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Truly, I love this life of seclusion.
Carrying my staff, I walk toward a friend's cottage.
The trees in his garden, soaked by the evening rain,
Reflect the cool, clear autumnal sky.

The owner's dog comes to greet me;
Chrysanthemums bloom along the fence.
These people have the same spirit as the ancients;
An earthen wall marks their separation from the world.

In the house volumes of poetry are piled on the floor.
Abondoning wordliness, I often come to this tranquil place.

The spirit here is the spirit of Zen.

Zen Master Ryokan
Tawanda Mulalu Oct 2018
the wine-singing ceases its crescents as the grasses' leaves' small leaves are blown/
by wind. the wind paused by sunrise. airless and plum-coloured. my fire runs grey-dry. i'm drunk./
and well? doesn't poetry arrive here then? imagine my wordliness!: i know things!/
claiming them on some soft days as if the end of time will not yet have happened yet, grand/
as big children in bell-towered schools and the word that is taught to them there. meaning that/
the affront of the word is not something that should compel a throat opening. my throat opens/
without expectation of an other entering. through. and then what if not surprise when they do?/
and after when my tongue turns sarcophagus?: a song?: singing/
black! like mirrors and black! within it saying how here we go again with how the sun did me/
before i was born. how sturdy and taut this sunned-skin is. how apple-mouthed and coffee-bean. here we go again,/
i watch the cars go by my window with great longings of elsewheres. and fear. the red, white and blue flag-flashes,/
passing by glassily and hologrammed in front of me as the question of when, the question/
with the gun, here,/

click. icarus./
brandon nagley Jun 2015
When past addicts used to use dope
They'd always say
It was because they wanted to escape
Yes tis true
But I just loved that unearthly intense feeling
Other words getting high

Tis a dangerous thing,

Though I've realized something in the past few years,
Ive realized man fills the void of something he hast known in a past life,
Something instilled into us millenias ago in spirit form
Man fills his heart and lusts and his desires with
Dope, marijuana
The list goes on

One mayeth ask...

The why is because man knew something before
Before he came to this planet
And when his soul came to this planet
He hadst lost that intense high
The feeling only god can give
To where there are to many stories
Of people who hast crossed the other side
And want to know what those millions people hast said?
Down through the ages?

They all say the same thing,
Confirming gods word

When they were in his presence
And the angels presence as well

They spoke of a peace not ever known to us beasts
They spoke of a love that connects between thou and god
No sadness
No sorrows
Nor any hate
As in heaven many hast mentioned
That thou wilt not need to speaketh by mouth there
As gods son and his seraphim and cheribum
Communicate by thoughts (telepathy speaking)
As many hast witnessed this
They said he spoke (he gods son)
Spoke to his angels by thinking it
As this person witnessing it
Could understood what gods son
And what the angels hast communicated!!!
Up there is far different from here
Though in reality soo much alike
Ive heard many say
Heaven and the spiritual realm
Is a blue print of earth
As the saying goes
Let it be done on earth
As tis in heaven!!!

And people might not get that concept
But the earth is a mapped out blueprint
Already created in the third heaven!!
How wonderfully mind blowing
Something man canst fathom!!!

So tis purely factual
When man shoots brown in his veins
Or snorts some hemorage
To his nose

He's doing it because his soul knows
There's something it needs
A fulfilling not there to fill that emptied void!!!

And if we pay attention,
Look around us friends
The worlds in chaos

The old Jewish prophet from long ago
Once said
In the end times
The world shalt be in fedimikiya!!!
(Drug addiction) other words

And hast thou not seen?

Deaths by thousands from tar?
Tar meaning dope
What about everyone using an excuse to call something medical?
Lol medical to me means I wanna get higher than a clown on Christmas!!! Lol
And the worlds made it one big medical excuse,
To escape their depression lives and realities!!!

And what about the babies
All affected by dope
Lust for their high
Alcohol to stupor one?
Tis true
Like it or not

Man fills a void he kneweth was there all along
He seeketh it
Yet none to be had
All seem happy whilst loaded
Yet alone in their bathrooms sad!!

Taking that miry plunge
Putting on a mask
Eating pills for lunch
Making alcohol their lovers
Pushing out mum and dad
Sister and brothers

Fact harsh to ones reality

Yet in truth
That's why god said to be sober here on this godforsaken planet
Because he hast an amour
That will floweth into thee
As thou wilt his
A connection that thou all seeketh
Yet wordliness shalt not give

Words of honesty
Mine lost friend! !
Pure truth! Dont like don't comment
As a past heavy pill user and ****** phene!! I know more than you'd think (): enjoy!! Also the accounts of many by the millions for you who wanna believe these people didn't cross into heaven are more than real!! Don't think a million plus and way more are lying So sorry if u disagree just to many facts!! And while in gods presence all said same statement his love poured into them unlike any love man knows on earth!! A love man seeks with drugs *** lust magazines with **** list can go on food money!! Anything!! Just facts! And telling one what they need to hear and won't listen to!! Thanks ():
Oh PS: I do believe one may use medical drugs for medical purpose! And yes god gave us herbs for ourn use!! But when man uses them to escape reality he crosses the border lines to god and his own self!! Seeking love in the world one shalt loose their own soul coveting the world not seeking god!! Dont expect no one to like this just harsh facts many will pass up or ignore... Though to many facts (): thank you

— The End —