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"A summer day in August, with the sun brightening  a dark
blue sky.
You became a perfumed breeze that walked by.
You caught my eye.
"An August Wind" guided you to me.
I felt the warmth of it's touch.
We walked for hours, we spoke of so much.
Smiles, and laughter showed up on our first date that night.
It was felt by two, it was right.
Love at first sight.
Every August i think of that day with you in that wind,
and your perfume presence in the air.
Many times i imagine the smell of your fragrance.
I look, but your no longer their."...
I enjoyed 39 Wonderful, & exciting perfumed "AUGUST WINDS"...
My wife Jo Anne. My Soul Mate, passed Jan. 18th 2010 ..
Her perfumed fragrance was called (360 degrees)...
"So hard to let love go.
You try, and try, but the negative always shows.
Family, and a friend show their concern with a pat on the back,
and a voice crying out. "Don't worry it's going to be all right."
Eventually is like a clock that stopped in time.
Love is a quickly needed emotion, it's branded in the mind.
Will a heart someday come knocking at my door?
Will she have the magic that i patiently wait for?
Memories of my past will always be my present,
but can my  now present become my memories of my future?
Excuse me. Theirs a knock at my door!!
" Hello my name is Michael. Whats yours."
"Unwrap the Glad bag gently, and lift up Gods newest baby angel.
Free her from the woods where no toddler should ever lay.
Place her gently beneath your wings, and fly her to the Heavens
where she can once again play.
Allow her to know of the world, and how we all cared.
Tell her of our tears turning into smiles once justice is prevailed.
When she's comfortable in the Heavens have her meet "WINNIE THE POOH,"
Give her the life that was taken, and her favorite Teddy too.
Such a beautiful little girl with a name to match.
Caylee Marie Anthony your butterfly will fly.
One that we will never catch."
Dear Caylee,
"Your popularity came to us from a photo. A world of love went to you through our hearts."  
Goodbye Little Angel,
Michael De Tomasso
"Many Thirst for the water, many thirst for the love,
so many thirst for success, and the power of being above..
Still. How many thirst for "The Word" that will fill your cup each day?
This is the Thirst that is needed, it's near you in so many ways.
It will enter your ears with having your mouth much to say.
It's a Thirst that fills the soul, leading you to a bright, and better day.
I now drink of this Thirst, and all has come true.
You drink of this Thirst, and find your cup being filled too.".....
I have found the "Glory of God" in "The Word"  My cup now, is never empty!!!
"It's minutes til morning, do you think of me there?
Weeks have past. To me lonely Sunrises.
And the fragrance of you no longer fills my air.
My thoughts of you are riddled, a puzzle with missing pieces.
Never knowing of your feelings, feelings joined with hugs, and kisses.
Do you think of our once upon a time kisses, our laughter behind
closed doors?
You scratching my back, Then me wanting to scratch yours.
Morning has now fully arrived.
Another lonely sunrise for me to see.
Will she ever again call?
In this moment, by any chance is she thinking of me?..
      "I WONDER"......
For all who "WONDER"....
"I feel a warm breeze approaching, it's settling over God's land.
Angel Mouths are coming, coming to give us a hand.
Listen to their praise, their words we need to hear.,
Absorb them in your souls, for a new life will appear.
Don't be afraid they come in peace
Sent from up above, to open hearts, and minds,
Explaining Our Lords love.
Many of us don't listen, we seem to turn them away,
someday you may need them, for they will always be here to stay.
Angel Mouths are coming, Angel Mouths are here,
listen to their praise, their words we need to hear.
Their words must flow like blood pumped directly to your heart.
That's where Our Lord lives, he's been their from the start.
God's world is at a threshold, we feel his pain each day,
but an Angel Mouth keeps praying for the pain to go away.
We need to take them in, and praise the work they do,
for we are all God's children. He needs our praise too.
Angel Mouths are coming, we all know that they are here.
Listen to their praise, their words we need to hear.
If you should ever feel broken with your world falling into doubt.
Quickly. Fall to your knees, look up to the sky, and become an
Written June 10 2011.....
"We forever praise the artists for the paintings that they display.
The beauty of their work when their brushes dance to reveal an Ocean Spray.
The sunset grabs two lovers hearts from the Canvas for them to see.
They stare while holding hands, their minds are suddenly set free.
We've had our Da Vinchi's, Picasso's, and Van Gogh's , but without the creation of "THE CANVAS" would their ever of been a Michael Angelo?
For now we come to the artist whom never received any such praise,
yet his creation of Earth became his Canvas, and stage.
The visions of beauty was for the artists to see, but all the paintings
were originally God's, making them all possible, for you, and for me"..
Written Feb. 2nd 2011...
"The winter chill of death past through our love 3 years ago,
but my heart never lost it's summer after glow.
A love so wonderful in every way.
A love so wonderful that death took away.
With us being so young, not old enough to understand why,
I cry, i cry. with my words of goodbye.
Some lovers loose their way, but live until eternity,
Ours found it's way, but two hearts were set free.
Unfair you might say.
Reasons why i told you i loved you everyday.
Always fearful for when death takes us away."
All good things come to an end. Even "A LOVE SO WONDERFUL"...
"A droplet appears from your eye while caressing the cheek of your face.
It's presence, loved one's notice, and questions of what's taking place?
The tear knew of the problem before the questions began,
The answers locked in it's liquid, that can only be told through man.
If A Tear Can Speak many stories would be told. It's knowledge of the truth,
when lies were being sold.
When a tragedy occurs, and people are told of the news, a tear is never to speak, but only to show what comes out of being abused.
Yes we all know that a tear can't speak, but it's silence symbol
of happy or sad, when they decide to flow, soaking your cheeks."

— The End —