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Hunter E Sparks Sep 2011
Hundreds of tiny people sit behind their perfect shutter speeds trying to capture love
I guess it could be easy.
A held hand here. A forehead kiss there. Maybe an engagement band or two.
Maybe if you captured a swoony eyed gaze.
That's love, right?
That's love?
That's what a 14 yearold girl makes the wallpaper on her disposable cell phone.
The same one she uses to plan her disposable relationships.
Anyone can capture that.
What about like?
Have you ever seen a photo of the nervous silent smiles, after a simple conversation?
Where's the picture of movie theather wishful yet sweaty unheld hands?
What exposure would be best for the simpleness of sharing a soda?
I dont know, but I'd sure like to see.
KieraYale Jul 2020
And when the storm passes
The pale remains of your childhood rest exposed
Windows once pristine project your reflection back to you in a distorted and twisted fashion
As if God himself wanted to make a mockery of the sanctity of a home that was not his own
Rib like beams erupt where your bedroom once stood
Butter yellow curtains wave gently with the New Orleans breeze
To remind your six yearold self that the world is not just painful, but cruel.

— The End —