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Allison Rose Nov 2012
what is lft

of th towring giants

metal skletons tht have
grwn brittle

wth age

but we cnnot retire thm

tke them dwn nd let them
rst in peace

becus we are sure

tht as long as the rmaining piecs

stay stnding

ther is smthing tht can
nvr die
Jamie Matthews Feb 2015
w0t3va mum
lyk srsly
g3t 0utta my hair

i h8 it
whn u d0 dat
u tke ma fone
fgs mum

u knw w0t
im gunna tweet bout u
u str355 m3 0ut
mum u knw w0t
F U.
Maddy Jul 2021
Those incredibly azure blue eyes hidden under your specs
The tall body that is sure and solid
You never look down on people though they look up to you
The laughter from your jokes or the magic of your smile
Your touch style ignites a passion that will tke a life time to describe
I am up to that challenge
Electricity and lightning to begin with
What was it
What it is and always has been
Love you Madly
What was it
My best friend, life partner and love of my life
They will never have a number high enough to describe it and when they do they
Will need another
What was it?
What it is, you and me
Me and you


— The End —