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jeffrey robin Jul 2010
me n bob dylan won day
but night was different

we hurt eachother badly
and alan was not so gay

and stopped jacking
kerouacly speaking

so we ate our sunflowers
and walted away

into the sunset

but knowing


Nightwolf Apr 2015
Song of dark days!
Souls of this dark acrid days
written with dark ink
walted with dark pen.
Wrecked with dark scrolls.

Recited by dark souls.
Remix by dark hearts.
Recked by dark arts.

Legend by dark writers.
Myths by dark tale bearers! !
Recieved dark technology.
Implement by dark nations.

Worshipped by dark religion.
Working in dark industries.
Replicated as dark angelic beings.
Now ruling as darklords in dark void of deluge eternity...

— The End —