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Andrew T Hannah Apr 2014
Twitter tingz keep me awake
while Tumblr wont give me a break.
Facebook knows what going on
Youtube tells me nothings wrong.
You honestly thought that this was a legit poem?
You're yet another person in society who has been brainwashed by the media and everything they want you to like.
Be different.
Read REAL poetry.
Not something a guy wrote about swag.
This has been a public service announcement from Andrew T. Hannah.
I'm out.
Affixation Aug 2015
My name is gap
And I really like to fap
I only like girls that sav likes
But most of these girls are so Y I K E S
Girls like S Q and Jordan
I think I like them more den
Sav and his love for big tingz
Like bowler and how she singz
These girls are all so full of meat
I can't really see that their beat
They are sav's trusty steed
And it is now time for me to do my deed
DinoLoncar Apr 2019
Kriekgeguard: Sö tall meh how ya doeth wit despair,
and all fir of flams flewing and chewing yir up,
that the hole time yir piercenality waz,
so streing to solve it, but yir did it,
in wreighting of odders wreighting yirself down,
for yirs and yirs and yirs, the hole time
and wie all wanted tingz easey,
sö as yi sayeth, you maketh things hart,
möre difficult for understanding,
how to deal cards with comeflict
as it is with the absolutelysurd world?
Crosstianity, come thinkets, is nothing 'ese aftir all.
So cometh rill empairic, roll yir thongue.
Tall true the true tailing.

Sore: Tired Ae got.
But righting is noting,
it is a smull bud of rose,
and roses out of noting,
Ignore how day and day only tell you:
"You are a great prose stylist, you know the craft, I don't"
For a fukd, Ae might be called a prose cyclist,
but it is not me, it is the kisses muse,
you never forget it for a fukd,
first you note in, then you synthesize, symphonise, syncrosise.
It is all just music.
Gr8Ryzyngz Jan 2019
What are
WE handing down?
Heirlooms deceptions abounds
Giving out bibles
And Christianity murderously
While coining native
Kings and Queens savage
To steal OUR lands
In the name of their own crowns
Nieve hearts and minds
Couldn't see the wolves
So sheeply disguised
Herd only rumors of peaceful lies
Now building presidential boarders
After coming into OUR homes
They claimed to discover
Still while WE living in them
Only to keep US from
The stolen heritage
Of OUR OWN Birth
Rights, Rites, Writes.
Demanding that WE pledge
To their thwarted versionz
Through their demented visionz
Of Illiberal Injustices
For not one, not a few
Not even many of the majority
But FOR ALL!!!
Tingz dat mek mi go Hmmmm!!!

— The End —