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Arabella May 2016
I met a boy who kept his heart next to him in a fragile glass jar
In his heart he kept his thoughts, views, and emotions safe from judgement and hurt
I asked if I could see the jar, just have a look
he told me no, I didn't want the burden that came with knowing too much, but I persisteted
He took out his heart and showed me it.
The bumps and ridges, the bruises and the scars
I handled this information with care, and I kept his heart in my mind and then it was as if he started to read mine.
But my curiosity was not satisfied, it never truly was.
This time, I asked if I could hold his heart in my hands, feel it beating, memorize it's rythms
No, he said.
I promised I'd be careful
"That's what she said"
It then struck me that those blemishes on his heart were fingerprints.
I swore I'd never hurt him and he refused to believe me.
So I stayed up late at night and dreamed about his heart in my hands and I knew I could repair the scratches she left.
So I stole it.
I stole his heart.
He tried to take it back but I needed it and I held on for dear life.
My eyes burned with passion infused tears and he realised just how much his heart meant to me.
"Keep it."
"I never had any other intentions."
cody dale Apr 2015
picking a fruit from the table
a poor man feasts
the theivery
the adrenaline feed him
the fruit just a sweet taste
of the heaven he will now not get
the purity of the apple
and the sugary flow of its juices
the man bathes
his belly swelling
the sweet sinful act

While this poor man eats
Another girl
she cries alone.
Lies alone in a bed of roses
Both were beautiful once,
The roses bloomed
And the sweet girl laughed.
But all days grow dark
And smiles do fade
Until this girl
and all of us
Do cry and
just a priveleged collab between myself and the admirable lottie
i did the first and she wrapped it up with the second stanza
JLGM Jul 2017
The night falls so swiftly the darkness over comes
As the moonlights up the sky the transients begin there cry

The motor bikes soar as they are  looking to score.

Greed, theivery and dispair floats thru the night air.

They are watched from a  distance Indulging  in sinfull  ways
with  begging  brings a penny or two to get them thru the day.
asking for
assistance as they are watching your every move.
We close our eyes and turn away.

Life is starving with dispair Is their no repair

The streets are  lonely and ***** no where to sleep pushing and pulling carts full of stuff we throw away.
Everyday struggling to survive.

Lost souls walking ,waiting for a chance to excape
People have no refuge besides a high they will sure see.

This place keeps you in no matter who you are.
You will Surely be  changed living life in the dark,smelting heat ,dusty wind  ,darkness is here and is all they have now.

Once you land your feet here you will never get out. Dont even try to be a scout.

So forget who you were and rest assure.
The heat will melt your soul
Always watching behind you and nothing's ever there.

Is this what the future fortells ? hold on to your shirt tails.
Hell on earth is what they say
No one lends a hand and no one cares as they are only thinking of themselves
Warp sense of morals all for a buck
What a ***** horrible place is this city in  AZ
Poor you poor me its not the place to be.
Guess what city in AZ.

— The End —