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rattletaptap May 2017
A one-eyed man I met,
from far away he'd traveled here.
In search of what he'd lost,
he told me of a place that can't be seen
where men who bravely die
rise in glory and await the fated day.

I did not believe his words
for then I was a fool.

Two wolves were by his side yet
I did not feel afraid.
Two ravens he had lost, he said
and asked if I could help.
My doubts would be gone
if I helped for they could speak.

Then the dreary night came on which
I met one of the two.
A tapping on my chamber door
revealed to me the truth.
"Nevermore" the raven said and
now I believed.
Stefan Thorell Oct 2015
Hösten vandrar norrut
Små steg

Denna vackra årstid
som släcker hopp

och väcker liv i
det trott utdöda

Tidigt på morgonen
brinner träden

som sol
som längtan

— The End —