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Ciana Apr 2014
This one time, I fell in love with a scarecrow
A face chiseled from spare hand-me-downs
patches to cover the leaks
graffiti to ward off the ones who thought they were freaks
reclusive, yet humble enough to find peace

This one time, I decided it was over
I left that one time with patches to cover the leaks
I roamed with the stride of a fighter
a keep out sign to signify that I was in need
I know you'd say "if it were me, I would leave"

This one time, I went back to his post
dead trees, broken dreams and broken wings
and it was there that his cries called out to me
the crows called out,
feeding their hunger through his defeat

And that day, I left defiant
wiping the blood from my cheeks
the stride of a champion,
evidence of a slate wiped clean

you could say that I'm not clean
that I'm no better, maybe worse

my schemes are pointless thoughts scribbled on notebook paper
that my thoughts are pointless schemes scribbled on notebook paper
and I'd have to say that I'm just here to tell you,
I like to bring home the scruffy scarecrow that breaks the crows wings
and that if you were to request that he act like a civilized human being,
he would simply reply, "civilized my syphilized yarbles!!!"
Walter Alter Sep 2023
his heraldic crest
a donger and yarbles rampant
upon a field of green clover
it was a stone slab of course
donated by a few eggheads in exile
his best friends were his *******
shall we redefine the human condition
my guru continued via implication
you are tied to your ******
with many rivers to cross it's all a river
float like a butterfly sting like etc.
his heels had wings goat wings
danced merry on their way to work
there's an idea lurking in here somewhere
from the lurking transcendental government
standing guard between the seen and the unseen
try not to bleed so much kids digitize instead
this is a novelty sing along tune
hooted by two adolescent chimps
nearly inaudible due to the sound of
heavy earth moving machinery
the crowd groaned to get the signal
booed him uncompromisingly off stage
he ran into the gloom of fog and introspection
calling taxi taxi taxi in the rain
played all the frequencies at once
could have led to open rebellion
but instead was hailed a master of definitions
please make of it what you wish
since there is nothing left to do
but go bowling on rockabilly night
while madmen comics kept us ROTFLMAO
with astounding feather and glue tricks
so that his work in the aviary could have
a reaching interplanetary dimension
utterly without consequence whatsoever
the ***** press wouldn't touch it
and retired from the drapery business
it's up to us to steer this sucker
down the Grapevine and find parking
where our epic turns right on Main St.
BBQ skewers swished in the starlight
yes he was a romantic and a romanticist
Pushing the Topic up Through the Earth
was the finally finished pamphlet's title
where this goes on the graph
is anyone's guess
take it line by line
of course it was more fun
not being a running target
I am but an orphan foundling sir

From "Pageant of Naked Mischief" available on Amazon
Walter Alter Jun 2023
I was clicking through the Sonogram Network
checking the rear-view to see what's next
it may be reality but is it a necessary reality
where anything out of the ordinary is signal
oh boy another uninvited anomaly
feeding time for my forehead demon
meant I had to go on vowel patrol
because the network was ancient with consonants
and invented malicious contours of meaning
that could be written but not pronounced
knowing that thoughts control other thoughts
if that were a key what lock would it fit
his crime was an addiction to accuracy
saved by measurement time and again
then another accursed round of inner blackmail
and extortion from the catacomb moralists
civilization had gone tiger ******* mad
riding the carousel beast to their doom
leaving the steps of their TV studio ziggurats
slippery with fresh blood and beating hearts
for the contemporary retro-futurists
storming the fortifications of ignorance
with the Sunday horoscope as a map
he threw up his shrugging hands
in collective handcuffed exasperation
sleep with a pistol next to your yarbles
if you want to make a difference
in the modern world paranormal or not
now that daring had devolved to hypochondria
storming the fortifications of ignorance
with the Sunday horoscope as a road map
the ******* had so many hidden agendas
underlying rather than lying per se
making me listen alert to my muse
because her beauty sees through me also
only in a manner I can tolerate
guardian angels scream in my face
all is derived from something else
oh well enough flickers and you have light
the air becomes pearly and serene
an explanation or two never hurts
**** the covert menace go play
rattle cages make the parrots squawk
how many ideologies preach fun
the last thing he said was
no time like the present
as moonlight bore into the earth
and sanity had become a necessity
even if there is no reason
there soon will be

— The End —