 2013
My Aunt
chels Aug 2013
My uncle doesn't like my family.
Every call is a short click then a long black silence reminding me of the sea at night, just not as beautiful.

My aunt pretends not to notice,
So now her car is an ashtray and she works a lot.
Public displays of affection sans hand holding and soft kisses,
The cracks in her bottom lip could **** a man.

My aunt is strong, like a grandparent's house that I remember being pushed down the stairs in.

My uncle doesn't like my aunt's parents,
The grumpy Italian man with depression and aching knees and
The sweet little woman with short gray hair who doesn't remember me anymore.
"Who are all these children?", she whispers to my mother.

My aunt pretends not to notice,
And she is strong, she is strong, she is strong,
But I think she is losing herself to the ocean,
And it's not as beautiful as it sounds.
1.2k · May 2013
chels May 2013
Sometimes, I forget about the other you.
He slips through the gaps between your teeth,
and his voice creaks from your throat,
the same way my feet creak down
the wooden stairs
in the early
cracks of dawn.

His fingerprints become yours,
and it doesn't hurt anymore.
1.2k · Nov 2013
chels Nov 2013
i reached into myself today
tried to hide in music with short titles and short stories
only ate candy and sat on my bed criss cross apple sauce with a blanket only over my right knee
thought about learning the fiddle, or the saxophone
it's too hard to get up and get motivated when i'm skipping my classes every chance i get
1.1k · Aug 2013
Moth (Sh)
chels Aug 2013
Moths that look like little girls hair bows,
I squashed you underneath that binder I used in high school band class.
It was you or me.
1.1k · May 2013
chels May 2013
Play my body
like an instrument.

Play my ribs like a harp,
my spine like an accordion.
Play my nose like a whistle.
1.1k · May 2013
chels May 2013
i am broken glass shards
spread out across the
tiles on your
kitchen floor do not
step on me

i am empty plastic water bottles
crinkled up
with lost white twisting tops
do not step on me i am
cars speeding down your little neighborhood's one lane road i am
accidents on highways
slow down as you pass me

i am bug bites and zip ties
swollen joints and peach fuzz bruises - orange and green and purple, beautiful
soft and
i am cracks as deep as the lines on your face and on your soul
i am picky eaters and temper tantrums
don't stare
we are attracted to blue flames and the sounds of
keyboards clicking
in the dark
1.1k · May 2013
chels May 2013
I waited and waited
for flowers
to bloom out of your shoulder blades

I waited and waited
for a mist that clouded your eyes
whenever you said my name

I waited and waited
for the thunderstorms when you were mad
and the pitter patter of a drizzle
when the cave in your body fell short

I never put down my umbrella
1.0k · Aug 2013
chels Aug 2013
i apologized
with old pencils i found in the bottom of my bookbag
with the erasers missing
so i couldn't take it back
995 · Mar 2014
chels Mar 2014
i guess i thought that i could learn how to drink away this lump in my throat

movies always taught me that when i turned 18, i would start shedding my skin and breaking down my walls but i didn't have any walls to tear down.
so i tried my hardest at age 18 to build them up, with the only things i had - boxes of matches
left over from burning down so many bridges

all because of some pieces of twisted metal,
i had to reteach myself how to drive.
and now i'm always 5 under the speed limit
i stop at every stop sign
no matter how angry i get

no one ever told me whether or not boxes of matches float
or why my neighborhood always looked so dark
and made me curl up like a dead spider

so now i stick my head in the freezer,
so i can get used to the feeling of my thoughts being so cold

now i kiss people just so we don't have to talk.
929 · May 2013
tbc (2)
chels May 2013
This is a love poem.
This is a poem for the girl I haven't met yet,
with the long brown hair
and the eyes that always look down.

This is a poem for the girl who thinks this is about her,
and this is a poem for the girl who thinks this is about her.

And it is about you.
It's about your eyes,
and how they don't blink sixty times a minute and
I'm jealous of that,
because you don't have to deal with time passing by as quickly as I do.
And sure, you have a kaleidoscope heart, but
you also have a honeysuckle smile.
And sure, a lot of the time, you see the bad -
but that doesn't mean you can't see the good, either.

