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Katelyn Noland Jun 2012
Last 'eve I came upon my Walk
which said to me in baneful talk,
"Do carry on,
the day is gone,
and do not sit to write or squawk!"

I stood up in exasperation,
heeding to the consultation,
by chance I see,
oh could it be?
My one and only Adoration!

"My Love, my Dear,
why do you linger?"
Said my Darling unto me.
"You stay too long
in Thought and Song
and do not work,
nor lift a finger!"

"This Poem's my work,"
I quick defended,
"All these Abstracts I've befriended.
It takes a long time
to convince them to rhyme
and my poem's not halfway ended!"

Just then Leisure showed up on the scene.
"Why would you say that?
Why be so mean?
Can't you see that she works hard
'most every day?
Those nouns, verbs, and adjectives
get in the way!"

He said this to shield me
from Love's wicked glances.
With Tweedle and Dum
and a bottle of ***
he sat down to enjoy my advances.
Whimsy whimsy whimsy
Megan Sherman Oct 2021
The lie, the rhetoric, the cruel deceit
In mask of benevolence the public meet
So wars, for oil, be sanctioned and supported
Whilst dictators of the west remain unthwarted

In new Baghdad the last king gone
But barons maraud with tyrants key
While soldiers dumped on streets, help gone
Turn to ISIS and pledge “we”

Pacifism, love anachronisms
Conflicts rage the world around
Forging a graveyard of innocent souls
And so humanitarianism bears a wound

I pray this prison we transcend
Put our hearts back on the mend
And treat foreigners as a friend
And so to brighter day we wend

— The End —