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mvvenkataraman Mar 2010
Practice is a really great master
Who will impart great education
By canceling impending disaster
It will bring a happy elevation
By making growth come faster
It will result in a standing ovation
Everything is by practice gained
Nothing is by lethargy obtained
A king is born if he has strained
By taking action one by one
Our path gets definitely cleared
If we regard work as a great fun
Brand new horizons are discovered
If we hard-work under the Sun
By God Himself we will be cheered.

Practice makes one perfect, It will remove every defect, Gold medals are in Olympics won, Mainly due to practice under the Sun.
mvvenkataraman Mar 2010
Being lazy digs a huge grave
For our peace and won't save
A lazy fellow is never brave
He is to fate a submissive slave

Taking action he will shun
Success shows him no affection
God gives him no protection
He belongs to the losing section

A lazy man gets no sweats
Tears become his constant assets
He uses buts and loses guts
He is depressed for lack of outlets
He lies lethargically in his bed
To be passive, thinks his head
Mentally he is almost dead
His is a very negative blood

Great chances he regularly misses
He is deprived of victory's kisses
A working mind, he does not possess
He never gets success as a bonus

His brain is so lazy *** idle
Everything is to him a riddle
He is afraid of every hurdle
His life, fate will finely meddle

Work makes him fear and faint
Gloom only his thoughts paint
Against him accumulates complaint
His mind, laziness will strongly taint

Progress tells him good-bye
He is an unattractive guy
His life-river is ever dry
Only laziness, he can supply

Idleness may be initially jolly
But it is not at all holy
Angels like it not wholly
Unless he starts a venture newly

If laziness is away kicked
Losses can be wisely licked
If laziness is wrongly picked
By fate, lazy man is tricked.

mvvenkataraman Jun 2010
Postponement of  your anger
Will bring an effective solution
Delay makes mind stronger
By putting an end to confusion
With patience if you linger longer
Before you turns meek your emotion
Decide by being calm and steady
Provide mind time to study
Side with truth for a remedy
When your mouth is closed
Half the problem is solved
When your concern is disclosed
Your problem gets dissolved
When self-discipline is imposed
To help you God has resolved.

When anger is born, Hearts are torn, Peace is gone, Man becomes a pawn, He will scorn, Very tough it is then to ****, This is what wise men warn.
mvvenkataraman Jul 2011
Life on this Earth is very brief
We get mirth as well as grief
For this Cosmos God is the chief
He knows when to give relief

He puts soul into the body
To watch He is ever ready
He at last gives a remedy
Occur tragedy and comedy

He controls the entire Cosmos
He is truly the exclusive boss
He is in charge of profit and loss
Inscrutable are His Divine laws

He exercises fullest control
In the placement of soul
None knows His ultimate goal
He gives to every soul a role

Surely we can end an ant
Or destroy a helping plant
Or a mantra we can chant
Alms to the poor we can grant

Our freedom is wisely restricted
Actions are by our will effected
Noble souls are by God protected
Truth is by Him perfectly detected

The smallest creature also moves
Soul is there it strongly proves
In this way our doubts God removes
Our trust in God like this improves

Death makes the soul exit
Birth helps the soul visit
To live God will permit
Its need, end will submit

What pleasure God derives?
Why a soul here arrives?
Why God creates lives?
Why forever nothing survives?

Answers can surely be one day found
But, a soul must reach the burial ground
Its body must never at all move around
Great revelations will come to astound.

At times I think of death, Which will give no mirth, As one must leave the Earth, Compulsorily after one's birth.
mvvenkataraman May 2010
Face the task, do not retreat
Silently perform your portion
With hope let heart be replete
Success to you God will apportion
Taste life whether bitter or sweet
This will help in peace-promotion
Bad comments make all very sad
Mad attitude must not be had
Glad thoughts to peace of mind add
Calmly if duty if you discharge
Peace will steadily flow
Against you none can charge
Even if you are very slow
Scope for success is really large
This fact you must surely know.

If we work calmly, We can proceed firmly. If we silently perform, Joy and peace we can form. A quiet attitude proves we are shrewd.
mvvenkataraman Jul 2010
Through proper eating habits
A strong health you can secure
Stop foods that are culprits
As they drive you beyond cure
Fall not into disease-pits
Pray to keep your heart pure
Walking is the best exercise
Taking you to bliss to be precise
And making you perfect in size
When you have crossed young age
Being cautious is very very wise
Before ill-health causes damage
Be towards your body very nice
Avoid unnecessary medicinal dosage
Hoping God always blesses in disguise.

