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matus michael Jul 2020
Born in a graveyard, a place where talent and ambition are buried; a place were reality and dreams cannot be married...
Born In a land shaped like question mark; a curse made our skin dark....
Our skin Is covered with the colour of the blind; fictitious concepts fills the mind...
When the mind Is a prison without bars; thoughts are dark as a night without stars...
When the seed of fear Is planted deep into the thoughts; the tree of hope bears fruits of doubts...
When I tookoff the black goggles clouding beauty from sight; the devil vanished like a shadow in the night...
When I picked up the pieces of a broken heart on the floor; I realized trust Is like seeking safety In a room without a door...
With a pessimistic mindset, I jumped in the river just to avoid the rain; drowning in a river of liquor just to bury the pain...
A murderous soul covered in clothed of righteousness like a Catholic nun; a liar shine bright like an angel standing next to the sun...
Why learn these *** positions when Life has been ******* Us in every way; for proud monkeys In a dying tree, death Is rest and living is a heavy price to pay...

— The End —