The problem with my sadness is that I cannot explain it to anyone. It is so quiet, so subtle, a reminder in the back of my mind, a gloominess overlooking all time, and in its quietness it is unbearable, unsharable, a pain all my own.
When the clouds roll in with the night, hiding the stars and even the moon so that there is no light in the sky, I close my eyes and seek another illumination. One that is all mine alone. It is the light of my truth. Mine alone Unshared and unsharable
What can I do for you Petty Labelle? Your true colors have finally been revealed. It’s about you, you don’t care if your friends fail. & because you know you’ll never be behind a veil. It’s a hole that can never heal, you’re shallow & unbearable. Very few can stand you for an extended time so the few that can become unsharable. Now that’s terrible, It must hit hard when you’re alone. That you could never turn a house into a home. You’ll be the reason people move out. & all That’s heard is how people are moving when you open your mouth. What you’re pitching is only ever caught with a glove. The true personification of the phrase “only a mother could love.”