My age is fifty now, To be health I vow, I do exercise with love, Hope a long-life God will allow.
mvvenkataraman Mar 2010
I am hard-working
I am honestly speaking
God's love, I am seeking
Towards God I am trekking
None I am mocking
And at none I am barking
Only truth with me I am taking
I am never at all wrongly joking
But I am seriously thinking
God and my soul I am linking
And often God I am thanking
Hope and faith I am drinking
When worries come I am blinking    
Upon God's blessings I am banking
Only God I am always first ranking
With His help, problems I am sinking
While I am talking and walking
Only deep prayers I am making
With faith, at all, I am looking
Via love, a place in heart, I am booking

I am placed safe in this World-nest
I am to live trying my level best
No doubt I am showing great interest
And I am never tempted to be dishonest
Some wealth I am having to invest
I am getting also some reasonable interest
I am participating in the living-contest
Every day I am facing fate's acid test
I am also attacked by worry-pest
Also eager I am to take rest
To this World I am a guest
By being robust, I am toiling with zest
Often I am tackling the worst
For Justice I am having a deep thirst
I am having a kind heart inside my chest
I am afraid by idleness I may rust
My mind I am trying to properly dust
I am placing God always first
I am hoping God may help in my conquest
I am planning to face end with no protest.

An analysis of my personality, I am created by the Divinity, Surely there is a reason for the Almighty, He will monitor my activity, And supply me enough creativity, And also a calm mentality.
mvvenkataraman May 2010
Do well what you really know

And perform an achievement

Say to dilemma a firm "no"

To avoid foolish bereavement

When courage and guts you show

Success makes with you an agreement

Decide by thinking with wisdom

Died many who owned a kingdom

Denied is peace if you reach stardom

Let what you do at present

Be very lovingly well-done

Despite agonies, living. do not resent

With faith and hope bear the burden

Slowly and steadily make the ascent

Success will flower to surely gladden.

Things will surely happen, Our wit let us sharpen, Our heart let us open, Let our love and guts deepen.
mvvenkataraman Apr 2010
I see the body there
Their agonies all share
And express that they care
The death they could not bear
They curse the Air
Saying leaving is unfair
They feel that loss is a nightmare
They pray for God to repair
To cremate the body they prepare
They sympathize with the body's pair
To treat the body as God they dare
All hearts the sad scenes tear
Time to stay they generously spare
Such sympathy was very rare
This I can strongly declare
My pains were to all fall of hair
About my pitiable plight all were aware
O- Human beings- Please be beware
During my living you all gave a scare
Now love you kindly wear
Not knowing I went where

When I was available
I found living impossible
Though I was capable
My problems were incurable
The World was responsible
For making my life unmanageable
I was facing severe trouble
But the World was not helpfully reliable
For my downfall, World was liable
They made my life terrible
Though my condition was horrible
And I looked meek and pitiable
They found me to live unsuitable
My credentials were to them doubtable
My peace was just like that lootable
Though my malady was treatable
They made it appear formidable
In spite of my actions being laudable
They commented that I was insensible
After end, I am to all of them agreeable
O- Human beings- You are incorrigible.

The World commits mistakes, Giving lots of aches, One's heart it breaks,
After end amends it makes, But before that God takes, End puts for agonies brakes.
mvvenkataraman Jul 2010
Control your mind absolutely
And chase your goal resolutely
When temptations interfere
Never allow them at all near

By using colossal will-power
Take bath in patience-shower
Try to get that which is a must
Your mind this attitude will dust

Greed will invariably spoil
It leads to a useless toil
Contentment preserves
As it perfectly serves

When your desires increase
You gradually lose peace
Which is the most precious
So in your needs be cautious

Not that you must never expect
But, limited needs greatly protect
If your wants severely multiply
For them reply you can't supply

In that case sets in dejection
Takes place worrying action
You bring sorrow to a halt
If you realize greed is a fault

Greed will end in agony
Making feelings thorny
Develop enough attitude
That is actually fortitude

Only by constant practice
We gain peace with ease
In case desires are reduced
Peace in plenty is produced

Of course ambition is necessary
But it must not make us worry
Due to great level thinking
Ignorance man is sinking

Today make a list of your desires
From your mind if greed expires
There is born bliss in plenty
Always pray to the Almighty.

