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Jenna Kaminski Nov 2009
I didn't know exactly what to say.
It seemed just like any other day; you and I walking through these woods.
I never thought we could
take part in such a huge risk.
Don't tell me it was just a kiss
because you see,
to me,
it was so much more than that.
Don't you remember two years, past?
You told me you loved me and you took it back.
I cried and cried for three days straight.
Now I have to get the strength to fight this fate..
Because baby, I can't take the heart break.
I can barely stand to look you in the face.
You told me yesterday you made a mistake.
You said you should have chosen me but now it's too late.
You saw me with this one boy.
He makes me smile and causes me no pain.
If you truly loved me, you wouldn't play these games.
You are absolutely insane if you think I'm going to believe all that.
Ever since that one night, credibility for you, I lack.
And I guess I don't mean to imply that you're a liar so I apologize.
I just can't come to realize
that you are not going anywhere.
So at the moment all I can do is stare..
Stare into his bright blue eyes and know that with him,
there are no lies.
It's time for YOU to realize
that he means more to me than you ever did.
More than you ever will.
And again, I'm sorry if this is a bit upsetting.
But please unserstand I cant keep going on letting
you interfere.
So I'll say this once.. and knowing you maybe twice.
But bottom line my dear

You can't stay here..
Phoenix Jun 2016
Do you remember the jeep
Going for rides
With the top down
And music blarring

I sang at the top of my lungs
My hair blowing everywhere
Dancing in my seat
To Bonjovi
And Guns and Roses

We took the back roads
Absorbing the sunlight
I loved those moments
Bonding over music
That only you and I shared

Forgetting the rest of the world
Just you and me
No girlfriends
Or school
Or drama

Do you remember the White Sox game
My first baseball game
I don't remember who they played
Or who won

It was Rich and Felicia
You and me
I begged you for a hat
To remember the day

I still have it
It's hanging in my closet
By the clasps in back

It's getting old
And *****
I don't let people touch it
Not very often at least

It's an awesome memory
And people don't unserstand
What the hat means to me

Do you remember Six Flags
It was you and I
Rich and Felicia

I remember the long lines
And constant jokes
I remember waiting for superman
Nearly dying of laughter
From your stupid jokes

I was afraid
Afraid of its height
But I got on
With the three of you

It was a lot of fun
Even though I kept my eyes closed
The rush of the wind in my hair
My voice was hoarse
After screaming most of the time

I remember getting squid hats
Making funny faces for the camera
I remember getting to the front of that line

The raging bull
A large roller coaster
That I lost my nerve on
I felt bad because you wouldn't ride without me
But my fear overruled

Do you remember the sushi bar
Where I had sushi for the first time
It was an old place
And an odd experience
But one I don't regret

It felt strange
On my tounge and throat
But I enjoyed it

Learning about a different culture
From you
Something that stays between us
Something no one else can intrude on

So many memories I have
Of you and I
We don't talk much
Since I'm always busy

Sorry I'm not around much
Even though I'd like to be
Sometimes I feel out of place

But you still include me
With the family
In your life
Letting me know
That I'm welcome at any point

I love you dad
Even if I don't say it
You're stuck with me
Forever and eternity
Good memories are always there
With just you and me
Stuff I wont forget
Stuff I'll remember until I die

So here's a few
Of the things
That comes to mind
When I think of you

Happy Father's Day dad
I love you

— The End —