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October 22nd 2012, Isaac Reihl was removed from life support, he was 14. I never knew him but I was good friends with his brother, Jacob. Isaac was hit head-on while longboarding when the oncoming car swirved into the other lane, he suffered numerous fractures to the skull, broken ribs, and more. Today, October 23rd, the announcment came over the air at school, saying that he had passed the previous day, people automatically broke down into tears, it was terrible, such a young person will never be able to experience the things in life such as love... after roughly ten minutes of silence, my teacher decided to share a poem one of her students wrote to her when she lost her mom, it brought tears to my eyes. the rest of the day, there was just an emptiness in the entire school. I would look across the cafeteria and see people hugging others, his friends crying. I didn't even know him, but the sadness just overwhealmed me, I cant even imagine what his friends, the girl who had a crush on him, his parents, his brother, people who looked to him, I just cant imagine how they feel. Its ****** he's gone, and I know this isnt a poem..but I didnt know where else to put it, Memento Mori, dont forget to live, you honestly never know when you'll die, this event has truely shown that to me.

Rest In Peace Isaac, where ever you are, wheither your in Heaven or not, your pressence is still here.
Wee Angus on his wae frae work
would hit tha pub fa a perk
O' Tennents lager frae tha keg
whiles chatting up tha barmaid Meg
A pint or twa there wae friens
a' bleathering awa like scholars an Deans
Debators O Parlimentary views
Ministers preaching o'er tha pews
Wae drink in hand they'd laugh their fill
tha glory Mead upon their bill
Yelping like some bairney pups
catching breeths atween their sups.

(nae wiser a man than yin filled wae ale
Nae greater a time than while drinking frae tha Grail.)

In football games they A' would linger
or singing songs for all's a singer
Nae matter how bad tha voice
a' would request their favorite choice
Happy all wae drink in hand
while holding up the bar they stand
In rattled curses tae tha bumping airms
while viewing o'er some lassies chairms
Whispering oot all dreams an desires
that drink within them all inspires
An' Angus kens that soon or late
he tae hame must tak tha gate.

Kenning tae deep doun inside
his drunken breath he'd better hide
Saying fareweel tae friens and foes
leaing ahind tha pub's warm burning coals
Doun he stummels tae tha chippy
tha air ootside tis crisp an nippy
Making him drunker than afore
he side steps frae door tae door
Eating his fish supper, enjoying each bite
thinking aboot all that's happened tha night.
Till there he rouns tha corner street
His hame sae warmly it does greet,
Falling o'er tha step ootside his hame
Tha door it opens, Behold his sullen Dame
Trying tae act sober wae all his might
afore his wifie here tha night
But she's nae fool nor blind tae see
his daft antics, his blabbering plea.

In comes Angus wae words O' love
tae face tha thumping slap an shove
Her roaring voice would put fear intae tha Deil
Hear wee Angus weep an squeal.

(What type O' life drink it brings
that great at first yet later stings
What worth has man tae waste his life
wae drinks illusions an its strife.
Sooner or later as true as Hell
Yin cannie live save by its spell
getting worse an worse day by day
while friens an family turn away
An Angus wheither he kens or no
has drifted where tha drunkards go
An time shall tell what fate bestows
for tha Curse O Ale, nae man knows.)

Alisdaire O'Caoimph
October 22nd 2012, Isaac Reihl was removed from life support, he was 14. I never knew him but I was good friends with his brother, Jacob. Isaac was hit head-on while longboarding when the oncoming car swirved into the other lane, he suffered numerous fractures to the skull, broken ribs, and more. Today, October 23rd, the announcment came over the air at school, saying that he had passed the previous day, people automatically broke down into tears, it was terrible, such a young person will never be able to experience the things in life such as love... after roughly ten minutes of silence, my teacher decided to share a poem one of her students wrote to her when she lost her mom, it brought tears to my eyes. the rest of the day, there was just an emptiness in the entire school. I would look across the cafeteria and see people hugging others, his friends crying. I didn't even know him, but the sadness just overwhealmed me, I cant even imagine what his friends, the girl who had a crush on him, his parents, his brother, people who looked to him, I just cant imagine how they feel. Its ****** he's gone, and I know this isnt a poem..but I didnt know where else to put it, Memento Mori, dont forget to live, you honestly never know when you'll die, this event has truely shown that to me.

Rest In Peace Isaac, where ever you are, wheither your in Heaven or not, your pressence is still here.
Alicia Strong Jul 2011
I'll always wear a smile,
When you choose to push me down,
I'll always wear a smile,
When you go to let me drown,
I'll always wear a smile,
When I cant stand on my feet,
And I'll always wear a smile,
When I truly face defeat.

Because some people say,
That when you lose it all,
Theres nothing left to live for,
And that drives me up the wall.
Cuz I don't believe its true,
Because I've really had my share,
So what you have to realise,
Is your friends are always there.

Cuz I've been down,
And I've been low,
But I dont think you really know,
Cuz when I ask you what you think,
All you do is ******* blink.

The fights, the lies,
The wins, the ties,
The deaths, The survivals,
The killers, the rivals.
Wheither its fighting off cancer,
Or just a skinned knee,
There's always an answer,
You just need to see.

My band made it far,
Further than the rest,
We won it all,
And passed the test.
But trials soon followed,
When they went to italy,
One of us was killed that day,
That one of us was part of me.

It started on my birthday,
What a great surprise,
I prayed for him that night,
I hope he never dies.
But it looks like I was wrong,
Because when all the months had passed,
My birthday came around again,
And that evil spell was cast.
I wish he had've woken up,
A coma wasnt the way to go,
It would've been less painful,
Had I chose to just let him know.
That night I'll never forget,
That brutal way he died,
He had finally awakened,
When the glass cut through his eyes.
As he tore through the windshield,
And bled out upon the ground,
The car kept going,
Leaving nothing but a sound.

I lost a dear friend that day,
I loved him with my life,
My heart was torn apart you see,
I couldnt stand the fight.
Then eventually it hit me,
And the name just made me cry,
But reflecting back upon this,
I wish I had known why.
So for one year I struggled,
And one year I fought,
For one year I kept my hope,
My heart was so distraught.
But the more I thought,
And the more I listened,
The dreams I had,
Would only glisten.
It was then I realised,
What was going on.
And he was in a better place,
His sufferring was gone.

So when you think you've lost it all,
Just give me a second thought.
When your loved one breaks your heart,
Dont let it all become distraught.
Cuz the more you worry,
The more you doubt,
And the more you lose
To what this life's about.
Cuz I've had it to.
MY heart's still broken.
But the way to live a life,
Is to never stop hopin'.

— The End —