I console my soul to reduce goal to stop in bliss a big hole so that peace of mind is whole.
mvvenkataraman Apr 2010
Writing is a waiting game
May not come soon fame
One's hope time may tame
Let exist will-power flame

Normally a writer is poor
In poverty he will shiver
Having ever worry-fever
Goods, a writer will deliver

He will have an empty purse
This is a general curse
He will have none to nurse
Still, he will love the Universe

His life will have only miseries
With full of very sad stories
He knows not the joy of victories
He will lack basic necessaries

He will be a firm optimist
And in love a specialist
He will never show his fist
He is first in God's dear-list

What he has, he will donate
Is he not truly great?
He will challenge fate
Driving it out of gate

He will have a helping tendency
He will assist in an emergency
To benefit all, he will show urgency
He will support during a contingency

A poet is always child-like
No one he will dislike
His words will never spike
He and God are almost alike

A poet will never ridicule
Love is his one and only rule
He will misuse not poetic tool
Positive forces he will pool

Anger is to him totally strange
Peace only he will exchange
Happiness he will surely arrange
Equal to Divine is his holy range

A poet is a lovely master
Who will save from disaster
He can easily tame a monster
His poem is a true-booster

A poet is never a power-monger
To him will never come anger
He will make the World stronger
Let his glory linger longer.

Myself being a poet, Many ideas I get, Many I have met, I have no fame yet, Still poem is an outlet, Eyes that are wet, With deep regret, Are made happy by me I bet, As  I believe dawn is an offset to  sunset.
mvvenkataraman Sep 2010
My heart is severely bleeding
My brain is sincerely pleading

Both are by my soul affected
And by cruel World are infected

All are selfish to the core
Justice all blatantly ignore

They use ways that are unfair
All insults they want me to bear

I can surely call them highly peevish
As they make me terribly feverish

I am forced to suffer huge loss
Deepest regrets they easily cause

Their hearts contain poison
They hate me under the Sun

In case I throw a sad protest
My action they seriously detest

My sorrow has alarmingly grown
Away from peace I am thrown

My heart feels the worst pressure
My anxiety cancels all the pleasure

Ultimately to God alone I appeal
I hope via Him I will win the deal

God alone is my last resort
I believe in His giving comfort

Though at times I use profanity
I know God makes my life pretty

Only when God is by me trusted
In life I get truly interested

Human beings will easily cheat
But, God alone will kindly treat

That powerful force will act
After gathering every fact

To Him when I wholly surrender
He will take care of my blunder

He will surely offer great solace
Safest path my life will embrace

All evils God will finally massacre
He will no doubt give soothing succor

Only God will never double-cross
He will definitely arrest every loss

So I now pray and hopefully wait
A solution via God I will soon sight.

Deep sorrow , Hurts my heart, None to comfort, Minds are narrow, I am no smart, So my troubles grow, I do praying part, So God will protect this fellow.
mvvenkataraman May 2013
A kind heart does a beauty
Not done even by the Divinity
It will preserve World's sanity
Achieving among humanity unity

Confidence, it will surely supply
Healing remedies, it will apply
At the right time, it will reply
Its support, it will kindly imply

Love and affection, it will promote
In favor of peace, it will ever vote
Angelic words, it will always quote
To God, life, it will favorably devote

It will show adequate mercy
By including it in its policy
By exhibiting real courtesy
It wil make living nicely rosy

Deepest wounds, it will nurse
By canceling every curse
By removing fully bad stress
Like a mother it will caress.

mv venkataraman
Kindness is the best action, As it will give protection, Implying true affection, Removing every infection, Be kind and considerate, All will call you great, Do it now without being late, Open your heart-gate.
mvvenkataraman Jun 2022
Corona had destroyed our life-system,
Fearing death had become our custom,

Everyday was lived with  uncertainty,
What a blow to the mightiest humanity?

Children got confused very abnormally
They couldn't understand matters duly

All had lost the properly living idea
Everyone was gripped by dying-phobia

Many medical professionals died
When, to cure Corona, they tried

As Corona could terribly spread
Everyone had a confused head

Over treatment, as there was dilemma
All were frightened badly in life-drama

Even political losses were faced
As many criticisms surfaced

Corona declared a third World war
Totally shattered all humans were

Many poetic sites have fully vanished
Their existence, Corona has finished

Many have lost their lucrative job
And their peace, Corona did rob

People started to stop attending function
Everyone was gripped by severe tension

Wearing mask became a must
As, Corona, it could arrest

Old and young pathetically ended
They couldn't at all be defended

Many children became orphan
And Corona shattered full fun

Humanity distrusted one another
No question of sister and brother

Now, World has had some relief
Has left this deadly Corona thief

We must be careful and cautious
As life is absolutely precious

Be vigilant and also intelligent
Be prudent one hundred percent!

M V Venkataraman

— The End —