What is in a soul?
It is all so intangible
Where we houae our passions and dreams,
Deepest anxieties and fears
Where we are most human
Where we know--or don't know
That we are part of something much bigger
Than just us
That we have an obligation to one another
And to our home the ancestors and elders
Left for us and for our kids and theirs
The soul is wbat reminds us to love mercy
And to loose the bonds of wickedness and
Deliver those who are oppressed
The soul reminds us that every
Hungry or hurtin person is the responsibility
Of us all
That's where the free market folks fail
There is no goon nor nobility in caring
Only for your own meaningless life
If separated from the whole
The soul reminds us that our meaning comes
From the struggle for the whole
The Common Good
All of us aand one aanother