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WendyStarry Eyes Jun 2016
Once when I was a teen
~~~~~ I too ~~~~~
had a mood ring

Yes, it was the latest craze!
~~~ I remember that ~~~
~~ Yet, not much else ~~
~~ In that time of daze ~~

~ The color of my mood ring ~
Always seemed to stay the same
~~~~ It was a tinge ~~~
~~~ Of AquaMarine ~~~

~~ When I got It I read ~~
~~What that should mean~~
I never wore it for that factor though
~~ I wore it to feel like a Queen ~~

~My Theory is that mine~
Never changed it's shade
~ Forcasting my future ~
~Like a breaking wave~

Kinda like this poem motivated # 3 See what you started Mike Hauser! We all had those Mood rings :)
WendyStarry Eyes Jun 2015
Some may say
"She's obsessed with the clouds"
As strange as it may seem
I adore their beauty
When I gaze in the sky
I loose all self esteem
I see the strength
Of The Lord above
In cumulus elegance I feel
Supremacy of His love
Next time you are feeling down
Look up to heaven
See God's blessings clouding all around*
WendyStarry Eyes Jan 2018
Dark matter
Does it matter
In our galaxy
Does it's existence hold together
The visible universe
Or, The higher dimensions
My theory is our curiosity
Is God's intention
When we cannot figure this out
We go back where we began
We turn to Him, the truth is
Faith will let you in
Yet still mankind cannot stop
Putting the ? questonmark
At the end
Biggest question,
Is curiosity a mankind sin?
Is this the Dark Matter
That dwells within?
WendyStarry Eyes Dec 2017
Scatter kindness
Within our world
Each and every day
You will be shocked
It does not require as much
Effort as some may say
A smile, a helping hand
Just holding open a door
What you will find is that
Your positive attitude will begin to soar
Human existence is not meant to be alone
Yet, still we chose to live in a solitary zone
It takes effort for us to share our love
Oh,  but when we do we are blessed by Our Savior above
You will see
The world open to a life
That will lead others to believe
A mission which lies
Deep within our heart
To achieve
Scatter kindness about
BELIEVE, it is a start
WendyStarry Eyes May 2016
Going to the neuroligist this morning
To hear what he has to say
Recently I experienced some of the ole' time De Ja Vous
Bringing back memories
I wish I had never been through
In my heart I know
It was all part of Our Father's plan
For me to face the next battle in this world
A reminder to strive for patience and understand
My life is but a grain of sand
In His ultimate plan!
Lord, Make me a channel of thy peace- that where there is hatred I may bring love- that where there is wrong, I may bring the Spirit of Forgivness~ That where there is discord, I may bring Harmony- That where there is error, I may bring Truth- that where there is doubt, I may bring Faith- That where there is despair, I may bring Hope- that where there are shadows, I may bring Light, - That where there is sadness, - I may bring Joy.
Lord, grant that I may seek rather to comfort, than to be conforted- to understand, than to be understood- to love that to be loved. For it is by self-forgetting that one finds. It is by forgiving that one is forgiven. It is by dying that one awakens to Eternal life. AMEN
WendyStarry Eyes Aug 2016
~~Every moment in which we pray~~
Gives us the strength to acknowledge
~~~The light, The luminescence~~~
<><><That guides our way><><>
~~~It is easy for us to get adrift~~~
~~~~Let toubles overtake us~~~~
~~~~let our purpose shift~~~~
That is when we cast our Anchor
+++Give Our Lord all control+++
~ In our hearts we know  ~
+++HE is the Mighty Keeper+++
~~~~~~ Of our soul ~~~~~~
Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great
and unsearchable things you do not know
**Jeremiah 33:3
WendyStarry Eyes May 2016
Something about being alone
It is quite comfortable to me
No matter where I may be
I am in my true home
I used to feel guilt
Perhaps, perplexed it was wrong
I must need others to belong!!!
Deep within my heart I've known
The Holy Spirit is always with me
I feel the comfort
Of never being alone
Emily Dickinson – Famous Introverted People
website I was reading that motivated this write
WendyStarry Eyes Dec 2016
Father God, at last, I understand
Without faith in you
There is no hope
In any plan
For without Your love
I will never succeed
Truth be known
You are
All I need**
Now may the God of peace who brought again from
the dead our Lord Jesus, the great shepherd of the
sheep, by the blood of the eternal covenant, equip you
with everything good that you may do his will, working
in us that which is pleasing in His sight, through Jesus
Christ, to whom be glory forever and ever. Amen
                Hebrews 13:20-21
WendyStarry Eyes Jul 2017
Living alone atop a mountain
Below a stream flowing rapidly
So that no one would seek
The recluse in me
Time to time I would venture below
Flicking my toes within the stream
Writing or perhaps reading poetry
Listening to the wind brisking through the trees
