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cmp Nov 2019
alls characteristics and traits shown not by species above ground will
inevitably be mixed with ash or soil not sky

though via archaic credo evil at labor good at work all else concerning species goes not unspare

particularly due to species of naive mind that'll inevitably succumb to ill kept will of no tru living though species to feel alive

though by phenomena intervention the species life continuum hexes embodiment of incline sojourn

via mind conundrum to think already thought of thus think clearly not species being thought through

via body conundrum one simply harbor vessel not have vessel host within vessel not host of vessel

henceforth dispense of less malleable species by means or method not their own lite would ill forsake evil in labor good at work
Paco Lypps Aug 2020
Investors search fresh Stonk market spark
Near record High
Thus much is a Lark
Left in a Lurch
Light in the Dark
Late for Church
Overdrive gear to Park
Unspare god's Rod
Spoiled child due Remark
Rigging Assail
Quirk with this Quark
Whether tis Better
We flock with the Weather
None other Options
We're in it Together
Put on the Glasses
Buckle yore seat Belt
Here is our Nadir
Will makes a heart Melt
Colorful Roses
Impasse Imposes
What two doth wish Four
Half now Discloses
Quantify Efforts
Distance spooky Magic
Insanity Repeats
Mistakes make
Trauma Bonds swim Stockholm Ponds
Guiding hand treads magic Wand
Wizard casts Spells
Fish stink Smells
Narcissus flower lines dot Lawn
Wait long enough enemy floats Buy
Demanding ruff
G-string unpry
Wedged Sand
Packing Unstuff
Wax wings the Brand
Labyrinths not Enough
Walled whaling beseeches
On Normandy beaches
Tide Retreats
Naked Reaches

— The End —