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Ayush Mukherjee Dec 2019
In one of thy useless class
I saw a beautiful lass
Though being taught
My eyes couldn't wander thereoff
Even at night I kept on thinking
How beautiful was she looking
Amidst the same old boring class
I just couldn't take my mind of the lass
In time I collected my wits and guts combined
I didn't want to but asked her for date in time
And lo and behold with an affirmative reply
My was I ever not so surprised
I liked her for her wisdom and way of speech
The next day I proposed her ignoring everything
But sadly it was not to last
A relation that I wanted to have with my lass
I still love and wanted to
Take her hand and guide her through
Give her so much of love,faith and trust  that she would move on and walk on the path of dusk
Little does she know I had no ill-intent
When I said the cruel things I had wrongly said
I know apologies cannot solve it all
But I was hurt because she was just hurting herself at all
I know it's her personal choice but I can't really get my feelings to subside
I was going through the same as her
And I know if anything it hurts a lot thereof
Yenson Apr 2020
Pity the analysis of the vacuous fluffs
who groans and moans of being alone
they, a bigger picture never for contemplation
only the narrow aspects of the lesser anodynes
ask, who is alone with real family around and afar

who does withers from betrayal planned with intent
or pines the contrived fakers weaponizing fakery
creating ****** drama of which I have no part thereoff
them of little minds playing psyche warfare of sap runts
go find your absent fathers and mothers and get a life
go invest in anti-wrinkle potion coz you start withering at thirty

Pathetic makeshift souls raging in under-privileged looms
we do not share your misery cause we made hay in sunny times
to be envied cause we got things right is a privilege unsurpassed
to come from afar and achieve in chills and disfavor is a win
to show that you can hold on when tested still hold it all together
shames the slimy snakes and the rags who cannot prosper
save robbing, lying, cheating for they have no talents or graces
jealous losers with a wrecking ball full of their anger and bitterness
stained damaged irrelevant ivories uselessly playing out of tunes
when people cut you down or talk behind your back, always remember they took time out of their pathetic lives TO THINK ABOUT YOU.
You GOVERN their little minds, you are greater than they are and they know it.

— The End —