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julia denham Apr 2013
Number: 2. Undiscovered
                3. Untamed
                 4. Untitled
                  5. Unamed
                   6. Unapproving
                    7. Unexplained
                     8. Untouched
                       9. Unchanged
                      10. Unharmed
                        11. Unchained
                         12. Unaccepted
                          13. Unaquainted
                           14. Unadmired
                             15. Unadaptable
                                1. un*desired
JaxSpade Jul 2019
Unaquainted with the state of fact
Incomprehension to what is lacked
Unenlightenment counterattacked
Unaquainted with the state of fact
Destitute of knowledge or how to act
You can't move forward if you face the back
Unaquainted with the state of fact
Incomprehension to what is lacked
Max Hale Jul 2018
Special is a word I was unaquainted with
It is not usually in my vocabulary
I used different words
Until I met my love

She must be the epitome of that word
The perfect match
In fact the only word that describes her
Not really, but it suits how she is to me

Fairy shoes on polished floors
Green light glowing in the waxy surface
Making glorious rings of transmitted light
Rainbows breaking up as the windows agree to let in

The dancing cherries of summer days.
Curling shadows cast from pretty arms
Made round as sleep endured
After busy day body resides in the comfortable reception

Sinking as weight increases as you let go
Relaxing muscles, duvet covers hold fast the shape of rest?
Yes rest is altered as time moves on.
No more feast of food or discussion  just peaceful slumber

Special she is as special she does
Counting simple things that endear me
Or humming a familiar tune
Checking the weather or slipping her hand in mine

She doesn't need to be extraordinary to be special
No flags or drum rolls
No letters of distinction or accolades of merit
She is special by just being mine.
Dedicated to my Jan ***
A default without the fault
Standing up and falling short
Thin walls built of all sorts
Feeling at ease not appeasing  what you want
Phantom limb an unaquainted kin
Lust at its peak when it stops

— The End —