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Harmony Sapphire Jan 2015
A past corrupted.
Innocence & happiness is interrupted.
Evil & sin in this house has erupted.

Justice does not protect & serve.
Criminals never get the incarceration they deserve.
To do unspeakable crimes they have the nerve.

In Mexico....
To be some perverts ***.
Unreported child *** crimes bestow.
Law enforcement will never know.

Low priority cases never made it to the Hall of Justice.
Uncredible witness unrecommended.
My custodial declarations untrusted.

Too many  crimes to count on two hands with fingers of five.
Low lives with cheated wives.
In jails they are still alive.
The queen bee of their hive.

A trust destroyed & betrayed.
A little girls self-esteem frazzled & frayed.
In danger she stayed.
Clueless friends with daily she played.
In my bed at night beside me his sickness laid.
To sell my *** so he could get paid.
© Harmony Sapphire . All rights reserved
We swallow these pills
And we swallow our pride
And we swallow our tongues
And we swallow the truth,
All the while pretending
We don't feel the burn
As they slide down our throats.
Choke down this nectar,
This sweetness,
I want it to set your tongue on fire.
You need to take it all
In unrecommended doses.
All these pills,
All these lies,
All these hearts;
Swallow them and taste the heat
And watch as they crawl
Back out of our mouths
And set our lives ablaze
with melancholic thoughts.
Lm Bernal Dec 2014
It happened so abruptly
To someone close to me
With bones like lasers fixated
It was impossible to not yell
The loss of an unknown love
Unrecommended personal hell
And hope for a life above
But the tears of a woman out weighweigh the hands of a man
Unresponsible she couldn't handle the pressure what a sad plan

— The End —