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wake up.
youve been dreaming so long
you write the most beautiful songs
you have the most beautiful face
you have the most beautiful voice
you have the most beautiful face

i cant follow you
you go ahead
i will drown
in the oceans of sound
i am lost
and you are found

**** me
****** **** me
i cant sleep
my mind has been racing all nite long

i just time traveld
look at me
im a creature in formation
god bless me
god bless you

make us strong
make our poems long

give me something to say
give me the sky to crack

my heart is pure
my soul is clean

i am traveling through time
i am traveling through time
there it is again
on the tip of my tongue
under my thumb
i never found what i was looking for
i had it all along
Justin Dunning is the singer and guitarist for Covergeist, an American Rock and Roll Band
Vladimir s Krebs Jul 2018
I walk alone week by week with long thoughts. It feels like the worst kind of pain i known. Nomatter how long i go nomatter how far i walk. Ill never know what a life with out pain is like. Day by day these road are less traveld.  But my heart is weak and broken. The love i lost leaves the scares of my past where i have been abandoned and miss treated at alast. Your word **** me slashing and buring in my skin deep anguish. My mind is nothing but long fill shattered dreams. I have to fight or risk my life trying to fall in love with my happiness that seems ro be running away from me. Every scare you leave on my seems to tell a new begain and end were theres no heroic end. Week by week day by day be hind every bend there is a broken mind you played with. In time you will  hear my voice my mind will scream my withered heart will start to beat once more till you decide to push me away and abonded me agin. Week by week day by day all i see if pur love slipping in to my dreams i had. But my road i travel has many doors every path or door has a beginning but never a end. I try to find pure happinnes when im alone but its just seems to flate line like you left my broken heart you have broke with your tristed lies. Day by day week by week min by min second by second i walk alone with all my scares you left. Bc the love you left wasnt worth it bc of you left your cost behind it

Alone i walk with nothing but a endless fading last breath.
Walking alone should only be left to your if you cant find any other way of finding your way
Red Rose Vertigo Dec 2018
Keep in your heart everyone you love
Keep in your heart things you love
Keep places you’ve traveld
Keep roads, stairs and windows
Some of them unimportant
Some important as the air you breath
Keep friends in your heart
Keep strangers in your heart
But most importantly
Keep those who need to be loved closer
In your heart
Sander S Vatn Aug 2019
Muscle and drift
and we traveld to another place
Skin and logs
and we saw new shores
Wood and sail
and we became explorers
Steam and and guns
and we turned conqurers
Motors and Steel
And we kept the world going
I often find myself looking out onto the ocean, that roadway of centuries. There is much magic and muc power in  her and humanity have always searched for better ways to travel in her embrace.

— The End —