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K G Aug 2015
Sometimes she gets on with life as a model, She's a funny kinda gal. She likes listening to music and playing chess. She likes to contemplate studying. But when she starts to daydream, Her mind turns straight to socialising.

Sometimes I look at her and I look into her eyes, I notice the way she thinks about me with only a smile, Curved lips she just can't disguise. But she thinks it's studying making her life worthwhile. Why is it so hard for her to decide which she loves more? Studying or... Socialising?She likes to use words like 'quirky' and 'lovely.' She likes to use words about people. But when she stops her talking, Her mind turns straight to depression.

Sometimes I look at her and I look into her eyes, I notice the way she thinks about me with only a smile, Curved lips she just can't disguise. But she thinks it's studying making her life worthwhile. Why is it so hard for her to decide which she loves more? Studying or me?She likes to hang out with Justine and Vitta. But when left alone, Her mind turns straight to her loneliness.
She hates herself and the rude people who stomp on her like ants. But she just thinks back to socialising, And she's happy once again.
b alexander Oct 2011
It must be the future where
in a deranged technological vision
I see her first cigarette, smoke
overflowing, eyes of perception peer
toward the doors
appearing as though they are closing.
Even if they were open, she would
not see me. How I feel? Nothing,
nothing, I’d rather not speak.
Like Monica Vitta in L’eclisse
the little caress of the wind
on her gallow-bangs; I hang
too by a tickling strand of her hair.
“I get it now. It used to be called poetry.
They think it holds secrets,
but there’s nothing in it really.”
Yeah, well, there’s nothing in beauty,
either! Or to it. If there is,
I should know it is only there temporarily
and always seen fleeing, tied to a string,
hating to talk, only able to mutter-drone:
“Je ne sais pas. Je ne comprends pas."
"I cannot speak any language.”
What purpose is caution
in the impossible assassination attempt
finding oneself caught in the substance of
the Greek labyrinth, the machine?
“We are happiness and that
is where we are heading.”
K G Aug 2015
Honestly i really don't wanna go
I really want is some gratitude
For helping you all those years
I'm attracted to your mind
So i attracted you alone into the cinema
These nightmares kept you on your feet
Which didn't keep you out of trouble
You slipped on your back
Would you like
If we took a trip
Too many times we went back
I changed my mind
Tried to call you
The only one
You didn't pick up
In the days that are gone
That I loved was you
Hundreds of messages
You didn't come over
To help me out
You ignored me
The moment you hid
I sat to think
Tried to find vitta
But i took the wrong turn
And now you see me three years on
A bitter lonely man
How did the dreams of yesterday
Run through my hand like sand

— The End —