Submit your work, meet writers and drop the ads. Become a member everything. Happiness isnt based on money and sometimes not even on what you're doing. Its about who your with.
its about living with no regrets
And realising that a bad thing will last a few months, so who cares if he doesnt ask you out? who cares what your parents catch doing with the one who does? and who cares what anyone says about you.
Happiness is taking a risk
and it pays off
and even if it doesnt
another oppurtunity presents itself.
happiness is staying up all night with your frends.
happiness is water fights on late summer evenings.
happiness is love....lust only gives moments of happiness to the fact you cant believe you have that leaves you eternally in wonder of how you ended up feeling so right.
happiness is being with your friends and wearing crazy *** hats in public
happiness is seeing a familiar face in nevr ending sea of lies.
happiness is no homework
happiness is having tickle fights with the one you love
happiness is lying in the sun looking at the clouds
happiness is doing wat you want to do
happiness is helping one another
happiness if giving all of you no matter how much you recieve in return
happiness is being able to speak your mind
happiness is knowing you have earnt all the praise you get and being able to say thank you...not going red, studying your shoelaces and bringing yourself down
happiness is confidence
happiness is working hard for something
happiness is being wateva you want and not caring what anyone only get to live will nevr live it down if you're on your deathbed and you realise that you've spent your whole life being what everyone else wanted you to be. living a lie
happiness is finding out who you are
happiness is coming home and your parents ask you how your day was...evn if u jst grunt back
happiness is singing in the shower as loud as you can...i mean showers hav that magical power that means no-one else can hear you...rite?
happiness is not being afraid to say someone is makes u all giggly...saying someone is good looking doesnt neccessarily mean you want them
happiness is feeling safe
happiness is feeling wanted
happiness is feeling at peace with yourself
happiness is feeling that someone always has your back
happiness is when something isnt funny..but your so happy to see someone that u cant stop smiling
happiness is that one thing you can nevr really express to someone...its like a drug, it makes you do crazy things...its make you feel ontop of the world.
this made me happy knowing that peopl will read this and feel happy
it made me happy because i made a good attempt to describe something that can nevr be completely decribed.

happiness is the one thing that keeps you going when you're like the single flowers whose colours hav turned to shades of grey

i cant explain this happiness
scott cook May 2014
Once upon a time there was a girl and a guy.
Let's just call them Bonnie and Clyde.
As soon as they met eyes, they knew it was on for life.
no matter the weather side by side they're going to fight together.
Like a bird to a feather
A bike to a pedal
Pinocchio and jepedo
I guess they got fed up,
With family saying they got to do better.
So they agreed ta "**** it" wateva
Our loving bond is a treasure
So Nothing else matters
*******.. go to hell and stay foreva.
She was his reason for life
and he was her reason to fight
And nothing could come between them..
Not even a shed of light..
So there young gunz on the run
Cold as ice.
Down for each other.
like a sister and brother
And love one another
As a husband and wife....
life is me not us so to us life is smoke so i smoke life and she get me highier then u will eva know so blaze to the end of days but life is love also so why when she speak to me i dont see her but i hear her so wat is love thats not here in my heart but i feel her there they say time will tell all the question is when is that time goin to be here cuzz the heart hurts speakin fr a person thats in love or is it but i know love is there im stuck in two worlds one real tha other a fantasy all at the same time they feel tha same blunts keep me here in the real world sober keep me in the fantasy funny rite but that kills slowly so to my love i need u and to my heart i dont feel u so wur is the body lost in all the blunts or cigs to others or wateva keep u in the real world in the end love ur life make to ur comfort
Theology Aug 2015
We're born in a hospital,then we learn in a school and then work till we die let me translate,how your born into a factory and they save the date,you get to crawling then you walking straight,then your put into school with no debate,they got u paying for college nd u flying upstate,paying to be programed couldn't see it coming like a blind date,America the United slave states, 4$ milk 100$ shoes we robots nd they making  many updates,we all human beings we just got different traits,we all sinners still got different fates,we all eating just different plates,we all can handle it just got different weights,life a movie with different rates,this is what a corrupted world creates,nd yea I had a dream like Martin Luther king,but I was dreaming in a nightmare,so what was I suppose to,I don't even a clue,do wateva for money we calling for a shot like we got the flu,we in the mix like beef stew,here Bruh I need a peer review

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