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J Oct 2017
in prime position,
I remenice of,
A day when,
I could just ... Get on with it.
Simply a dream.
But I'm inspired
To keep on fighting.
Till I'm
of ..... Better thingx.
Like ... ... ... ... ... Anything other then the last nightmares I lived with.
... ... ... ... ...
Crimson Tidex Cross my mind,
But my life is timeless,
One day ... ... ... ... ... far from now,
I'll get my chance to start.
But ... ... ... Before that happenx,
I have to tear some
worldx ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Apart.
J Aug 2017
Getting ready to end your life,
Ain't an easy task.
Everything has to be finalised.
Therex no room for errorx,
There needx to be finalisationx,
Ticks, dotx, T's crossed.
There is no room for a mistake,
Been there, done that.
Wasted my time away,
Day after day ....
**** the government man,
And **** the cuntx who kept my kidx from me .... Hit me harder please.
You ain't taken enough from me.
I have to be happy,
With nothing man.
So hit me as hard as you can.
Hold up ..... The exz and their possiex did a good enough J.O.B.
I can't even enjoy the simple thingx.
**** man.

— The End —