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Jordan Sterling Aug 2015


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f             T

    T              e        E

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                   -o’er te blew
th’salty err shmellshlike.

Tulip Chowdhury Oct 2017
This darknes
can’t be lit
by sunlight, moon
of 100 wts or more.

I’m lost
walking blindly
stumbling, falling,
waiting for you
to hold my hand
and lead the way.

The darkness
in my being
can only be lit
by the one
holding my dreams.
Dove Dec 2013
Is it fear? Or is it love? Am in a self struggle i have reached to a point of becoming afraid of losing wt i already own!! My tears wont stop dropping i am out of words. I can hear my bones straining from the sorrow am holding. Ohhh lord have mercy on my soft heart. Days are going fast and they all look alike. Time is running and i still dnt knw wts left for me am afraid of waking up and not recognizing myself nor the ones around me.
nvinn fonia Jan 2019
i kno wts gona happen now something wil go wrong for a lott of time then something good will happen then again something badd and this will goo onn forever till i don't give up for ever but i will never give upp for ever then this will continue ******itt
Borges Oct 2021
here she goes in laying ***
there he claim i go
how does it flow
flow mi rivers decant and decant
of worlds
not sure wts to smoke tonite

— The End —