I want you to twist my skin between your hands, like an Indian rug burn,
and change me,
because we both know that it isn't as hard as we pretend it to be.
Always look forward,
and adjust me with your fingertips until I'm whatever color you want me to be,
because I'll change for you.
927 · May 2013
Hotel Bathrooms.
chels May 2013
I don’t trust you
the same way I don’t trust the towels
in hotel bathrooms

But if I could stop time,
I would cut all the strings
So you could pick yourself up
And move forward

You are beautiful
In the way that makes babies
Slowly stop speaking the unexplored
And stare with eyes too big
And too wide

But you are sad
In the way that makes people
Slowly stop speaking the explored
And stare with eyes too big
And too wide
901 · May 2013
we are all gods
chels May 2013
pick my brain and blame me
blame me

do not tell me anything
because i will overthink it
to the point where i think i took a breath at the wrong time

i am the worst nightmare
of every child who has parents that fight in front of them
i smell like campfire smoke and regret
dark basements with tiny bathrooms
full of regret

i am night
i am night
i am the past coming back to haunt you i am
broken fingernails and pulled hair and i am
i am waiting for you to be alone so i can
pick your brains and i am
god i am god
i am god
880 · Aug 2013
chels Aug 2013
There are flowers
Drawn in the side of your face
With scars
And that pastel chalk that always finds ways to stain your fingers.
The dust in your palms is hard to wash off and
I'm sorry that the cracks in this sidewalk found their way
Into your heart
But dandelions still manage to slip through the concrete.
Your touch reminds me of stained glass and the feeling you get right before you fall asleep when the universe is at peace with itself.
874 · Aug 2013
chels Aug 2013
i'm not trying to achieve enlightenment i just want to know why it hurts so bad when i make eye contact with you
it doesn't hurt
it winds my stomach up like a yo-yo
and drops it to the ground without thinking twice
the way you blink makes me hurt
this isn't fair it's not fair i have goals and you don't
i'm not skipping classes anymore i'm not

i can't i can't
it isn't fair
i can't
819 · Jun 2013
chels Jun 2013
I AM NOT THE ******* SUN
broken glass on sidewalks where kids play
i am
****** up puzzle pieces where the picture is splitting from the cardboard back
i am
white socks with black bottoms because of all the ******* i've been put through
i am
i am sad
i am sad
but i don't want to be
i'm sick of being thrown away
i am not past any expiration date
i am not just some ******* KID
who wants to hold your hand
just because you feel bad for me
and that i like you
god ****** god ****** god ******
i'm not going to ******* sit here
and be treated like absolute ****
just because i like someone
just because
i want to be in a relationship i want to be in love
but at the same time,
i don't believe in love anymore and that hurts me more than any gun could
it hurts me more than anything could
813 · Jun 2013
chels Jun 2013
give anybody
a kiss goodbye
because they will cut open your chest
and dismantle your heartstrings
and take them from you

they will play crossword puzzles with your veins.

i am trying my hardest
to throw away my feelings for you
but they are sticking to my feet like mud
caking the sides of my new white shoes
811 · Jun 2013
chels Jun 2013
Is the first time you got
Under your fingernails
This is
The first time your dad
Didn't come home
This is the first time
Your little sister got
And told you about her
This is the first time you stood
On the top of a mountain and
At everything
That ever wasn't anything
This is the first time you stepped out of your pants
And into another person's
This is the first time.
Maybe all of your parents' fighting was just a test.
Whether you passed or not depends on how
You went to bed, listening
Or how
The palms of your hands looked when you
Held them against hers because
You were taught that you should
Hold it all.
Music is hard to dance to when you've been
Taught to stuff your
Fingers so far into your
Ears that you can't even feel
Your own heartbeat.

You were taught to hate the color yellow and have two left feet.
chels Jun 2013
you said
"help me, i'm sad"
but i can't
because i'm sad, too.
782 · Jul 2013
chels Jul 2013
i am glad
that i can pick off my skin
bit by bit
irk by irk and pleasure by pleasure and
feeling by feeling
and bit
i am glad that sunburns don't hurt as much as they used to
and i'm glad that i don't have to tiptoe anymore
768 · Jun 2013
burn me
chels Jun 2013
echos bounce off of the
brown wooden walls
in this room;
i am stuck.
a constant ringing -
reminder of a time
that once was.
i survive through
dates carved on
bridges in front of
you avoid eye contact -
and i notice.
we are swastikas
and *** leaves
drawn in permanent marker
on the
insides of
we are phone numbers
scrawled on
bathroom walls -
do not call me for a good time.
we are cigarette burns -
               on purpose.
755 · Jun 2013
my stomach is a priest
chels Jun 2013
my refrigerator has become a mass grave for half eaten meals wrapped in tin foil
748 · May 2013
chels May 2013
Day 126:

I can't keep up with the length of your hair. I can't remember if we shook our right hands or our left. I still haven't fixed the collar on your shirt because I hung it up in the back of my closet.

Day 127:

The smell of you is fading from me, faster than that sand slipping through my fingers when we went to the beach for the Fourth of July. You walked away without a sunburn.
743 · May 2013
chels May 2013
You said that we’re just all pre-popped bubbles holding galaxies inside of us, and I shook my fist at you and said
"How is that possible? Because there’s no way that stars could live in something so broken."

I’m wondering if it’s possible to overdose on stress and raw lips because I know I would achieve death in an instant if it were.