Peace of Solitude with each breeze
Through beauty of nature
My heart set to un grand ease
Definition of Solitude
If you please
©Wendy Ronshausen
WendyStarry Eyes Sep 2017
Unique and different
Yet we are all the same
Our Father has us here together
To learn to love one another
Never to blame
Not to label our hardships
Or obsess over woes
To love one another
With the love that His Son
Taught us.
Amazing grace, it does grow.
Blessing to know we are never alone

Main Entry: unique
Part of Speech: adjective
Definition: alone, singular
Synonyms: different, exclusive, individual, lone, one, one and only, onliest, only, particular, rare, separate, single, solitary, solo, sui generis, uncommon, unexampled
Antonyms: common, commonplace, normal, usual
WendyStarry Eyes Aug 2017
Do we really believe
Ignoring or tearing down
The past history
Will just delete the Confederacy


No matter what
You choose to deny
No matter what
You choose to believe


We teach our children
Always to tell the truth
Even when it is painful to do

Do we not need
To follow the lessons
We teach them too
Teaching them how to follow through
Holding tight to the truth
WendyStarry Eyes Jan 2017
In this New Year headed our way
I pray that I follow God's path
I will not let this world lead me astray

No matter the politics
Health issues or pain
I will surpass
Consider all suffering gain

I pray for healing
For all the world to see
His Spirit is with us always
Our guiding light He will forever be~AMEN
WendyStarry Eyes Jan 2019
The earth is God's
Mental institution
For the human culture
The trick is to submitt
To this treatment
Of demise
Learn the lesson
To become
One with
The Lord
And Rise
JOHN 21: 18-19
"I tell you the truth, when you were younger, when you dressed yourself and went where you wanted; but when you were old you will stretch out your hands, and someone else will dress you and lead you where you do not want to go." 19 Jesus said this to indicate the kind of death by which Peter would glorify God. Then he said to him, "Follow me!"
WendyStarry Eyes Feb 2019
I find
Where ever
I be
For my
Is always
Where The
Holy Spirit
Places me
Time to time
I lose course
Get confused
The Spirit then
Guides me to
Read The word
And pray
Assurance I will
Never lose
But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood...
[God's] own purchased, special people, that you may set forth the wonderful deeds and display the virtues and perfections of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light.
1 Peter 2:9
2 Timothy  3:16
WendyStarry Eyes Nov 2020
A whirl wind
Of bliss waiting
For you
Is it Heavenly bliss
Think twice before
°•Walking through🤔
WendyStarry Eyes Jun 2020
Heavenly Father
I take Thy hand
Lord, guide me as a child
When it comes to prayer
The innocence in which they are blessed
Beneath your tender care
Deep within my soul
Lives the child of innocence
Who has found assurance
Your love and protection
Always there
When a child's world is in turmoil
That is when we children reach out our hands
Where no words are spoken
As God Always understands
He is The Child's Savior
He will guide us with His plan
If only we will give Him
The faith of a child
In the midst of catastrophe
Instead of thinking I can do
Everything on my own
Give Him faith, hold tight to His hand, knowing
God is Our Father
He has been all along
WendyStarry Eyes Sep 2020
Blue Jay
°•~'Blue Jay
Squawk my way'
Tell me all that ails
Your mind today°•
Are you set upon
°○•~A quest
To find human
°•waste that's best
To make a stable nest
Yes!°•Is, alive!!
God is guiding
Together, we all thrive!
WendyStarry Eyes Jan 2024
The heart is in the root of things
Down the trunk of life it forms
Deep inside love sings
Just waiting to send
Up good vibes
To bloom abundance
In the spring🌱
WendyStarry Eyes Aug 2020
Dreams in life
Our deep desires
Times to us they
Feel to be our true delights
Then God takes us down
His chosen trail to build upon The true empire
Turning our dreams upon a route we did not plan
Best route is to pray He will guide us to understand
WendyStarry Eyes Jul 2020
20/20 why is it that
We cannot see
God's vision set before
It is meant to be
Hatred, fear, and jealousy
Blind our eyes to the plan
Laid before us
Leading us to our ultimate destiny
Some may think this is all there will ever be
Others know His plan is
More grand than either you or me
Like the thunder rolling over our head
You can hear the grumbling
You cannot see
Lightening strikes then...we realize
Wisdom controls, we seek shelter
Fall to our knees
God help us please
Copyright :
© Wendy Ronshausen
WendyStarry Eyes Jan 2020
As I am growing older
I am starting to see
I am not the girl
I used to be
Some traits of hers
I recognize
Some I know
Were her disguise
She thought she knew
Who she was then
Little did she know
For she is ever forming
One in Him
John 17:23
I in them and you in me--so that they may be brought to complete unity. Then the world will know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me.

— The End —