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Hallie May Mar 2014
Take me away
To where only happy music plays
And the worries go away
Take me to that place.

Where there's only light
And no more fights
Where only a dream
Is all I could see.

Conquering that new horizon
Where all we are thriven
Is that quencher
Take me on a adventure.
Nigel Morgan Feb 2013
It is seven this crisp April morning. In woods before the rising path reveals the heath, there, no there, just there are the first bluebells. Most still hide their pendulous bells in sheath-like petals. When open into a bell the end flounces, splits, curls back on itself. Then the petals reveal their delicate shades of light-thriven lavender. The stout purposeful stem meanwhile allows a gathering of bells, no, a necklace of bells, bells laced around the neck.
I cannot look at this flower without knowing it is the colour that so often graces your purposeful frame, arrayed in the simplest clothes, so often in layered friendly shades; so often falling, loose, quiet, light-enhancing as your blue with grey with green eyes that hold my gaze in pillow-closeness, in that magnification of those intimate moments when one can only whisper.
The common bluebell is the first whisper of summer. It is Endymion, of the bower, a 'bower quiet for us and a sleep full of sweet dreams, and health, and quiet breathing'. In that mornings’ moment I am John and you *****. May we this vernal evening sit together as the dusk gathers darkness 'and with full happiness. . . trace the story of Endymion. . . the very music of its name gone into my being'.
Emeka Mokeme Feb 2019
The decent into
matter must be
complete before the
ascent to spirit
can commence.
There are two
opposite serpents
inside of you
and it's up to
you which
one you feed.
It depends on
you which one
you give preeminence.
There are seven virtues
high with positive
and seven deadly sins-
low with negative frequency:pride,wrath,
Which ones affects
you is entirely
up to you.
Choosing the middle
path takes you
above the ordinary
into the cortex
of the Almighty.
Your ageless soul
is not a stranger
to the sacred
exclusive secret path
within your consciousness,
it has severally
thriven on that
inner journey so
many times in time
into the sanctuary
to be sanctified.
There forever,
is his eternal
dwelling place.
©2019,Emeka Mokeme. All Rights Reserved.

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