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Mia Mcdaniel Jun 2019
Ridiculous to fall for his tricks
He didn’t care but put me down
I try to forget the pain you put in me
Day and night I close my eyes I dream on lilly pollens glow
The sound of crickets chitter in joy
Glistlening leaf buds singed to have love embraced for estatic shiver
I dream for the sun to flicker against his ***** blond
To remorseless sweet left as I smell a breeze blow pass across my face
My emptyness tearsshed for tender touch realized he didn’t care tofeel  the love
I be his slave like a mule
Bowed down though he’s my king
My loving feeling for thee sheds
I realized there was nothing there in the shelf of love
I looked across beneath the tree
Lighting flickers personalities grew
I feel for peach tree buds didn’t bloom
My ocean blue eyes show the true pain
If he looked he see pain for love
I hide behind my distraction smiles
Like a rose afriad to get picked
I took peaces of my other poems added more and made another one. let me know what you guys think. #love #sadness

— The End —