If we’re not supposed to **** ourselves,
then tell me
why we make pills taste like candy
and why we try so hard to communicate every single feeling
yet avoid talking at the same time.

If we’re not supposed to die,
then tell me
why the only thing in this galaxy inside of me is a
black hole
vibrating a B flat
fifty two octaves too low for you to hear it.
726 · May 2013
chels May 2013
Growing up, I was taught that
was something
that only happened in
dark alleyways
I was taught that
were creepy old men
who didn't get any.

I was taught that
was something that happened to you
when you got really old
and you couldn't see as clearly as you could
when you were younger
your fingers shook a lot.

I was never taught that
38% of rapists


and I was never taught
that being *****
would affect you
for this long.
I wasn't taught
that being *****
would leave you feeling
No one ever told me
that being *****
would leave me with this feeling
that would slip under my fingernails
leave me feeling emptier than the stem of a picked flower
that's still stuck in the ground.

No one ever told me that having
would leave my body with an empty hole
all the flowers in the world
could not fill.

No one ever thought about telling me that in the past 46 hours,
201 people have successfully ended every
connection and communication
with everyone they have ever known.

201 people have left their family and friends, jobs, houses, pets.

201 people have left beds
that will never be slept in again,
and shoes
that won’t be worn anymore.

No one ever told me that in the past 46 hours,
3,076 people have fallen.
3,076 people have fallen victim
to little orange bottles with white child proof caps,
they've fallen victim to the pain that rushes through their body
when they slice through their skin,
3,076 people have heard the click when they pulled the trigger
and have felt the thin white plastic vacuum itself closer and tighter
against lips
that are getting paler, and paler.

But thank god, thank god
no one had the courtesy to tell me that sometimes
you get a second chance.

Out of those 3,076 people,
2,075 will survive to see another sunrise.

No one ever told me that.
720 · May 2013
chels May 2013
I couldn't help but let my mind wander,
And amongst the tall trees and broken shade,
My bare feet stumbled upon the place
Where you decided to grit your teeth and become something else,
Someone else.
I wish I could have been there when your skin thickened and your tongue bled.

I wish I could have been there when you learned a new language
And decided to only speak in tongues that even you couldn't understand.
I couldn't tell you things anymore;
I couldn't tell you about rich people who spend their money to help the poor,
And I couldn't tell you that sometimes,
Your parents fight in front of you and you think that its all your fault but its not, and you're okay.
You're okay.
I could only tell you that your fingers felt like needles against my skin,
And that it hurt when your pressed your lips against the tiny tears on my shoulders
And down my back.

I think you got angry,
When my eyebrows furrowed, trying to understand.
You were frustrated because I couldn't roll my tongue or my 'r's.
You were mad,
Because our eyes were different shapes and my top lip was paler than my bottom.
Maybe my nose was too crooked, maybe the lines in the face made me look tired.

You broke me into a hundred pieces,
Because with every ******,
You claimed you were my savior.
716 · Sep 2013
My language.
chels Sep 2013
My language is a dance. When I am excited, the tempo speeds up into a tango; characterized by marked rhythms and postures and abrupt pauses. I am small, but my voice is loud. I will not slump my shoulders, but I will take three steps forward, and no steps back. I will be in your face and I will pronounce my words with my history and I will say "soda" instead of "pop". I will make you hear me.
I speak to myself quietly and talk about pink satin sheets when I'm just trying to talk about the way I feel when I see him walking with her. My feelings are not words, they are colors. I will throw rocks through my own windows just by talking about myself. My language is sliding my test paper a little further past my arm when I can tell that you need help. I will help. My language consists of eye contact and tiptoeing around the question. I spend a lot of my time cursing the name of God in front of Catholics, but I do not mean to. My language is how I was raised, following angry parents through hallways and repeating words that should not have been repeated. I stumble and trip over my words like tree roots when I read out loud to the class. My language is not unique because I trace my words over everything that has ever been said around me. When I'm sad, my language is a slow dance in a burning room because I'm repeating everything bad I've ever said about myself, I'm repeating everything bad I've ever said about myself. My language is my environment; it is not unique, it is just there. My catch phrases are built on bruises caused by being shoved into lockers, but this is not sixth grade anymore. People are not "*******"; they are human, and I am sorry. Language is built upon every bad thing that has ever happened, and every reaction to it.
715 · Aug 2013
chels Aug 2013
i have found my words again
31 miles from you, half asleep
drunk words of encouragement - you are everything between stuck zippers and pulled hair
714 · Jun 2013
dear you
chels Jun 2013
thank you thank you thank you
you are fuzzy belly rubs and
unraveling spines
i am
picked scabs and
hard play-dough but
whatever we have right now is
my favorite flavor of
ice cream at
the pier in Illinois
where my mom grew up
thank you
thank you thank you thank you
my phone capitalizes the first letter at the beginning of every sentence
just like my brain capitalizes my first impression of everything
it was good
thank you thank you thank you
708 · Jun 2013
chels Jun 2013
God ******, Molly
God ******
I sailed out to sea with you because
You were afraid of exploring the world alone
And that
Is when I learned that I couldn't swim
And you let me drown

I don't know how much guilt you've felt in the last year but
It was pretty ******* ****** sitting at the bottom of the ocean
Waiting and hoping that you would save me

Of course you didn't.

I still don't know if I've been saved because sometimes the bubbles that come out of my mouth only float up.
705 · May 2013
chels May 2013
You pull on my heartstrings
than little kids
pull on fraying string
696 · May 2013
chels May 2013
I'm beginning to think I have a problem.
An obsession.

You see, I've fallen in love with an item,
an object.

I'm in love with
glow in the dark

You see,
I have bunkbeds
So I put them on the bottom of the top bunk
and I put them on the ceiling,
so that I always have something to look up to.

While I'm at it, I should probably tie a string to a stick
and hang it in front of me;
tie a star to the end of the string
so that I always have something to look forward to.
685 · Aug 2013
chels Aug 2013
I'd rather sit in silence and swallow the lump of feelings in my throat than mention that you're 4 and a half hours late and this is my only day off in the past 2 months
683 · Jun 2013
chels Jun 2013
you are
frustration because i
always want the last word but
i don't
i want to leave you hanging there
i want you
around my finger
around my thumb
why aren't you here
i am drowning in these ****** feelings
why can't you just
671 · Jun 2013
I am the Moon. (TBC)
chels Jun 2013
You said we were like the Sun and the Moon.
And I agreed, as long as I got to be the Moon
But soon I realized that,
with you as the Sun,
I didn't get to see you too often.
I got sick of your company only becoming
time spent passing each other throughout the day.
I got tired of other people falling in love with how beautiful you were;
I was young,
People never fell in love with me.
671 · Jun 2013
chels Jun 2013
For it is the same every time; trapped in my mind with all fours on the ground, ***** to the wall,
I'm sorry I can't handle touching and feeling the way children can.
667 · May 2013
chels May 2013
I am sorry that I
u­ntil it hurt to move your feet apart anything more than six inches

I am sorry that I pulled you in
only to push you away
and leave you
with a knot in your stomach the size of
                                                                ­           canada
I did not mean to pull your stitches out and
open a glass case full of ghosts and
leave the sugar crystals stuck between your teeth I am
not who you thought I was I am
moon shine and I am
a trigger warning I am a
trigger warning
Don't forget about me
chels May 2013
I am calmer
when I do not wear
on my wrist.

The seconds do not tick past my skin,
like they do when I wear a watch.

I have enough time to become the waves of the ocean;
rays of warm sun against backs sitting on hills with friends.
I have enough time to learn how to love people,
and love myself.

I am limiting myself. We are limiting each other.
We do not have time to sit around
and calm down
because we're always pushing ourselves to the next spot.
651 · May 2013
chels May 2013
I am ******.
The hum of the car competes for my attention
With the half volume playlist that I made for you
But you are not here.

Sand sticks to my feet and legs,
But I don't think he knows that.
The back of my calves rub against the cloth seats in the back of his car,
And I feel guilty.
646 · May 2013
chels May 2013
Wait! Stop!
Don't let it slip from your fingers
because you have it,

you really do.

Close your eyes and don't forget,
let the memories wash over you like a hot shower;
feel clean.
Feel beautiful,
because that's what you are.

That's what we all are.

Never forget that you have ten fingers,
and ten toes,
and no one can take that away from you.

Stop being afraid of who is behind you,
because in front of you - there are birds.
There are layers,
and tree branches, begging to be climbed.
Don't stress out when your tea gets cold because you can always make more.

I'm allergic to cats but that won't stop me from touching noses with kittens,
I'm afraid of my past but that isn't going to hold me back anymore.
634 · May 2013
chels May 2013
I'm sorry
I'm sorry
I'm sorry
I am the rock in your shoe.
605 · May 2013
chels May 2013
I had beautiful words, once.
I used them and used them
and they started to bump into eachother
and get rough
around the edges.
My words began to fray
and when they started to disappear,
so did you.

You were beautiful, once.
I don't know if you are anymore,
but our last moments are old,
and I've replayed them in my mind
over and over
and they're starting to get rough
around the edges.

I'm second guessing everything so that it doesn't hurt as much.
I didn't like it when you traced my collarbones with your lips,
I didn't like it when you pressed your palms against the inside of my thighs
and wrapped your fingers around my skin
and leaned in to kiss me
as delicately and passionately as you could.
I hated it.

Your mouth always tasted like chewing tobacco.
588 · May 2013
chels May 2013
I was never told
That one day
I would meet someone
With eyes
That didn't show my reflection
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